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Everything posted by BleepBloopBop

  1. Are you running the CharGenMorph xml compiler program? you can find it on nexus mods and it automatically complies and repairs all your morph xml files into a single file for you. saves a lot of headache.
  2. Ok that part I understand so far, so I just add the file into the NBaio override packet. My biggest question is what do I need to add into the filename to make it work properly?
  3. I think I got the issued solved, I ran the game with console enabled through Modmanager and that seemed to apply the changes. For the huge tits jiggle/bounce mod that goes with Pornstar bodies, how do i install it? the description said to copy over the Huge tits installation but that's not very specific
  4. Ok, so I tried those exact steps and nothing seems to have happened. When you say remove armor, does that mean EVERYTHING including gloves and boots, or just the body piece?
  5. My problem is the same as described in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/232770-wont-let-me-drag-and-drop-into-mod-manager/ When i try to drop the files into the window indicated, there is a white circle with a dash that doesn´t allow to drop anything in the window. There is no place at all in the screen of the program where i could drop the file. I don´t understand how this is supposed to work, i gave administrator permission to the program (i am using windows 7 64 bits, uac activated), and yet the problem persist. I don´t understand what i am doing wrong, but it must be something quite dumb, the other user was able to figure it out on his own but i haven´t had any luck. :( Thanks in advance for any help. Ok i thought about this a bit, and I'm not familiar with the override creator section of Modmanager. If you mean you want to organize the files in your override folder into sub-folders, my best advice would be to just do it all manually. I think the problem you have is that most mod files go DIRECTLY into your override folder in order to function properly. DAzips are actually a type of folder, meaning they contain all the files for that specific mod. I think Modmanager just allows you to install them without having to go through a bunch of complicated steps. The Stone Prisoner DLC, which allows you to recruit Shale into your overall party, is actually considered a DAzip according to Modmanager. I am not totally sure but I think only certain override packages will work with Modmanager. Unless the mod's installation instructions specify to use Modmanager, i don't think it will work.
  6. @ Carly10, I tried that mod myself, the genderring thing is kind of useless tbh. @ Thandal, Carly10 pretty much summed up what I was looking for. I was looking to see if anyone could expand the ability to romance Morrigan as a female warden to apply to ALL of the femme scenes. I know it can't be easy to pull off, but I figured it was at least worth a shot to see if any modmakers would be interested in taking on the challenge. Thanks for your efforts to help though. Btw, even without Equal Love, the console command still lets you have sex with Morrigan as if you were playing a male warden, i believe.
  7. Ok, I have the Natural Bodies All in One mod installed, and I know i have it installed correctly. However no matter what I try, only one of my save sets seems to reflect any changes I make to the config for the mod using Modmanager. How do I get the changes to apply to my other saves? Also, how do I use the Pornstar Body mod with Natural Bodies All in 1?
  8. Ok to be more specific, the kind of mod I am looking for would give a FEMALE player character, one who was created as a female, the option to have ALL sex scences play out as if the player character was male. Would be really great if the mod was built to include add-ons such as Sappho's Daughters content (some of the scenes play out like I am talking about in these add-on mods). for your point B), there is a way to do so without any mods, i did it through the use of the console command runscript zz_app_debug. The console command lets you change romance and approval flags for each of your party members, as well as their approval rating.
  9. Ok so it would be incredibly cool if someone could create a mod (or point me to an existing one) that allows you to have sex scenes with female characters like a male warden normally would. It's already possible with Morrigan, that much i know since I did it before, so I imagine the code exists for it
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