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Everything posted by olverajathen80

  1. How exactly do I create a mod with a quest that sends a command (such as "cl off," which turns off character light) by using a script when the character loads? Any info would be much appreciated.
  2. I've been trying to find a way to get rid of the immersion-breaking glowing rim effect on the player character and NPCs using the console command "sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off" for XB1. How do I create and upload such a mod with a plugin with a quest that sends that command using a script when the character loads? If not through that way, how can I implement this? Edit: I've been told that such a modification to the game on console is impossible and only achievable on PC, which is unfortunate.
  3. Unfortunately, console commands are not supported on consoles, so it would be impossible to implement the command. Also, there isn't a specific setting to turn off the effect (that I'm aware of) in the game other than the command you mentioned. This is the only thing I've come across close to a solution. Not impossible. You'd just have to create a mod with a quest that sent that command using a script when the character loads. I think that's only possible for PC.
  4. Unfortunately, console commands are not supported on consoles, so it would be impossible to implement the command. Also, there isn't a specific setting to turn off the effect (that I'm aware of) in the game other than the command you mentioned.
  5. Since I've played Fallout 4 on Xbox, I've always noticed this out-of-place glow on characters (especially in dark areas), so I decided to see if anyone had uploaded a mod on Bethesda.net to get rid of this issue. To my disappointment, there was only a handful and they all failed in that regard; none of them actually worked. I hate this glowing effect with a passion (and there are others who do as well), so I'm taking this into my own hands (I bought FO4 on Steam and downloaded the Creation Kit for this reason alone). Any ideas?
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