A few thoughts- Nexus has a better search function - at the moment true, but SW has just launched and has already seen upgrades. Steam being down - I have not experienced a single outage in Steam in memory, and I use it daily. Depends on location or time of day I suppose? More selection of mods - true right now, but see above Community is better at Nexus - debatable. While almost certainly going to be true because the enthusiast community here, there is no mistaking that this site has its share of shitheads as well. People would do well to remember that the Nexus family of sites weren't always the level of awesome they are now, but they got better over time. Steam Workshop will continue to evolve as well and I'm sure will be more and more viable. I use both depending on my needs. I love the Nexus mod manager (though it needs some serious love), but I equally love the ease-of-use of SW. Like the OS war, hopefully the competition will drive both to get better features going to benefit the community. Ultimately I will prefer Nexus I think, because we have nudity mods here. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif