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Everything posted by AlienSensei

  1. Hey, continue reading for those who like theories that may change the way you see the lore. If not you may leave, and come up with those on your own. Well, if you're a lorefreak like me you may know about Tosh Raka. Tosh Raka is a Ka Po' Tun (Ka Po' Tun is a race of Tiger-Khajiit looklikes) who most of them wishes to turn into Dragons. Well, one powerful enough succeded and became the king, and he was Tosh Raka. Here's the thing. Akatosh is usually portraited as a DRAGON. Most of you may ask, "Yeah, so what?" Well amigo, Akatosh MAY be our exotic tiger dragon Tosh Raka. How you ask? Tosh Raka Raka Tosh Akatosh :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: By the nine, my mind is blown! Bethesda must've done this on purpose! And yeah I am aware this has been discussed before, but nobody seemed to have cared too much about it.
  2. At the bottom of the enbseries.ini file is the section... So perhaps set the enable line to false. I've not actually seen this problem as I've not used an ENB recently, but it sounds like a possible logical fix (?) You're my Messiah. Great job for people like me. Thanks!!
  3. I thought Orcs were introduced in Morrowind, and they weren't set in their province.
  4. Since the Elder Scrolls universe contain semi-evolution and creationism, I think somebody should post a chart of both. Like a family tree but with races, I always want to find out the ancestor of everything of Tamriel. So somebody please create a picture or find one, with ALL playable races/sentient races in the lore so we can see their ancestry. As far as I am concerned the oldest known ancestor as Ehlnofey and the wandering Ehlnofey became humans and redguard (Not stated in the lore: but I think redguards came from Atmora first but sailed away really early. Just a theory though) and the Old Ehlnofey became elves. I want a more advanced version of this, and a sidebar where it explains why they changed (if there's a cause for it) and to give an example we have Orcs. Anyways, any pics or good photoshopper out there? Would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I think it'd be nice if somebody makes a replacer for the Dunmer assassin clothes with the goggles because honestly, I hate the skeletton looking parts of the clothes. Seriously. Off with 'em, maybe a hood instead and less bony parts for Morag Tong armor, but it won't replace the other ugly armor which non-assassins use. They can keep that ugly stuff, I dont want it out of the game. I just think Bethesda was lazy to add 2 same armors except one is darker. Oh, and for those who wants to know that was a copy+paste from another reply to a topic, but I thought this should be separate.
  6. If I'm not mistaken Alik'r was just the culture. Show me your source and it has to be clear and I might make it.
  7. I want this so bad. Playing as a hunter in Skyrim and there's still a damn wolf on the ground after looting his pelt is weird. Very weird.
  8. It would make more sense to me if they were hairless when they live in the deserts but then again there's cold nights, and as far as I've seen the lions of africa still have fur. But then again Khajiits are even thicker than that so I guess there should be a reason behind it. Yes. I want.
  9. It comes with full customization so yeah. It's good enough for me, I can choose and the Dunmer addon is pretty good in my opinion as well. The Dunmer addon is pretty good, yeah. But I'm sure there was a mod just for that too. http://www.liveinternet.ru/community/1793674/post180741534/ I imagine the Argonians wearing stuff like this, though with a more tropical-swampy theme to them. That looks a lot better, however I'm pretty sure there aren't too many armor mods like that.
  10. It comes with full customization so yeah. It's good enough for me, I can choose and the Dunmer addon is pretty good in my opinion as well. So don't worry you can still download it, however, you'd have to download the customization one.
  11. I wouldn't say sailing to a distant island you wound up on in a storm is a great changing event. It could be one of Tang Mo's thousand monkey isles. They don't have to invade Tamriel, though, that would be prefered.
  12. Only accepting lore-friendly races. You send the race, but it should preferably be a humanoid (so I don't have to mess around with new stuff as porting new race models) and you tell me the racials, the racial powers and so on. If they are unbalanced I will fix them, but I will remain on what you submitted if it's not too bad. Hopefully I will create them if intrested, but no promises. Feel free to submit! :dance:
  13. This is great!!!! These are the post semi-lorefriendly armors I've seen in a long while. Really awesome, downloading soon. EDIT: I just thought maybe you should ask Hothtrooper44 if you could team up with him and add all your armors to immersive armors? Oh, and if you don't please make the armors so that they can be crafted at forge and found in game to be weared and be looted from NPC's. It would make a great immersion overhaul, as for the Redguard wearing the Redguard warrior armor and a mage wearing the Falmer Mage armor. (Maybe one of the guys in the Dawnguard DLC quest?) Anyways, great mod. I seriously can't wait for all your work to be released in one mod, and if applied to what is above then I'd be so happy I would... I dunno. Just awesomeness. Great job! :thumbsup: :dance:
  14. Yeah, I'd love the Dwemer weapons and specially armors from Oblivion and Morrowind! One could be called "Eastern Dwemer Armor" or anything simialar (Referring to Morrowind) and the other could and other could be called "Southern Dwarven Armor" even though there were no dwarven in Oblivion, I don't know what it could refer too. I want it lore friendly though. Other than that, great mod. I'm sure a lot of people like lorefreaks or gamers who played morrowind and oblivion would love it. 1+
  15. How do I do it? I've seen a few ENB's stating the problem, but for me it's all. Is there any fix or anything that I've possibly missed? Hey, thanks.
  16. I've thought about something. Their leader, Tosh Raka, is actually (Or were the base for...) Akatosh. How you may ask? Well... Tosh Raka Raka Tosh Aka Tosh Off topic: I made a topic about it before but nobody seemed to care too much. I think this is not a coincidence, as Tosh Raka turned himself into a dragon. Akatosh is usually drawn and described as a dragon so it makes sense to me. So what I would say is Akatosh is a divine, but furthermore the people of tamriel (somehow) thought Tosh Raka was a god and worshipped him. The worship continued on for so long after he went they don't even know how they started it, and then started to worship the actual god (Akatosh, who is not to be confused with Tosh Raka but he is the origin). Anyways, this is off topic. Since I don't think bethesda had actually written lore for this yet (since they probably made that name up so people would come up with theories like bethesda do for many things to keep fans busy) I would still say this is the best/closest (in my opinion) we can get. But yeah, that was off topic. I'd also like to see Sea Elves as you said though, I'd more preferebly see Dwemer, as there is not too much about Maomer, but then again, there isn't too much about Ka Po' Tun, either.
  17. Yeah, exactly. They could have medieval knight armor and stuff which would fit them. On a side note: The mod is not compatible with too many other mods, and I had to uninstall so many things I felt like it wasn't worth it. And now, you're making me regret that I downloaded it. Well I think it's immersive armors. It's too bad the mod itself in my opinion was great but having to choose between that and immersive armors... yeah, most get the point.
  18. I'd like it so you could get an option to become king of the dragons after slaying them by speaking to Paarthunax and taking his place instead. Then, they would be unaggresive. You could tell them to go back to Akaviri or stay, or tell them to be friendly or not by speaking to Paarthunax and he would send the word.
  19. Yeah, exactly. They could have medieval knight armor and stuff which would fit them. On a side note: The mod is not compatible with too many other mods, and I had to uninstall so many things I felt like it wasn't worth it.
  20. Yep, I'm a lore freak but this question broke it for me. I'd love to visit some Dwarven dungeons and see some Dwarven ghosts and have them attacking me with the other Dwarves. Or even cooler would be if they just walked around normally (and they walked through you and your hits) but the spheres and dwarves "robots" would just pretend they weren't there and still patrol the place.
  21. Why would Argonians wear stuff from their kin? But then again, Argonians aren't crocodiles. But I just think I'd like some we might have feutered or been described by any lore/bethesda source or in books so we can add them to the game. Oh, come on. So nords are monsters because they wear mammal fur? Crocodiles are quite common at Black Marsh so it could be a standard argonian light armor. That's what I meant with "Argonians aren't crocodiles" thingy. I didn't mean it that way.
  22. I agree, 1+ for immersion and realism
  23. Why would Argonians wear stuff from their kin? But then again, Argonians aren't crocodiles. But I just think I'd like some we might have feutered or been described by any lore/bethesda source or in books so we can add them to the game.
  24. Awesome idea! I think though that maybe captain america should be called captain empire? Simply because it sounds better, but captain cyrodiil makes more sense.
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