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    Skyrim, Dark Souls 2 & 3, Guild Wars 2

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  1. Such mod most likely doesn't exist, simply because it would be a tremendous amount of work for something so minor (for vast majority of players anyway). A mod would have to edit player's skeleton and/or every affected animation to make it work. I don't think such detailed work is even possible for MHW modding.
  2. You use Guard Up to make unblockable attacks blockable (max 1lvl of skill) and use Guard to reduce pushback from attacks (max 5 lvl of skill). I use a lot of Lance and HBG and just lvl 3 of Guard is usually enough. Chargeblade may need less since you can "charge" your shield (gives 1 lvl of Guard) and if you practice your timing, using guard points is like getting another extra Guard lvl (so from gear/decos, 1lvl of Guard is usually enough). IRC Lance in IB got "free" Guard Up as if you "charge guard" ( [R2] + (O) / [RT] + (B) ), then hold dodge ( (X) / (A) ) and wait for that bluish glow to appear (just be careful since it requires a moderate amount of stamina). Luckily, Shield deco won't be only-RNG dependent in 2 weeks (Fatalis update).
  3. You can already see all completed quests except for those that appear under certain conditions (Xeno/Zorah RNG, special arenas) when you select a new quest. (orange/red completed means all quests for that tier are completed, blue "completed" means all discovered quests in that tier are done).
  4. It would help TREMENDOUSLY if input wasn't also disabled when changing item wheel (you need to wait for a wheel to fully fade in, THEN you can change it). This delay ruined so many of my hunts already (this, and non-cancellable Wyvernheart loading)...
  5. I think a mod like this is impossible to make. A mod would need to know what quest are you currently on, read it's data (target monster) and do all this mid-loading. I really don't think mods have such deep level access. Maybe just write down a list of weakspots (or even HZVs if you're more into details) of a monster on a sheet of paper or print one out. Edit: well, some Stracker's plugins do some really crazy stuff, but that's still a ton of work for something very minor (though if anyone can and wants to help, don't mind me).
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/4162 You know, it wasn't hard to find it at all...
  7. Well, I was installing some mods and after uninstalling them I got this problem: http://www.img-share.net/uploads/91Schowek01.jpg Does someone know how to fix this? Because of this I can't enter any shop or something cause all NPCs are behaving like if it was night, even though the night never approaches ( time is frozen during day ). I was trying to find console command for setting game's time but I couldn't find it, I also looked for gamesetting in GECK to change hour with it but it seems like there isn't any. Playing with timescale didn't help either... Other saves works fine but I don't want to play from the start :( Edit: Nevermind that - I removed all my saves by accident and I don't think that this problem will occur again ( and even if, I will always test installing and uninstalling mods before playing them normaly ) ...
  8. Well, I know how to type commands in console :P But I was curious if there is just NPC that could change your face for money or something, so you wouldn't have to use "cheats". I mean you can easily change your sex, face and race ( maybe hair style also ) using showracemenu.
  9. Thank you guys ;) By the way: this command, showplasticsurgeonmenu sounds like it's function created just for changing your face. So is there any NPC or item/activator that works similar to robot in player's house that lets you change your hair style?
  10. Hi there! I don't know if it's rude or something since I'm totally newbie here, but I have a request: could someone tell me what are popular mods for faces/hairs/bodies? I just recently got F3 and all my experience related to mods comes from Morrowind and Oblivion ( I think I'm fairly knowledgeable about mods in TES4, I can even make little ones ( I haven't uploaded anything though) ). I already found out that best body mod ( by endorsements ) is "DIMONIZED TYPE3 female body WIP" but that's only for females and this mod alone won't make my characters more beautiful ( I don't like original faces and I also saw much more prettier girls on various mod screens ). So, can anybody help me here? P.S: How is my English ( I need this info for self-improvement :D) ?
  11. Recently I've been getting many CTDs when exploring certain areas (like area around Battlehorn Castle or this imperial fort near Vilverin). I use a lot of mods so it's not suprising. However I would like to disable mod that causes this CTDs (I cannot play when the game crashes after 5 minutes of exploring new areas). So, is there anything like script log that could tell me which script was loaded last and therefore leaded to CTD?
  12. Hmm, but it doesn't solve my problem, does it? I need to know how to unequip actor of all items he wears or how to force script to use OnEquip block when item is equipped with actor.EquipItem function and I think that body mod doesn't affect that.
  13. Well, I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you simplify it a bit ( English isn't my country's language )? I mean, I don't exactly know what to do - change base models for males and female for these one that Robert made?
  14. How can I unequip actor ( or at least player ) from all items he is wearing? I'm using "Expanded hotkeys and spell delete" mod and when changing my armour set using ALT + 9 or ALT + 0 it doesn't unequip any items - only equips new ( so if I have armour, bow and arrow in one set, when I change to second set without them, my character still has them equipped ). So is there a way to first unequip all items and then equip new items? I could solve my problem by using special items that would unequip themselves right after equipping them but block OnEquip in script doesn't work when item is equipped using EquipItem function. Can someone help me?
  15. Does someone here know some or even one japanese site with mods for oblivion? I'm looking for them because of many cool anim/pose and items mods.
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