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Everything posted by Zarrazheno

  1. I second this idea! Make this be done! Someone!
  2. That's understandable... but if 40k mods were done already... and mostly happily received... why not fantasy?
  3. I am super super excited for this! I don't have any of the skills, but I'll try learning just to see if I'll be able to help one day!
  4. Did you read the post at all? I said fantasy, not 40k...
  5. Hey guys I'm a big fan of Warhammer 40k And a follower of Warhammer fantasy. To make this posting blunt. I've looked and I've looked and I can't find any Warhammer fantasy mods for skyrim! Why is this so? It has great amour in it, there have been other threads on it on various forums all over the internet but I haven't seen anyone make any strides to do so? Armour would be nice. Weapons would be neat. Hell, even spells or, more accurately - mutations would be really neat! Remember the Marauders of Warhammer online? Their arm mutations were sweet! Why not have a spell or mutation/power mod mutation like that? It could be a simple spell that gives you a 'summoned' 'arm'. Like a club, or sword, or axe (claw)? Or it could drain magica as it remains active? Hell, someone could mod an entire talent tree into it if they wanted! Now, I would jump at this my self but I haven't a clue about modding, so there are all just ideas... thoughts?!
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