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  1. even though its probably being worked on soul reaver plz
  2. can someone fix the triggering on the "blood on the ice" quest after the stromcloak or the impirial questlines have been compleated plz that would be helpful
  3. the title and topic description says it all =) plz and also the soul reaver (non enchanted version 2 hand)
  4. ok strait to the point i would like to request a combo containing 3 swords the gilded sword(from majoras mask) frostmorne and the soul reaver all mashed into a 2H blade here is how i think it should work (or look like considering) - the hilts of said blades should look uniqe when combined as one - the skull on the soul reaver and the face on frostmorne should some how be meshed togather - the blade should be curvy has the runes - the glow of frostmorne (i.e. the eyes and the blade) - and 50% strangth incress(since once u obtain the gilded sword in MM it triples ur damage) the frostmorne enchant(jojjo's version) and the soul reavers (soul trapping ability) - and the permanent enchant (like jojjo's frostmorne) so u dont have to recharge it all the time feel free to troll and to tell me its a stupid idea i dont care as long it gets made might as well have fun in the prosses am i right? i uploded the gilded sword pic since if you havent played MM in several yrs or at all there u go and since we know what frostmorne and the soul reaver looks like i didnt bother with those pics as for the sheath make it look uniqe i dont care where u put the sword when done
  5. Ok as the topic suggests make the player fight kratos from the God of war games but since he is a god make it Mehrunes dagon hard to kill (well u can kill this god anyway) and have him seek the player out and its stupid random where u will be and he does not care either u r in jail or in oblivion he will kill everything to seek u out well obvisly the guards will TRY to help u if they r in range but with his melee attacks he does im pritty sure the gaurds will fall like paper make him normal sized dont make him as tall as dagon and obvisly his dipsosition towrds the player is negative 50000000000 (i know it dosent work like that im just making a example) and i alrdy know that this cant rly be done right away so take ur time and what not finish ur other mod projects first and work on this one.
  6. why is the mod for the corrupted ashbringer or any other mods on this site gets deleted im just asking why since i have been looking for mods i used to mess with or thought about useing and now i cant becuase it dosent exist on the site no flaming plz i would like a simple strait anwser plz and thank you :thumbsup:
  7. seeing as how you get the jounal entry once u get the invite whitch is something i want to avoid getting (i have my reasons) Well, to each their own I always say. I'm sure this is doable, probably also a console method to remove the quest from your journal...if that's not immersion breaking for you. lol i have looked at the console codes i have no idea whats the number id so i will just take the mod lol and plus u will probly never get rid of the envalop since its a quest item
  8. seeing as how you get the jounal entry once u get the invite whitch is something i want to avoid getting (i have my reasons)
  9. ok strat to the point i like doing a quest in bruma (its an ironic to the quest since u spend time in jail when u talk to ur cellmate) anyway i would like a guild delay that requires say like a max bounty of 100 or higher before u get a guild invite you will have time to get ride of said bounty (if u have the thieves den DLC) or how ever u get ride of ur bounty thank you for reading and have a nice day =)
  10. HEY ALLL im baaaaaaccckkkkk =) lol anyway i need a flag mod for the fighters stronghold
  11. ah kk =P its kinda funny that when the battle music comes on that the gaurds spring into action lol
  12. no i have only that mod its wired to i got attacked in bruma as well so heh by a vamp. so im not sure if its just becuase of the mod or what o well =P
  13. from the games 7,8,10,4,and 6 like the overworld music some special event music the battle music from all of them that kind of music =P but the only thing is i dont know where to get them lol o and the music for the indoors as well and cities
  14. ok i know im probaly get 10k or so "F no" posts but im going to ask anyway. since the offical oblivion DLC site is down can some1 upload all of the DLC content for oblivion im just asking so there is no reason to get mad! :thanks:
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