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Everything posted by MadBomberMatt

  1. In response to post #26179534. I don't really care either way though. I'm still going to buy the game because I love the Fallout series to death haha
  2. In response to post #26177589. Well a lot of us. Some of us who waited got put off of it because the character has some sort of backstory now (and is supposedly turning into Mass Effect)
  3. In response to post #26150204. #26152729, #26173909, #26177029 are all replies on the same post. I played more than 600 hours on FNV for console and I still care for the game. I guess that means I don't care at all for the game, huh? I played GTA V for almost 2 years and I still haven't modded it, where most PC players who got their hands on the game couldn't stand a full week without a mod. So that means I still don't care, right? I guess so. But if I only put 5 hours into Fallout 3 on PC where I put 400 hours on a single character on the console version, I guess that means I care more about the game on PC than I do on the console. I see your logic, endgameaddiction.
  4. In response to post #26150204. #26152729 is also a reply to the same post. ^ agreed.
  5. In response to post #26160689. It's only available on PC, Xbox ONE and PlayStation 4. I heard no word of the game being released on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, seeing that neither system would be able to run the game, even at low quality. Besides, Fallout 4 is a next gen game; why would they put it on previous gen systems? ._.
  6. In response to post #26168444. The thing that makes me wanna play the game the most is the map size and the Creation Mode. That looks epic as hell!
  7. In response to post #10410416. some people dont really like downloading manually. i mean, not saying that your idea is a bad idea (i do download manually from time to time), its just that some people dont really like doing it
  8. In response to post #9232076. #9232446, #9232893, #9238801, #9250642, #9261620, #9301712, #9316047, #9318023, #9405081 are all replies on the same post. okay, it was actually expected that this would happen. reason why? because everyone who got GTA V got on the servers at the same time. right now, there are still some bugs from it and they are being worked out as we speak. all you need to do now is be patient
  9. In response to post #9303351. #9305785 is also a reply to the same post. just the same as CoD... except the fact that it doesnt suck, the fact that it doesnt use the same thing over and over again, and mostly the fact that its nearly a complete Sandbox game.
  10. comparing two completely different games... typical over some gamers. but if i had to say, Rockstar has caught my attention more than Bethesda. but still; comparing two completely different games... really now?
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