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About Zephyr102

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    United States

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  1. Good Lord, F:NV has brought the pirates out in DROVES. Half the threads in the Rules 'n Strikes section are piracy cases. What happened to good ol' troll-punting? Some good laughs in THOSE threads...
    1. AliasTheory


      I laugh at their stupidity. For god's sake, if you're going to steal, do it right. Piracy is terrible anyway.
    2. Zephyr102


      Yeah, it IS funny to see people (sometimes proudly) admit to it, only to get a banhammer to the chin. But some of the reference posts for captured trolls are lol-gag hilarious, and they've been in semi-short supply lately. :(
    3. AliasTheory


      I guess it is kind of like hacking...specifically the minority that thinks, "I beat the system, hardy har har I'm better than you."
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