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Everything posted by Zephyr102

  1. Well, to get the face file, you'll need three things- the associated race mod, any hairstyle/eye models being used, and the face file. The first two will vary, but should be listed (and possibly linked to, if not, just search the Nexus) in the save file's readme. The third part requires a neat little tool called Oblivion Face Exchange, with which you can pull a face file from a savegame. If I'm not mistaken, these face files can then be used by the Construction Set to apply the face to an NPC. As for making CMs, I think the base CM Partners mod has a tut for making new companions. Not as familiar with that bit, tho.
  2. *rant mode turn on* Aye yi yi @ this guy- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/267720-j05hda5-banned/ Why do these fools label anything related to children as pedophilia? I've got a Shojo Race 'toon of my own, doesn't mean I *censored* off to her- I run around and vaporize things with her. How is that sexual? *rant mode turn off*
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spaceritual


      Ah that is what triggered my topic on the subject as the images were coming in for lots of criticism... but in the end I looked upon it like the cat races on the Oblivion site as merely role play and done with an air of innocence... pity I didn't bring up the subject with you as you could have explained it all to me :)
    3. AliasTheory


      The cat races thing to me is different. The anthro art style that seems to be floating around the net is kinda absurd, but it isn't entirely realistic for obvious reasons. The incorporation of human anatomy into the work is an interesting one.

      So personally, I don't care about it as long as I don't accidentally stumble on some nude stuff. It's weird to me, but I won't hunt people down for it.

    4. llamaRCA


      The pedo thing is unfair for some stuff. But, ya, the Shojo race, if it's been played with to look like a little kid (extra big head, no boobs, etc) and then put in skimpy clothes and posed in one of the "sexy" poses. That's where it crosses the line IMO. If she looks 9 and is posed like she's 19 there's a problem. If she looks like a tiny 19 year old then I've got no problem with it. Like that first pic in the banned thread. She's wearing Amy Type 3 armor...
  3. I see you watching me peeking. :P
  4. Yar, Bethesda knows how to do pretty, and PL is no exception. I see you've got some nice scenery shots of your own- that night shot of the lighthouse is cool.

    Reminds me, I need to get a darker night sky for PL... at one point, I didn't even realize it was nearly midnight. My Wasteland nights are darn near pitch black.

  5. Hey, SiteBot, was wonderin' if you were friends with the L4D2 Bots... if so, could ya tell 'em to gtfo of the safe-house next time a Smoker has me pinned down just outside the door? Thanks!
  6. Hmm, will Google 'unicode' while I wait- PL is bugging out on me, so I'm short on things to do...
    1. Zephyr102


      UPDATE: Less urgent nao- managed to work around the bug, tho it's far from fixed. See thread for details, and expect some PL screenshots soon!
  7. *poke*

    Surprised I haven't been here yet. Post more pretty pics in the FO3 section, you master of over-sized images, you!

    PS: Goin' thru your Obliv gallery, I saw this, but the name of the suit is all boxes. Halp?

  8. So, doing the main chain for Point Lookout and I get to the Walking With Spirits quest, happily looking forward to one of Bethesda's finest hallucination sequences. After a muddy trod across the map, I reach the Sacred Bog, and go to enter the first door- only for my character to start respawning on the other side over 'n over 'n over again, complete with the sound of the door shutting behind me repeatedly. Can't move, and the lag/stutter makes simply opening the main menu into a chore. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot #1. After going back to a quicksave, trying again, and getting the same response, I try loading the autosave it makes inside the door. Bingo, or so I think- I spawn, and stay spawned, fully mobile and with no freaky stuttering. I head thru the short cave, then begin my trek thru the bog. After dispatching the first batch of Mirelurks, I trek forth, only to be suddenly and randomly teleported back to the beginning of the first cave. WTF #2. Seems the game is awfully fixated on that door- this happens even after restarting the game, and even if I go on after being warped back (I end up getting ported back again). I seem to recall some glitches with this door on previous run-thrus, but nothing quite like this. FOMM load order report is as follows (I can get one from BOSS if need be): In short, FWE/MMM and then some. It's generally stable, and I've had no uber-weird issues thus far, so I'm hoping I can get this fixed. Luckily, my back-up main save is still in the Wasteland Proper, so I can clean up any PL-related plugins if it comes to that... I just dun feel like repeating the first half of the quest chain again. >.< Thanks in advanced for any help you can give! Update (kinda): Used 'movetoqt' to get to the Mother Punga, grabbed the seeds, then tried to head out. Made it about halfway thru the hallucination when the game warped me back to the bog entrance, as it had before. Fortunately, the quest did advance, and I did get lobotomized as usual. So the glitch seems to have something to do with the bog itself. Game is playable again, but I'm still a little peeved about A: having to cheat past the bug, and B: missing out on the last half of one of my favorite sequences. :|
  9. Good Lord, F:NV has brought the pirates out in DROVES. Half the threads in the Rules 'n Strikes section are piracy cases. What happened to good ol' troll-punting? Some good laughs in THOSE threads...
    1. AliasTheory


      I laugh at their stupidity. For god's sake, if you're going to steal, do it right. Piracy is terrible anyway.
    2. Zephyr102


      Yeah, it IS funny to see people (sometimes proudly) admit to it, only to get a banhammer to the chin. But some of the reference posts for captured trolls are lol-gag hilarious, and they've been in semi-short supply lately. :(
    3. AliasTheory


      I guess it is kind of like hacking...specifically the minority that thinks, "I beat the system, hardy har har I'm better than you."
  10. Ah, my character bios- those have been there a while, tho I do update 'em from time to time as characters change/begin/restart. Might shrink/move the rant, tho, it IS just gaming after all...

    My DA journal is somewhat more personal, so I just stick to gaming stuff here, and mostly Fallout/Elder Scrolls gaming at that.

  11. Been messin' about in Gmod 10, Far Cry 2, etc. Finally convinced my comp to run Mirror's Edge- good times. Also restarting Kairi in FWE- leveling a non-Main Quest character isn't as easy in FO3 as it is in Oblivion; will likely be starting the DLCs early for her, then doing some mod questing.
  12. You stalkin' me, Blue? Or just paranoid? Either way, kinda creepy. :P

    I'ma post a status update for the new month. Halloween for me is just another day, save for giving out/eating candy. I did finally watch my Iron Man 2 DVD- kick-ass movie, Downey Jr simply rawks.

  13. Hmm, worth a shot. Got a few saved scans I can always practice with.
  14. Still happily slugging thru DC! Reinstall worked wonders, all I hafta debug now is GNR...
    1. BlueDanube


      me too.. ,not planning to get NV ~_~
  15. Eh, was never big on social networking. I post a-plenty on screen threads, I'm just not one for checking forum profiles. Heck, I rarely even venture into the forums themselves unless I got an actual question.

    If by pen tool you mean my Wacom, yeah, it really would be a matter of adjusting to it- I'm just not used to looking at one thing while drawing on another. XD

  16. If I had an artpad worth half a rat's backside, maybe. But I've never gotten used to looking at my monitor while drawing on my tiny antique Wacom (antique as in, it uses a serial port and separate power adapter). And mouse-drawing isn't really an alternative, much less a better one.
  17. Not so much a duty, as knowing that satisfying *crunch* when teh BanHammah finds its mark.

    As for Vyticoz, I'm just curious if a ban was really the necessary choice here, since I dun see any admin posts sayin' "Hey, clean this up a bit" on the thread in question. Nuclear options are fine 'n dandy when NEEDED, but I'm all for fair warning, and I can't tell...

  18. @ Danube: Well, my car met a motorized bicycle the other day, so I've been stuck at home. But otherwise, I'm doin' fine.

    @ Alias: Not so much a forum, but a Jedi Academy clan. As I helped create the thing, I also was trusted to keep an eye on the server. We DID have a forum, tho, and I did help police it a bit. The sense of responsibility never really dulled.

  19. Free at last, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, WE'RE... a tad over-dramatic here. Just flipped the malware warnings back on, and TESnexus is evil-free once again. I guess that means I can stop glowering at everything Google now, since they finally got their act together. GG, all.
  20. Google Chrome's adblock is nice, but its warning thingy needs a big red STFU ABOUT THIS SITE button. Gettin' tired of checking the box and clicking OK for every stinkin' page. AVG has my back with its regular scans, I dun need my browser all OMG-in-my-face. >.< Funny, it only does it on the TES side. Fallout side seems fine, but that's where the fake MMM RC7 trap was set. Shame on the @ssholes who do this kinda stuff. What do they get out of this kinda behavior? Entertainment? I really dun get what's so amusing about screwing over people you don't even know...
  21. Its midnight here on the East Coast, I'm gettin' ready to hit the sack. :P
  22. Google Chrome has an Adblock plugin that works miracles against the noisy stuff. Was about to rant about this myself when I saw this thread - I was just settling in to do a screenshot descrip when some god-awful marketing monstrosity with a 2-min-plus interview tried to blow out my eardrums (was poking around the Wasteland with my volume up earlier). And I was probably gonna break something if I heard 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE WON!' one more friggin' time... As much as I'd love to support this site, I don't have the spare change for things like premium memberships in this economy (I dun even have premium on DevArt, and I've been there for twice as long), and I really dun like being spammed with marketing nonsense and malware, so In Nuclear Methods I Trust. :P
  23. I use GIMP, it has most of Photoshop's features, without the price. Drawing with a mouse is a chore; I have an ancient Wacom art tablet, I just need to get used to drawing on the desk while looking up at the screen. :P
  24. Yeah, funny thing is I used to suck at people and drew spaceships and stuff. Now I can't draw spaceships to save my life. O.o
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