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Everything posted by Reaper864

  1. What's funny is that you don't have to be a professional to know that something looks like s#*!. If a kid doesn't know how to use a phone, a game, app, or hates the colors, the ui design, or directions, and even accessibility it's s#*! Like think about it, the people who makes smartphones(or games in the app store) with their ui and everything and it has millions of downloads today are basically GRAND WIZARDS....If a 6 year old knows how to use a phone, job well done. If he/she doesn't welp the kid is gonna get bored and do something else. Isn't their purpose to make money and not lose a customer who is addicted to their game or website?
  2. ahh just scroll all the way down in this thread there discord is at the very bottom of the page, pretty hidden
  3. yea which is unfortunate but while we still have a voice I just hope more people voice this concerns in the thread while they still can. This situation is so bad that I've never used a thread before but look where I am today.
  4. Honestly at this point I hope the fire continues until things change because unfortunately the only way things will change is not being civil about it. But being as annoying and obnoxious as you possibly can will make them open there eyes. Weirdly enough this is what happened in the U.S from both sides of the political spectrum. Want something to change just be loud and annoying...works everytim....apparently
  5. If this is on the discord and not on the website itself. I hope that people in this thread will go to discord and voice there concerns as well. I'm gonna reply to this message so this can get bumped for more users to see. This is a very sneaky move they are trying to do.
  6. So assuming they aren't going to change the UI because this new UI is a total eyesore. Can they at least change the colors, I'm not sure why but something about the colors is really messing with my eyes for some reason. Or better yet allow us (the user) to change the ui colors so it can be less of an eyesore. Also about the mobile thing, the only time that I use it, is when someone either messages me in my dms or on one of my mods.
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