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About Witgar

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    Oblivion Goty, Skyrim LE, Skyrim SE
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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Gothic, Risen - ARPG
  1. Be greeted and Hi everybody, I haven't been modding and working with the TES CK now for a long time but want to get back to it . Please be patient and keep on reading ... - Sorry for the longer introduction, but it's important, so that You'll know what it's all about and the whole Thing is a bit complex ... - In fact I realized, like I had mentioned before, that I came to modding much too late, to get really familiar with it and even though I'm still learning and trying many things, I've done quite well I guess in creating Landscape and Castles, because that's what I'm mostly interested in and where I made the most personal success . So my goal was and is, having and providing "Real Castles" with all the architectual necessities and basics, as well as tactical and life concerning needs . I know that we are in a Phantasie-World and Game but talking about playing experience and "Immersion" You might guess what I mean ... - :yes: :wink: In Oblivion and now in Skyrim I was really disappointed about many things the Bethsoft creators obviously didn't even think about, talking about Towers and staircases, Gates, Drawbridges, Interiors that fits the Exterior, Doors and Entrances that match and so forth ... - Thus beeing said and in mind, I realized that I probably won't be able to finish my Mod "Witgar's Castle World" , because it became already too big now and I still have Problems with some Interiors and NPCs, like Guards and Staff that normally have to be there . Now I would like to provide this Mod as WiP and as a Modder's resource, which might not be that difficult but I also would like to use at least one Castle or part of it as a Player-Home in the Skyrim / Tamriel-World . That way other Modders who are interested in that Theme, could work on the Interiors or create NPCs or a Quest for it . I know for sure that there are Modders in the community who are really good in creating those things, for example NPCs and/or followers with daily routines and NPC AI ... - Now I thought that it might be possible to transfer , copy and paste, whole Mesh-Parts, or even better a complete Mesh-Combination, like a smaller Castle in this case, from one Editor into the other , meaning one Editor open with my "Castle - World" and the other with a Tamriel/Skyrim Area ... ??! That would be great because that way, I wouldn't had to built the whole thing completely from scratch ... - If You are interested, please refer to the Screens under "Witgar" and my Mod-Showcase-Video for Castle "Argenstein" - here's the video : I really would appreciate and thank You for it, if somebody could answer my question, if I could work with two Editors that way . I had two Editors opened already but only to check and see things and locations in one and built in the other . I didn't try copy and paste because TES CK is not really a tool working with consequent stability o_O ... and because I had severel Crashes before and didn't want to mess things up ... - So, finally if somebody knows about that, PLEASE tell me ... - Many Thanks in advance and best Wishes and Greetings Witgar
  2. Hi Agerweb, and Thanks for the immediate answer and the suggestion ! While trying out several settings in the first place, I had increased the Cell-Load-Number anyway ... - The good thing about that was, that moving the camera about and checking the Landscape was more fluently that way and it was possible to see a wider range of the areas . Too bad that this didn't had any effect on working with the Meshes in a specific place ... - Like described before, as soon as you drag in a Model and want to place it right, or start modeling the Landscape, the Meshes around start disappearing and only the Landmasses beneath are visible ! Last night I started to build an interieur, just for testing and everything was absolutely ok. ! Even when I had set a lot of different Lights and some FX in the same area ! I don't like the "Load-Doors" in an inner cell but checking everything "ingame" later on, was ok. without bigger FPS-Drops, or CTDs . The only idea I have now is, that something important in the TES-CK.INI has to be changed, but I couldn't figure out what this might be ?! The "ugridstoload" in the editor.ini is set to standard "5" - maybe I should change that to 7, like in the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" ? Maybe I should turn off the LOD in the TES-CK, like in the SkyrimPrefs.ini , the "LODeditorLoad" is set to "0" ? It would be really great, if someone could post his/her settings for the TES-CK Render window, or a link where I can find some examples, 'caus, like mentioned before, I really searched for something like that, but mostly the functions and Menu-buttons are explained briefly, but nothing specific about the "rendering" in the TES-CK . For example, using a 3D-Software, the "Rendering-Options" is one of the Main settings you can, or have to do, for an adequate workflow . With the TES-CK, creating an "Exterieur" , this is absolutely impossible at the moment ... - If this would function, like it shoul, maybe it's possible during the last years I have, that I could create a mod, that might to get finished and posted here ... - ... ? Using the TES-CS for Oblivion wasn't easy right away, but getting this to function and load, even with all these annoying "Warnings" , it was possible to work fine with this program, and creating "Landscapes" and "Buildings / Castles" , for hours ... - ... with, I guess, some nice results ... - The TES-CK, really gave me a hard time right from the start and it seems like I'm not the only one ! But we're talking only about the "Exterieur-Modding" ... which is the irritating and weird thing about all this ... - ... because, by the way, the "NPC-Creation" also works without any problems ! Maybe it has to do with the mentioned "Loading-Process" and / or the "Camera-Movement" , so if somebody has any more suggestions or similar experiences, PLEASE write back ... - Many Thanks again, also to You "argerweb" , Greatings and Regards Witgar P.S. : ... so, ... I really wonder what all these Modders do, who create these fine Mods, without problems ???!
  3. Hi everybody and still "Happy and Healthy New Year" ! I have a new setup of Skyrim Legendary Edition with all the needed INI-Settings for the Game and the CK and everything works fine so far but I still have trouble with the TES CK and since I finally wanted to build some nice appropriate "Homes" for my certain Player-Chars and NPCs, I started looking up the "Exterieurs" in the "Tamriel" and also specific "World-Spaces" ... - But what happens PERMANENTLY is, that the surrounding Meshes DISAPPEAR and VANISH ALL THE TIME, as soon as I start moving the Camera, like rotating, zooming, etc. !!! This way it's absolutely impossible to work and create something perfectly in place and make it look nice and correct . I know that it's possible to bring the "Meshes" back by pressing the "F5-Key" , but this way, I would have to use it, press it, all the time and that doesn't work . Meaning, it's totally annoying and not possible in no way to create a Mod in the "Exterieur World Space" , if you don't see what you're doing, because the surroundings are gone !? Even if I take a Mesh, for example, a "Castle-Tower" , drag it into the Render-Window , no matter if I duplicated and renamed it with a new ID, or not, it cannot be placed correctly, because by moving it about, the "Rocks" , in this case, where I want to put it, start disappearing, as soon , as I want to work with it !? I've seen that the "disappearing Meshes" were mentioned before, but in different circumstances - Now I thought this Problem could be solved by changing some "Settings", "Values" for the "Render-Window" , like the amount of cells to load, the LOD appearance, etc. , but too bad, there is no positive result, what so ever ?! I've searched in the Tutorials here on the Nexus, in the Bethsoft CK-WiKi and on other sites, like the S.T.E.P.-Project and there are many nice Tutorials on how to work and build with the TES-CK, but I couldn't find a specific "Value-Setting" for the TES-CK "Render-Window" , so that the "Meshes wouldn't dissappear" PERMANENTLY ... - The Render-Window has various Tabs, where a lot of settings can be changed, but which one has a positive effect, moving around the Camera, in the "Exterieur" , in order to work with different Meshes/Models, no matter if we're using "Building-Parts" , "Land-Models" like big "Rocks" or "Mountain-Meshes" ... - ?! The "F5-Key" is NO solution in this case, because, like having said before, you would have to use it all the time and permanently !!! So, if somebody has an idea for help or a solution, PLEASE HELP ... - Otherwise, there's no way to work with the CK in this case !!! I really hope somebody knows about this, I really THANK YOU in advance and big Regards, Greatings to the Modders and Thanks for all the great and well done Mods here on the Nexus and other sites !!! Without the Mods "Skyrim" wouldn't be what it is ... - Hoping to hear from You soon ... Witgar
  4. Hallo and Thanks agerweb, first for your Reply and second for the help and advice .... - If this is the case that one has to use the F5-Key more or less often to keep up with the modding-work in the TES-CK, then I have to admit that this isn't really positive for this tool and it sounds like a bad technical "bug" to me ... - The question now is, if there's an existing solution to make the TES-CK more stable and pleasant for working ?? Next and last question is, if there's any possibility to make the black "oily", ugly Water in the TES-CK more "transparent" , so that you can see what you're doing "under the Water-surface" in order to create nice coast- , shore- , and harbour-areas without having to "DIVE" around everywhere, even at and in the "Flat-Water-Areas" and "Coast-Lines" ... - ?? It would be great if you know an answer or if you know where I'll find one . I had already searched for this Problem but couldn't find any hint or solution ... - Many Thanks so far and Greetings Witgar aka Argir
  5. Hi everybody, after having searched the Forum Sites and Tutorials, I now have to ask the community, if anyone could help with the following Problem and a question concerning the integration of resources in the CK - 1) After playing Skyrim now for a while and having it functioning with not too many CTDs, only once in a while, I started with the TES CK, because I thought building my own Castle or home like in Oblivion with the TES CS, could be a fine thing and if I could manage it to get finished, it would be great making the Mod public . Well, I don't know how many warnings there are but finally the TES CK starts and the Skyrim esm. , the Update and the DLCs are loaded - I also managed to find a space where not too many other things are already placed or installed and started my Mod as usual . Then after a while and the longer I tried and worked with all kinds of Statics/Meshes, the "Statics" I had put in place, started to disappear again ! So to say, the Meshes I had used for my Mod were mostly gone/invisible ... - esspecially the bigger ones like big Rocks, Mountain-Parts or big Walls , and I had to hit the "F5-Key" all the time to make the things appear and visible again ! I deleted the Mod again and started at a different place but there the same thing happened - after working for a while the Meshes were gone/invisible again ! Even zooming and rotating didn't have any effect, except the "F5-Key" - This is absolutely annoying and effective work, that makes effort and also the pleasure of creating something nice, is in no way possible like this . So it would be really great if somebody has any idea what this could be all about ... ?! 2) Now, my second question is about the integration of Modder's resources in the TES CK, how this is done if you use the Mod-Organizer and if you don't have an esp. file . Only the Meshes and Textures like it's mostly the case . There are really great resources created by the Modders in the community, so it would be a good thing to use these things and honor their work that way . So if there's an existing tutorial or someone could help, that would be fine ... - Many Thanks in advance and I hope hearing from you - Greetings Witgar aka Argir
  6. :thumbsup: Hi and many thanks to ACAkutare !! :yes: Of course you might be right with the term "rant" , you've used, but I guess it's understandable that I was totally upset about the fact that I had bought this Game with Reg-Key, age verification and everything and then, too bad, couldn't install it !? Eventhough I had tried about a whole day long - But nevertheless - now it's done ...... :dance: ......and it w o r k s !!! Allthough , inspite the mentioned facts I've did it in a different way, 'caus I didn't want the game installed from Steam, first because of the download time and second I have the original DVD as I wrote . So, what I did was installing Steam (Userinterface) and had the Game registered . After that I started Steam and changed to the "OFFLINE-MODE" and then it was possible to install SKYRIM from the DVD, which took not very long . Then I started Steam again in the "ONLINE-MODE" and downloaded the HD-DLCs 1,2 and 3 and that was it ! It's somehow reasonable that Steam provides a download for the Game in fact someone might have lost or damaged the DVD for some reason, but that its needed in connection with the installation-process I still think this is absolutely needless and redundant . It would have been a lot more better and comfortable if you get installed the software first from DVD, see if it works correct and THEN get it registered with your own account, like it is done and practiced with many, many other software ! I just did so with a video-editing-program I use, and there it's also possible to recieve support, downloads and a backup in case something happens to your original version . Now, ironically, I have some trouble installing the Mods I would like to use, but having Mod-Organizer installed I have the chance to keep the game-installation clean . :smile: Saying again many thanks, with greatings and regards Witgar
  7. :smile: Hi Forummembers and Nexus-Team, I come up with this Question because right now after trying for almost a whole day I'm :verymad: absolutely annoyed and angry about this "Steam-Crap" because I think it's in N O W A Y acceptable that players/Fans/Users buy a "Retail-Version" of "SKYRIM WITH Reg.-Key-Code" and it's not possible in any way to install this Game from the DVD !!! :wallbash: I finally managed to set up a new System with Windows 7PRO , Admin-Rights and to buy me a Retail Version of "Skyrim" . :dance: Since I already knew about the "STEAM-PROBLEMS" , I wanted to find out about , how to install the Game from the DVD and found several Tutorials, but they all finally came to the the same Procedure as mentioned below and that's the way I tried and tried and ..... :verymad: but it doesn't work , so here is what I did : 1. Installed Steam on a seperate Harddrive/Partition - after that the Steam client started and wanted an internet-connection for updating, but since there was none the process was cancelled . So far so good - or not - 2. Opened the Win Command Line and typed in the following : (Letter of HDD):\Steam\steam.exe - install (Letter of DVD-Drive): Now what happened was that the STEAM-Client opened up again and wanted to start the above mentioned "UPDATE" again - so I connected to the Internet and the Procedure began , BUT - after a short while it said, that STEAM wasn't available at the MOMENT AND THAT I SHOULD TRY LATER !!! THE LATER IS NOW ALMOST "24 HOURS" AGO, I'm absolutely in the mood to take the biggest sword and kill those who developed this .... !!! In fact it's no Problem to get on the "Steam-Site" and look around there (couldn't find a Hint how to solve Problem), so why isn't it available for installation and why do I need Steam, when I use a Retail AND NOT Download -Version of that Game !!! I really would like to know who's responsable for this absolute bad, shitty and irrelevant INSTALLATION-PROCESS !!! SO IF YOU CAN, HAVE A SOLUTION AND/OR ANY IDEA HOW TO GET AROUND THIS, so that I don't have to throw the damn thing into the trash or sell it for a low Price , PLEASE ANSWER AND HELP !!! WITH MANY SPECIAL THANKS AND REGARDS WITGAR
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