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  1. Hmmm... When I summon a dremora/golden saint - kill them - while they fall enter their courpse the game crashes... Any ideas on how to stop that?
  2. I saw some fish flying in Morrowind too. (It's tipical on Morrowind :) ) So I am explaning (for those, who don't belive and understand WHY) It's very simple realy: you see, it is a bug, when you enter or exit some interiors or exteriors, it atomaticly places all NPCs and monsters on their original places, and somtimes something goes wrong. And what about explaning the flying fish: it just placed it above the hight level (Z) 0, and since it has no moves on the surface, it just uses the moves under whater, and since it is like "flying" under whater it is flying in the air like in the water. (This is only my teory) I hope, that explaned the flying fish on Morrowind. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i rather have the more roleplaying explanation. Magical fishies! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GOOD ONE!!! HA! HA! HA!
  3. I saw some fish flying in Morrowind too. (It's tipical on Morrowind :) ) So I am explaning (for those, who don't belive and understand WHY) It's very simple realy: you see, it is a bug, when you enter or exit some interiors or exteriors, it atomaticly places all NPCs and monsters on their original places, and somtimes something goes wrong. And what about explaning the flying fish: it just placed it above the hight level (Z) 0, and since it has no moves on the surface, it just uses the moves under whater, and since it is like "flying" under whater it is flying in the air like in the water. (This is only my teory) I hope, that explaned the flying fish on Morrowind.
  4. Hey guys! How did you get money on Morrowind, when your cherecter was about 1-10 lvl? For example: At first I killed and robed people and sell everything I was able to get my hands on, without anybody seeng me. After a few levels I found out, that guards all over Morrowind respawn, and I chosen one guard in Vivec, Foreign Quarters Plaza, and started killing him, by jumping on the wall and casting some spells and throwinhg stuff. When he was dead, I took all his stuff, exept the helm and somthing else and sold it to the smith, nearby. Ofcource, everybody hated me, but I payed about 10,000 drakes (I earned about 100,000 drakes) and started traveling around Morrowind. (Too bad, that it was before I had Bloodmoon and Tribunal, so I lost that cherecter.) Well actualy when I finisht beating up hopless Ordinators I was alrady about level 20. So, how did you get money? (No cheating)
  5. Maybe you don't like Imperials, but someone does :angry2: . And they wouldn't talk to you because you joined the Imperial Legion and if you did join you HAVE to wear your uniform... (Like a police-man)
  6. It is definatly KAY!!! A half naked blade chife, who likes SKOOMA. I think he is sick :/
  7. My cahr was just going around Morrowind killing every guard that WAS in his way... And it became BORING and my char went to prison. It was so rewarding to kill guard - I gained 1 level. Do it people: Kill guards makes you stronger, faster and more expirienced ;)
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