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  1. I'm looking for the list where the program checks to see what mods are checkmarked, enabled, disabled, etc. I'm rolling back to an earlier version of Nexus Mod Manager, and I'm having to repair my work. Anyone know where it's at, or what the name of the file is called so I can search for it myself?
  2. I'm not looking for a less sullen look or less dirt. I'm looking for a way to completely ignore the face change results in becoming a vampire. My reason is I want a dark face skin tone, but when I'm a vampire, the game wont let me edit the skin tone darker. The body skin tone gets darker while the face does not. I know custom races do not have this issue, but custom races are buggy with certain mods I like, so I'd rather use a vanilla race.
  3. If everything has unlimited stamina, then why are there options to drain your opponents stamina? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm just trying to figure out why such options to drain stamina exist in the first place.
  4. Yea, but I remember disabling all my mods in my mod list and still having the Serena issue occur, so I don't think that's it. I'd love to attempt to duplicate the issue for everyone else, but now I can't figure out how to break it, lol. I personally think it's a missing file issue, the FNIS, or something file related.
  5. What the... Well this is weird, all of a sudden I fixed her somehow! No more awkward posing. I wasn't even trying to fix her, yet I somehow did. Here's the various things I did before the fix: 1.) Installed Animated Prostitution (highly doubt that's the fix!) 2.) Ran GenerateFNISforUsers obtained via the FNIS mod. 3.) Updated to latest SKSE (although I'm pretty sure I was already at the latest version). 4.) In Wrye Bash, I made sure SKSE 1.5.11's green box in the bottom-left is checked. 5.) Ran BOSS. 6.) Set BetterVampires to bottom load order (just in case, since I was having issues with it in the past). Wish I had a straight-up answer, but at least this should give others the confidence in knowing there's a solution, and no, I did not use any console codes on her.
  6. I don't understand why this only happens to Serana though. If it's truly a pose mod conflict, wouldn't it happen to all female NPC's? Edit: Btw, I even disabled ALL my mods, yet she still does that stiff pose, so it has to be an animation/pose mod I installed that doesn't have a corresponding .esp. Also, yes, I did install FNIS and used GenerateFNISforUsers, so I have no clue what's going on. http://www.davidjscott.com/misc/skyrim_seranaIssue.jpg The strange thing is she correctly uses my character's custom pose (see my char above) and she also correctly uses custom sit idles, so I'm not sure what pose the game is having her play that's not working, but whatever it is, it only commences during dialog.
  7. I've replaced ext_menu and min_menu, but there seems to be one more vanilla track that is playing that I can't seem to find and replace. I need to figure out what the name is. Anyone know it?
  8. Actually, nevermind. I got into a big battle and I was experiencing some slowdown, so maybe I'm better off sticking with what I've got, lol.
  9. (For Warbands 1.143). I'm looking for a mod that will increase the amount of guys on screen, but I don't want it to be as big as 1000. I think that might crash my game, and even if it doesn't, I don't want to test it, because if it does end up crashing my game, then my campaign is probably screwed because once an army gets that big, it can't be redone, right? I want to increase my army size in baby steps, so I'd like to test a ~500 limit army, for now. Is there such a file? It needs to be for Warbands, 1.143 compatible. I know there's mods, like this, that increase it to 1000, but they give no indication they're compatible with 1.143. http://mountandblade.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1761
  10. So it seems you're referencing the default ForceGreet package then. I guess I did something to mine that caused the INVALID tags. Oh well, regardless, even the default forceGreet package does not work. The courier arrives, but just shows up next to my character, but fails to initialize conversation. Oddly enough, my character is the one who has to start the conversation. Even after the conversation, the courier still follows me, which makes me wonder if the 1st TravelTo package is stuck in an infinite loop. I'll have to experiment more.
  11. Maybe my main issue is the procedure tree. Anyways, here's a screenshot of the force greet package. It's basically the default, so shame on Bethesda if it's broken by default: And here's a screenshot of all the packages: It'd be cool if there was a mod out that accomplished a similar hunt and interact with player approach, but I have yet to find one.
  12. As a test, to isolate whether it's a dialog issue, I had an NPC travel to the player's location and attempt to attack the player. Once again, the traveling part worked, but the combat did not, therefore I know dialog is not my problem. I think the issue is I don't understand how to tell an NPC to TARGET the player, even though I specified a target selector "player (0000007)" I did find an indirect way of having him attack me: By making the NPC "very aggressive" with low disposition, but that's not really a proper solution to targeting.
  13. I made a custom courier NPC placed randomly on Tamriel's worldspace. The courier's objective... Hunt down the player, interrupt the player's wait/sleep cycle (if needed), engage in a forced greeting, and deliver a message commencing a quest for the player, then the courier leaves. The result?... The courier successfully arrives at the player's location, but he does not interrupt the wait/sleep cycle and he does not engage in conversation. Instead, he simply stands around and follows the player. Here are my packages, in order from top to bottom: TravelToPlayer: - Place To Travel; Loc: 'PlayerRef' in '(none)' radius 100. - Ride horse if possible?: False - Prefer preferred path?: False SpeakToPlayer: - ForceGreet Package Template TravelBackToEditorLoc (So he hides from the player): - Place to Travel; Loc: Near Editor location, radius 0. - Ride horse if possible?: False - Prefer preferred path?: False I swear this was a lot easier in Oblivion. I followed Bethesda's Skyrim Packages Tutorial, but it doesn't do me any good, because they're not demonstrating how to use a hunt and greet package. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Packages
  14. I'd like to replace the loading screen quotes. Does anyone know which .bsa Skyrim keeps them, and if so, can they be edited without the creation kit? I'm aware the load screen ART is kept in meshes.bsa at meshes/loadscreenart but I doubt that does me any good in editing the quotes.
  15. Awesome! Thanks IHeart. That did the trick. At first, I didn't think it worked, because when I hovered over the target I did not see a feed command, but what you also have to do is when you pickpocket them, a second window shows up asking whether you want to feed or not. Seems kind of redundant having to use pickpocket, then feed, but whatever. For some reason, my face isn't changing, but oh well. As long as I can still feed.
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