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  1. Hey folks, I have a fairly high end PC and have been playing since release. In the last month or two I am experience nearly constant crashes within 10-15 of play. I also end up with lots of corrupted saves this way. I have quite a few mods installed (~100) but the crashes have never been like this. I have restarted a new game but it is still happening. I have not gone mod-by-mod to remove them as it would take days. I am attaching my logs hoping that someone who is good at reading them will be able to spot the problem. Note - I know that I am getting crashes from Warzones, but it seems only in those locales. I can handle that for the excellent content, but these "new" crashes are happening everywhere. Anyway, thank you very much for anyone who can diagnose the possible issues and fixes. Edit - due to limits I can only have one log up at a time it seems. I will look for another link source. ------------------------ Windows 7 x64
  2. From my experience you do not need Invisible Walls to enter Barstow...there is a door on the side of the road opposite of Mojave Station that leads to Barstow....i.e., if you are walking up the hill, the Ranger base is on the left, the Barstow door on the right.
  3. Which visual mods do you use? I've seen a few retextures but I'm not sure which is "best"
  4. I have to admit, I just returned from Skyrim and it does feel like this game is dead. I figured that people would be embracing the NMM but it seems like many mods are still not working properly with it. Many of the top 100 mods were top mods back when I first played so not a lot of change there. I'm just not finding a lot going on for FO:NV which is unfortunate, because I enjoy even more than Skyrim.
  5. I would really like to get a simple rough emerald on a necklace graphic. No amulet or metal backing, just the stone hanging on a piece of leather, a metal chain, etc. I'd like the gemstone to be green, and if possible maybe have a small glow. No sound associated with it. If someone is able to make this, I would deeply appreciate it!
  6. Korodic, Midas is full of unique and interesting spells. Phendrix has many great ones as well. They both have some rehashing damage spells, but they also have quite a few unique and interesting new ones. Since you can get the spells individually, they do not need to overload your book. Have you given them a try recently?
  7. @turbosnowy Very nice, please do! I'm working on some mods myself, when they are completed I will be sure to share.
  8. A few thoughts- Nexus has a better search function - at the moment true, but SW has just launched and has already seen upgrades. Steam being down - I have not experienced a single outage in Steam in memory, and I use it daily. Depends on location or time of day I suppose? More selection of mods - true right now, but see above Community is better at Nexus - debatable. While almost certainly going to be true because the enthusiast community here, there is no mistaking that this site has its share of shitheads as well. People would do well to remember that the Nexus family of sites weren't always the level of awesome they are now, but they got better over time. Steam Workshop will continue to evolve as well and I'm sure will be more and more viable. I use both depending on my needs. I love the Nexus mod manager (though it needs some serious love), but I equally love the ease-of-use of SW. Like the OS war, hopefully the competition will drive both to get better features going to benefit the community. Ultimately I will prefer Nexus I think, because we have nudity mods here. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
  9. I prefer Skyrim. The Oblivion, Morrowind, FO3, and FO:NV mods were great and I'd expect things with the better Skyrim graphics to be even better.
  10. /Bump. I'd love to start seeing some nasty fetish chick outfits.
  11. Source? My definition would be the opposite - that the CK is released so people can edit and enhance the game for their own pleasure first and foremost. and in my opinion they should ban you.
  12. There is nothing wrong with having a playable children mod. Having a mod to play with children however...
  13. Sorry Henry, I had rapidly edited my post after I got your meaning but apparently you still got it. My apologies.
  14. I would have no issues with reporting people requesting child-pr0n mods to the authorities, though I doubt anything can or would be done. Child predators need to take an arrow in the knee...and the head. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
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