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About thatoneguy8968

  1. Frankly I have no experience with modding in any way and no idea where I would even begin to make a mod like this but I've been thinking about this idea for quite some time and with enough help and guidance I might actually try. The idea I've come up with would be to change the way that weapons function statistically. Rather than having weapons that have set damage values and a single enchantment at most, to have the damage of different weapon types be generated by probability based on a range. So you can have one Iron sword with 16 damage, another one that has 14, and a really lucky one that has 22. (Think Borderlands) This range would be based on an average for each weapon type, your character's current level, and your skill level while still allowing for a rare outlier than exceeds even weapons of a more powerful type. that is to say if the average range of damage for an iron sword was 12 to 16 for your current level and skill, on average you would find an iron sword has a damage value of roughly 14 but in rare instances one that has greater damage than say an Ebony Sword or in the opposite case, one that has less damage than an iron dagger. Also, allowing for the finding of weapons that have multiple enchantments and completely original enchantments (made for the mod) on them would be nice too. This would obviously modify the vanilla weapons, but frankly I don't know enough to say whether or not this could be applied to weapons for other mods as well. Thoughts?
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