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  1. *rant mode turn on* Aye yi yi @ this guy- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/267720-j05hda5-banned/ Why do these fools label anything related to children as pedophilia? I've got a Shojo Race 'toon of my own, doesn't mean I *censored* off to her- I run around and vaporize things with her. How is that sexual? *rant mode turn off*
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    2. Spaceritual


      Ah that is what triggered my topic on the subject as the images were coming in for lots of criticism... but in the end I looked upon it like the cat races on the Oblivion site as merely role play and done with an air of innocence... pity I didn't bring up the subject with you as you could have explained it all to me :)
    3. AliasTheory


      The cat races thing to me is different. The anthro art style that seems to be floating around the net is kinda absurd, but it isn't entirely realistic for obvious reasons. The incorporation of human anatomy into the work is an interesting one.

      So personally, I don't care about it as long as I don't accidentally stumble on some nude stuff. It's weird to me, but I won't hunt people down for it.

    4. llamaRCA


      The pedo thing is unfair for some stuff. But, ya, the Shojo race, if it's been played with to look like a little kid (extra big head, no boobs, etc) and then put in skimpy clothes and posed in one of the "sexy" poses. That's where it crosses the line IMO. If she looks 9 and is posed like she's 19 there's a problem. If she looks like a tiny 19 year old then I've got no problem with it. Like that first pic in the banned thread. She's wearing Amy Type 3 armor...
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