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About nuclearsean

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    United States

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  1. I'm loving the changes you've made to the redesign. It's really feeling a lot more functional and with a lot less wasted space. I'd like reinforce the suggestion to use the blank space under the ad on the right side to add a File of the Month preview as I think it would really make it complete but it looks great already. I was wondering if you could please get rid of the unattractive bar with the diagonal gray stripes on the bottom of the blogs, list of new files (both recent and today), etc? It's not really needed and since it shows up under a wall of text and directly above a new title bar anyway. Every time I see it, I cringe a bit and just wonder why it's even there.
  2. I don't have a problem with the fixed width at all. Many sites are fixed widith (IGN.com being a good example) but I do think that the space isn't being utilized well. As it stands now, only 2/3 of the current space actually has content on it and the other 1/3 just has 3 boxes and an ad so once we scroll past them, it's nothing but blank space. Perhaps maybe the most endorsed recent file could have a File of the Week/Month box on the side with a thumbnail, # of endorements and shortened description with a link that says show more. This may not be the best idea but I think that something needs to be done to better utilize all of the fixed width area.
  3. If you are having trouble viewing comments or downloading anything, try using a different browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
  4. After taking a look at all the sites, I think the contrast is still off for NVNexus, TESNexus, and DANexus. FO3Nexus and WitcherNexus both have the perfect contrast. It's easy on the eyes so I don't feel like I'm darting around the page trying to find a natural place to for my eyes to focus. I noticed you went to a duller orange on TESNexus and it's helped from where it was before but it's still too bright on the title bars. On NVNexus, maybe a brown would be more consistent with both the game colors and help with contrast. On DANexus, the maroon just needs to be toned down so it doesn't end up looking pinkish in the title bars. Also, can you put a little + or something next to the search field in the top so that we can easily access Advanced Search without the navigation buttons? I would also like to see the Top Files box on the right side of the strip above the Newest files since it doesn't seem to be there all the time and it's more useful to me than Latest Files and Latest News.
  5. JB3 replaces most every texture in the game with a higher resolution texture. There's honestly no reason to use both of those mods together unless you like the wagon/cart retex over JB3's wagon/cart textures.
  6. Get the Upgrade Wand mod to zap your equipment to the right material. It's technically cheating but it's the only way I know of to fix it. http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1115
  7. So I installed the mod after doing a clean install, patching up to 1.03 and installing other mods such as Improved Atmosphere, JBTextures, Dragon Age Redesigned, Zevran Dialog Fix, Advanced Tactics, and No Starting Abilities. Every other mod seems to be working except for this one. I've tried 2 different Origin stories and no matter what I do, the NPCs always autolevel. No clue why it's not working at all. Can someone provide some advice for helping me get this to work since I know it's a widely used mod? Can't stand when the NPCs autolevel with crap skills I'll never use. EDIT: And I found the problem. There's some type of conflict with Advanced Tactics. Not sure what it is but when I disable it, everything seems to work fine. Hmm. Any suggestions?
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