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Posts posted by Henke100

  1. Try the console command "movetoqt" (Move to Quest Target). However, sometimes this has been known to break a quest, so have a backup save.


    On the other hand, perhaps you have not fulfilled a quest requirement to get the NPC to lead you as yet? The following might help clarify this. Start with "sqt":


    * Quests: (Use GECK, "Actor Data" | "Quests" | "Form ID" for "base id" by hovering mouse over the desired quest in the list)


    - CompleteAllObjectives <base id> - sets all objectives for the quest to a completed status (1). Useful for bypassing a bugged or broken objective.

    - caqs – Completes all stages of all quests, even quests you have not taken on, basically completely wiping out all quests of the game and completing the game without ending the game.

    - CompleteQuest <base id> - completes and removes current quest from PipBoy.

    - getqc <base id> - checks if the current quest is complete. if true = 1 false = 0.

    - getstage <base id> - gets the current objective level of a quest.

    - movetoqt - move player to current quest target location.

    - resetquest <base id> - Gives the specified quest, removing it from the quest log. Beware: often, this may force you to redo other quests to receive it once more.

    - saq - start all quests.

    - SetQuestObject - setquestobject <baseid> <1> will set the NPC or item to quest object or not (1 is, 0 not).

    - setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> - sets a quest to an objective level. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed.

    - showquestlog - show the quest log, everything the player has encountered and done in the game.

    - sqs <base id> - list all quest objective levels (stages) with current value.

    - sqt - list all of the current quest targets.

    * sqv <base id> - list quest variables.

    * set <"base id".variable> to <value> - change quest variable to value NOTE: Requires quotes around the base id of the quest.

    Example: In New Vegas, set "000E61A5".MetRangerAndy to 1 will fix Raul's quest if you've already spoken to Ranger Andy before you recruit him.


    FNV quest IDs



    Thanks for your efforts, but this is completely unrelated to my issue, i'm currently developing a mod and i'm using the GECK. and i'm having a issue getting a NPCs to move to a other travel target. I already sucessfully got my NPCs to move to a xmarker then i want him to move to another xmarker but he won't let go any ideas?

  2. Currently not ,it is going thru Antiviral checks on the server.


    That's very strange! I did post a new file recently, though for me that antivirus check went much faster and i can download it now on my screen, but that both files are under that makes me a little confused, anyhow that shouldn't hinder you from helping me, i've still got the files on my google drive, can i contact you via steam?

  3. I'll have a look when the file becomes available.

    No promises. I'm a busy Lady.



    Hello Purr4me!


    The file is already available to download, AlChestBreach even showcased it in one of his videos, anyhow i'm in desperate need of help sorting this mod out, as myself cannot do it, the edits are quite simple, some weapon edits.

    Along with some texture edits to make the vault door texture work, these are needed changes to polish the mod to it's intended release. If i can contact you via Skype or teamspeak or even steam and we can talk this further that'll be much


  4. So i've currently been planing on resurrecting my old vault 143 mod into the nexus, and so far it's been sucessful due to the low amount of mods posted into the fallout new vegas nexus, alchestbreach even showcased it on his channel! Which gave me a huge unexpected adrenaline rush!


    Here's the video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He7NxNMftbI&feature=youtu.be&t=13s


    Anyhow i need geck users to help me fix somethings and expand this http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61906/? mod, i'm unable to do it myself due to the unstable nature of the GECK

    On windows 10, i had windows 7 at the time i used to work on that mod which i no longer can do. Anyone with windows 7 and have decent knowledge of the geck please contact me!

  5. VAULT 143


    Hello there, today i'll like to showcase a idea of a mod i've been dreaming of making, a interesting vault mod, with a quests included. It's own story and things like that. But i cannot make this mod by my own, it's going to take time a lot of time. And i need voice actors, scripters, etc. To make this mod a reality. And of course i am using fallout new vegas to make this mod. I'll like to show a little sample. (note that only one day of progress has been made) The ideal thing i do want to have is


    1. A own vault.

    2. It's own story and quests.

    3. Interesting vault with unique desgin.

    4. A clean vault, with the ideal size being of really big.

    5. Twists and shocking momments.

    6. It's own textures and a few weapons.

    7. a lot of voice actors (up to 10 to 20 or even higher depending on the work)


    What i need:


    1. Voice actors (Around 10 to 20)

    2. Artists

    3. Play testers.

    4. Decent experienced GECK users.


    That's about it, i really hope this mod can become a reality, as we wait for fallout 4 to come out. Also i don't expect this to become a sucess i expect i can have some fun of it, with some peoples help if they want. PM if you are interesting in helping me.


    Oh and here is the sample.



  6. I would like to make this post for people to send all there 4k texture packs they have found all over the internet for skyrim, snice i am a enb user of skyrim i would be much greatful to find all kinds of amazing texture mods. 2k can also be sent but preferly 4k.

    First off i highly recommed you install Static mesh improvement before installing any other texture packs also if you do so, install HD fire effects first then Mesh improvement and let it overwrite the HD effects then install the texture packs above.

    Link to HD Fire effects: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/28642/?

    Mesh improvement: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/8655/?

    Here are all i have found that are atleast of 2k to 4k that's worth checking.


    Skyrim HD 2K: http://www.nexusmods...yrim/mods/607/?

    2K Imperial fort: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/49710/?

    2K landscape: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/2146/?

    2K optional ebony armor: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/37487/?

    2K complete armor and weapons pack: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/24909/

    2K Road footprints: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/7824/?

    2K Books and paper notes: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/1618/? (useful for reading notes)

    2K Nirnroot: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/36457/?

    2K Pickaxe: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/38236/?

    2K Elegant Circlets: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/49612/?

    2K Grass: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/51543/?

    2K Charcoal: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/37556/?

    2K Roadsigns: http://www.nexusmods...yrim/mods/2810/

    2K Jewels: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/27038/?

    2k Windhelm: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/7178/? (Overwrite this mod with any packs you installed)

    4K TEXTURES: (and 8k lol)

    4K Talos statue: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/1618/?

    4K Rocks and mountains:http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/5504/? Or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37256/?

    8K Galaxy: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/32644/?

    4K Snow: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/49011/?

    4K Smelter: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/54868/?

    4K Mountians: checking but it might replace other downloads i linked)

    4K Werewolf: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37266/?

    4K Trees: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/3812/? (Highly recommeded snice the other texture packs doesn't offer proper tree textures)

    4K to 2k texures for skyrim overall: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/35507/? (Don't overwrite if you are using "Skyrim HD" texturepack only let this pack replace what the other packs didn't)

    4K Gold coin: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/3018/?t

    4K Soldiers and guards: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/42404/?

    4K Fire effects: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/28642/?

    So thats it what i found folks! I would be gladly appreciated if anyone could send any texture mods i missed so just comment below!

    This post also took me more than i thought it would haha.

    You need ENB for skyrim too look extremely good

    Links: http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0261.html


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