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About BangBangYouAreDead

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  1. Hi all. So I'm trying to make a simple radiant quest as part of my Gunners Overhaul mod. Dialogue, scripting, etc. I can deal with, but I'm having a massive headache getting the Aliases to work. Essentially I want the game to pick a random dungeon with Clearable and HasBoss conditions, add that location to the map, and then place a marker on the boss of that dungeon. Killing the boss completes the quest. I know exactly how to do this with unique locations and actors, but could someone give me a step-by-step on how to use aliases to make it random? Many thanks.
  2. I know this is late, but have you tried calling StopCombat() first and then StopCombatAlarms()?
  3. Currently working on an update for my mod Gunners Overhaul. I've set a Crime faction for the Gunners which tracks crime gold, and I want to set up an NPC who you can pay the crime gold to and thus reset the crime with the Gunners faction. I have the NPC set up with a relevant quest (see image attached). I run the following script: But nothing happens. I know the crime gold is there because the CanPayCrimeGold condition on the NPC dialogue works. What am I missing here? I'm going crazy over this! Please help! Update: Trying to 'player.paycrimegold 0 0 CrimeGunnerFaction' via the console in-game returns that 'CrimeGunnerFaction' is not acceptable for the Faction (Optional) part of the command. Does this mean the faction isn't being located properly? Anyone know how to fix this? Update 2: Running the script as a Papyrus fragment on end doesn't seem to help. Going to try 'CrimeGunnerFactionProperty.PayCrimeGold()' and see what happens. Update 3: Well, that didn't work either, but I figured out you have to use the Faction ID and not the Faction name. My new faction still isn't being found for some reason. This is horribly frustrating. Update 4: In case anyone runs into the a similar issue, I think I've got it. 1. Create your CrimeFaction and NPC. Don't add the CrimeFaction to the NPC.2. Add some dialogue where they ask the player to pay the crime gold.3. On the acceptance response, run the following fragment at the beginning of the Topic Info: akSpeaker.AddToFaction(pMyCustomCrimeFaction)akSpeaker.SetCrimeFaction(pMyCustomCrimeFaction) ensuring you set MyCustomCrimeFaction as a property. 4. Then run the following fragment at the end of the Topic Info: akSpeaker.GetCrimeFaction().PlayerPayCrimeGold(True, False)akSpeaker.GetCrimeFaction().SetAlly(pPlayerFaction, true, true)akSpeaker.RemoveFromFaction(pMyCustomCrimeFaction) ensuring you set PlayerFaction as a property. All done! Hope this helps somebody if you're trying to do something similar.
  4. Brilliant, thanks for your help. So to remove this from my mod, do I need to save it again when the loose map file isn't there?
  5. Okay, updated FO4Edit so I now have the Max Height Data and World Default Level data. My mod still seems to think it's updating the map for some reason.
  6. Oh dear haha sounds like something really has gone wrong. I'm using 3.1.3 which I believe is the latest version. I can't think why this has happened other than the fact I edited some Commonwealth cells and its included the map data anyway. Nothing seems to happen to my map in-game, though. Edit: As it seems to want me to pack the map data separately, could I just not pack it? Wouldn't the Fallout4.esm map data just load normally then? Edit: I do have a map retexture installed, I tried deleting it and reloading the mod with FO4Edit, but the changes were still there. Perhaps the mod texture got saved into my mod somehow?
  7. Aha, gotcha. For some reason didn't get cleaned up when I removed Identical to Master. As it's all the same data, do I need to do anything with this? http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/bcampbell112233/fo4editcleaned3_zpsosdxwn86.png
  8. Hmm, how frustrating. Looking through, it seems to only be the objects that I edited. Is it possible that my edits make the game think I've edited the map texture, when nothing's actually changed? http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/bcampbell112233/fo4editcleaned2_zpso6kntjt2.png
  9. Yeah, I already removed Identical to Master files using FO4Edit, which is why I'm suspicious of this. As you can hopefully see below, FO4Edit doesn't show any changes to the interface (GunnersOverhaul.esp is the mod). http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/bcampbell112233/fo4editcleaned_zpsd3io9cix.png
  10. Thanks again. Attached is what I'm getting. I'm planning to just upload it here, so I'll .rar it. http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/bcampbell112233/ckerror_zpsnbtncump.png
  11. Nope, no meshes, textures or scripts, so I guess I'm good. Thanks for the help. One more thing, when I try to get the CK to archive the file for me, it pops up that it wants to pack changes to the WorldMap, even though I didn't even touch it. Should I be worried about that?
  12. Hey guys. I've made a mod which adds a faction, actor, and container. Is this information contained in the .esp or the Data folder? If the latter, do I need to pack them into a BSA, and where can I find them? Thanks! It's probably a stupid question but I've been tearing my hair out over it.
  13. Thanks for the reply. Unmarked places doesn't change the map texture, just some markers. I managed to fix it by verifying the Steam cache. Means I have to clean the Skyrim esp files again, but oh well.
  14. Skyrim will work without you running them, but it will be much more unstable and you will probably get a lot of mod conflicts. They do take a fairly long time to run, you just have to wait. Check the Reproccer page on the Nexus, if I remember rightly the mod author links to a decent explanation of how to run both the ASIS and the Reproccer patchers.
  15. Use BOSS Userlist Manager to place your unrecognised plugins. Also consider whether your machine can handle things like Static Mesh Improvement along with everything else.
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