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  1. Yes! Also, allow the play to wear NPC clothing. I really want to wear Jan Zizka armor!
  2. I would love to hold a Lantern instead of a torch in KCD2. Like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/1756
  3. I guess we will have to be patient. I'm sure someone will make/edit a set to be as realistic as possible. I just like Jan Zizka set. It just looks cool to me.
  4. True! I'm sure someone will make it eventually. I hope asap. EDIT: You can get a helmet like his. I got it during a quest. It's called Hounskill bascinet. I want his armor set. It looks very cool!
  5. I have not finished the game. So, I don't know if its possible to obtain. I just hit the second map. I really like Jan Zizka set. Can anyone make a mod that allows us to wear NPC gear? Please.
  6. Ok! I will give it a try when I get home. That was it. Thank you very much! I really appreciate the help.
  7. Did you ensure that you had a 0 length .tbl file with the same name? I have the .tbl that I copied from the main file. Shields live in 'melee_weapons', 'weapons' and related files rather than in 'armor' (I did not mean to put armor. I was tired and frustrated trying to figure it out) When I change the axe stats. It worked perfectly. So, I did the same thing with the shield. Searched for the ID. I copied weapon.xml and weapon.tbl, and changed the stats to defense="13.25" max_status="73" str_req="4" I took the numbers from another cumin shield. I Wanted 113 defense instead of 80 for a weaker shield. It won't change for me. I tried doing it on a piece of armor. Same results with the shield. This is the order I placed it in my KCD mod folder. KingdomComeDeliverance\mods\MyMod\Data\Tabes.pak\Libs\Tables\itemIn this folder Is:weapon.xmlweapon.tblmelee_weapons.xml melee_Weapons.tblarmor.xmlarmor.tbl Do I have to make my own .tbl or use the one from the game? The original one works with the axe I edited, so I thought doing the same with the shield/armor would be work too. The only reason I have the Rar Tables.pak in the mod. I downloaded mod and that is how they had theirs. I don't know if it supposed to be like that, but again. The axe still works and not the armor/shield.
  8. I successfully changed stats of the weapon I wanted to change. mods/Mod Name/Data/Tables.pak/Libs/Tables/items/melee_Weapons.xml When I do the same for armor/Shield. The stats do not change in game. mods/Mod Name/Data/Tables.pak/Libs/Tables/items/armor.xml I tried having all the files in one folder, and also tried having all the armor as separate folders. No matter what I do. The stats in game will not change. I can't find anything at all on google. I know I must be doing something wrong. I just don't know what. I'm lvl noob when it comes to this type of stuff. Any help will be grateful. A link to something explaining everything in detail for be extremely awesome!
  9. I found this http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/630800444985930336/ It's from 2013. I don't know if it will still work.
  10. I have a 144Hz monitor. If I don't use windows mode. I get screen tearing. I just can't win with Skyrim SE :(
  11. I do have a profile for it. I also set it to cap for 60 FPS. What you see in the video is the profile with FPS cap at 60. It obviously did not cap it at 60 fps lol. I have been fooling around with the mods. It seem as long as I don't use Realistic Lighting Overhaul or Enhanced Lighting. I get 45-60 fps depending on the area. I don't understand why these mods are causing me trouble. I have always used one or the other with their recommended mods. I am going to try a END next. I'm sure it will drop my fps too, but I won't know until I try.
  12. I will give it a try! ​​Gave me more FPS in the menus, but made the game even more buggy. Also the main issue I posted above is still there. Thank you for trying to help! Video with your settings https://youtu.be/Fkc4jCs8cYo
  13. Video showing the problem. https://youtu.be/DtokKzWgOWA âPC Spec ------------------ GPU - Radeon R9 Fury x ( All drivers up to date ) CPU - AMD FX-8350 4.34GHz ( I know it's outdated ) Mainboard - Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 Memory - DDR3 16GB Dual Chan Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Mod list/order ( I Use LOOT ) ----------â-------- Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp Differently Ebony.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp SparklesSE.esp FNIS.esp EnhancedLightsandFX.esp ELFX - Exteriors.esp Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp ELFXEnhancer.esp ELFX - Weathers.esp TW3Plate.esp Skysan_ELFX_SMIM_Fix.esp Smoking Torches.esp Billyro Swords.esp Billyro's Weapons.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp cheat room.esp Things I have tried to "fix" it. â----------â-------- SSEdit - Followed https://youtu.be/fw3g_N1jcZQ SSE Fixes - Checking "Data\DLLPlugins\FPSFixPlugin.dll" ... OK - loaded. low - Ultra settings with BethINI Presets and Recommended tweaks. Windowed Mode, Bordeerless and TAA off. iVSyncPresentInterval=0 iPresentInterval=0 bLockFramerate=0 Turn vertical refresh off in game. Turing it always on, with OpenGL Tripple Buffering in Radeon stettings. Uninstalling all mods, and reinstalling them one by one. Going into game to test them. Deleted everything, and deleted the game for a fresh install for everything. Getting desperate Unparked cores Park Control CPUCores::Maximize your FPS Razor Cortex Windows 10 game mode Maybe someone with more knowledge can help me figure this out. I am completely confused. If any additional information is needed. Please let me know.
  14. It's not that I'm looking for a simulation.. It's just I want to try and get more immersed and believably realistic. Well maybe one day someone could make it! thanks for the post back. :)
  15. Is there a mod to remove all monsters and dragons? I'm looking for a mod that will turn it into a more realistic medieval feel. I have done some searching and could not come up with anything.
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