Not sure if this has ever been addressed. The first time i started modding was Oblivion. Not that I myself am a modder, but its when i discovered installing mods into the game to make the experience better. Needless to say, I wasn't very good at modding and ended up uninstalling the game and re-installing it several times. I did not keep track of my hours. But, I did learn the techniques to installing mods and learning load order and all that stuff. With Skyrim, i have modded it extensively with all my favorite mods and I have not had the need to uninstall my game due to bad scripts or conflicting mods that caused CTDs. With that being said, Steam has accurately kept track of all the hours I have played (or at least had the game running). I have hit the 1000 hour mark in Skyrim according to steam and was wondering if anyone else has hit that hour mark also. This is probably pathetic and you might be saying get a life. Most of those hours are while I was deployed (Soldier in the US Army). Things get boring when not working while deployed, so one tends to log a lot of hours in Skyrim. Anyway, wanted to see if anyone else has hit 1000 hours or maybe even more.