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Everything posted by RarityIsBoss

  1. So you use LOOT? FYI that's a lot of mods. And you may want to shave off any HD stuff maybe get the 1k - 2k textures, that's all I can think of, Cause from the specs you gave me, It appears you don't have a graphics card. And, are probably running with integrated graphics. (the thing you screenshotted, it doesn't display your card, look for dxdiag.exe with your start menu, and tell me your graphics card.)
  2. This was a post in the mod;s forum thread discussing the issue. They apparently solved the problem by "fixing the folder structure". I don't know anything beyond this. (BTW, nice editing skills. Just looking at it makes me laugh.) As it turns out there simply wasn't any textures for lips ...
  3. Specs and Load Order, would be useful.
  4. Sorry about the all caps. Honestly didn't notice.
  5. http://i.imgur.com/zZVPDgf.png TOP : THE 2k Makeup mod - Active and in the load order MIDDLE : SKSE.ini - has iTintResolution=2048 BOTTOM : Blocky lips.
  6. Wrong topic sorry.
  7. Is it possible to upload it somewhere that isn't dropbox, It'd be cool to try this even in beta stage, but i keep getting Error 500 upon downloading through dropbox.
  8. A mod that also is compatible with better vampires mod, As that is what I use. But the main reason I ask is that I don't find it believable that civilians would immediately spot a vampire, I'd need to be closer, and actually face them, As the only thing that show that i'm a vampire is my eyes, So if I'm wearing head ware, I shouldn't be attacked unless talking to a civilian directly for them to make eye contact, or something. This would be my first mod request, And I do not know how difficult this may be :p ~Thanks for reading
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