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Posts posted by GajusObacus

  1. Thanks man for answer!

    So, exactly you mean:

    1. Open the mod with the mannequins, Set as active.

    2. Place one mannequin in scene, change ID with some letters in the beginning. Save asset.

    3. Save mod or not? And close.


    4. Open both my mod and the mannequin mod. Set my mod to active.

    5. Add new mannequin asset.

    6. Save.


    Will this work If I upload my mod without anything else.

    And will it work flawless If i install the mannequin mod aswell?


    Thanks again

    And Sry for being so carefull. Bud dont want to mess up my file.

  2. Hi.


    Im working on a fantastic Bitter Coast Manor mod on an island just south is Seyda need.

    Now to the question.

    What is the easiest way to add a asset from one mod to another. Its a mannequin from âmannequins for saleâ by ManaUser.


    I have checked so its ok with ManaUser that made the original mannequin mod to add it to my mod, even include his mod in my zip file If that helps was ok with him.



    Will it work If I open both mods, only making my mod active, and simply add the mannequins in to the scene.


    This would require the other mod installed to have the asset, right? But If so, would it work? And it would not course any errors??

    Then I could simply add his mod along with my installation.



    Add one of the mannequins into my mod and include it in my mod. How would you do that the easiest safest way.




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