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About vampirefaeries

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    United States
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    No Man's Sky, Subnautica, Supraland, BaBa is you & anything on my Oculus
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    Right now...?: No Man's Sky - Of all time...?: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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  1. I'm using Realvision enb with all of the mods listed on their NEXUS page and a few more. (Nothing else that should affect the the water). But I'm getting these strange ripple effects...the water seems to ripple before my character, instead of behind her. Well, it ripples behind her as well but it starts in front of her as she moves as illustrated in the following photos. Now, remember, this is in front of my character. Is this a setting that I can change in my enbseries ini? Can someone shed some light on this for me? Thanks in advance =)
  2. Problem solved! Apparantly, I needed new GTX 660 drivers. I didn't want to use them because when I installed the latest version, they screwed up the visuals on my game. I did a rollback yesterday and the problem went away. Since NMM wouldn't work, I decided to take another look at them. I reinstalled a different driver, NMM worked and my visuals are ok...strange. I just don't understand why all was well earlier today, I made no changes in between...maybe I just thought it was a nap and I really just woke up this morning and it was all a dream ; p Now for my next trick...
  3. "Nexus Mod Manager has stopped working" It was fine earlier...then I took a nap, woke up and went to play Skyrim and now I get this message. It then gives me the choice to "let Windows search online for a solution to the problem" or "Close the Program". I let Windows search online, then the box just closes with no answers. I've had no updates; they are set not to install in my Windows Update control panel, so I've had no updates. Absolutely nothing has changed, except I turned off my machine. Any solutions from anyone around here? Thanks in advance, Stacia
  4. OK, maybe if I word this differently...At night, right outside of Whiterun, if I look up into the foothills, SOME of the pines have a "shimmering" or "sparkling" effect on the branches or needles. They almost seem to glow. I'm thinking this could have something to do with my subsurfacescattering settings. Am I correct? Can SOMEONE, ANYONE give me a hint where to start? I don't know enough about enb to mess around without some sort of guidance. I'm sorry if I seem ignorant in this area, but I do so enjoy a better looking game and I am trying very hard to learn and understand it all. I did search the boards here AND GOOGLED this issue before posting and I couldn't find anything or I wouldn't be bothering anyone here. So, can someone please help? Thank you in advance. Stacia
  5. I'm in Whiterun and I finally seem to have my game looking like I want, but my pine trees in the distance (in the foothills) have a "sparkle" to them. I can't seem to find the setting in my enb to change it. I've searched the forums and a few people have mentioned the issue, but no one ever mentions how they managed to fix it. Can anyone shed some light on the issue for me and tell me what setting to adjust? I'm running Realvision enb with all of the mods listed on their page (using RLO) along with a few others. Most of the extras are texture mods. I will follow up with the list if necessary but I think a simple adjustment should do it. Any ideas?
  6. I am using Climates of Tamriel Default, Realistic Lighting Overhaul and Real Vision enb. These three mods work together flawlessly thanks to the modders working together to put out the correct patches. I personally couldn't imagine my game without them. I am also using quite a few texture mods, but I am not using more than about 70 mods total. The problem I am experiencing is during a rainy, overcast sunset, and only during a rainy overcast sunset. As the sun goes down, the fog, (or maybe they are clouds) on the mountaintops turn green, and I do mean green. It's almost cartoony like, because it is so obvious. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about eliminating this. I guess I could try to ignore it but the whole reason for modding my game to begin with, was because I was looking for some in-depth immersion. I posted on the RealVision forum thinking it was an enb issue and that maybe an enbseries ini tweak would solve it, but I have yet to get a diffinitive answer. Could this be a Climates of Tamriel issue? Has anyone seen this before? I searched and searched and found nothing on this issue anywhere. Any ideas anybody? This is what I'm dealing with: UPDATE: Thanks to prod80, who tirelessly went over this issue for me until he was able to duplicate it and resolve it; my fog is now a beautiful realistic color. Or what I believe to be realistic, which is the important thing. The Resolution: Open the enb editor in-game, under the [Volumetric Fog] header, scroll down to "lightinginfluencenight" and lower the setting to your desired preference, VoilĂ ! no more green fog! What would we do without people like prod80 and SkyTuner, who take the time to help us all? I wonder if Bethesda realizes that because of people like them, they are making a lot more money than they would without these incredible modders. Just a thought...
  7. In my opinion, it only makes sense to include underwater combat because the slaughterfish can still attack you and enemies will follow you into water. I would love to make a mod for this but I don't know anything about creating mods, I just know how to use them in my games. But I was wondering; this would require a new script correct? Because you would need an underwater combat animation right? What about maybe using the one from Oblivion and somehow modifying it or implementing it into the Creation Kit? Modders were able to get Morrowind to work in Oblivion. Can they take the animations from Oblivion and get them to work in Skyrim? I have seen many mods that have the characters from the game dancing, holding wine glasses and all kinds of different poses and such. Why not? Am I being naive here? If someone can make a sex mod, then I'm sure someone else can come up with a underwater combat mod. I think it's just a lack of public demand and the modding community's desire for creating such. I really wish I could figure out how to mod, I would love to try this. Maybe it's time for a few tutorials...
  8. sry vamp - ive been SOOOO busy of late v_v havent really had time to check in on you from time to time. im back after a wks hiatus ^^ and im different - much happier now ^.^ drop me a message whenever k? see ya round ^^
  9. Uhhh, I believe that is Hackdirt. And yes they are some king of a cult or something. Maybe you should go to Northern Goods & Trade and talk to Seed-Neeus and she will explain that her daughter Dar-Ma was last seen on her way there. The quest is called "Shadow Over Hackdirt"
  10. Peek a Boo, where are you?
  11. Thanks for your comment! It's always nice to see female gamers!
  12. That mod is called "Aces Warlock Gear-13105" right here on the Nexus. It contains the entire outfit. Enjoy!!! VampireFaeries
  13. I'm still looking for the mod that lets you enchant your own arrows. Or is it just OBSE?
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