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Nexus Mods Profile

About SpectrumlordNY

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  1. When the pending forced moved to the STEAM platform, will we still be able to use the mods that I got here and run on my pc now. Or will we be stuck with the out of the box 76 game ? If we can use these mods on steam, where do I place the mods ??
  2. After the latest update some of the newer items in the Atom Shop do not show a picture. I have my mods up to date, but its odd that only a few pictures do not appear, like the new backpack, none of the pics for that item show ?? Any ideas, last big update I fixed it my adding: SeventySix - 02UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix - 03UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix - 02UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix - 03UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix - 02UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix - 03UpdateTextures.ba2 That I found in the description of one of the mods I added from Nexus, is there something new to update. I've seen mentions to add a couple files ATX...Something to my data folder, and then into my custom.ini file, but there is no mention of where to get those ATX files ???
  3. With a reply like that. Why even answer ?? If someone dowsn't know HOW TO MAKE mods, how would I know how to decompile other mods ? My experience in editing machine language for the Apple //e is completely different that doing game mods.
  4. Thanks, I saw that in latest dev notes for latest update, too bad it won't follow the item if we trade it with another player or within the game. But they would need an insane number of servers to keep track of all the items and the game would slow to a crawl. But as long as I can tell which power armor set is which, i am good to go.
  5. I want to make mods for Fallout 76, is there a tutorial anywhere on how to do it along with the software needed to do it ? SpectrumLord No I don't work for Spectrum Cable, it's a throwback to my old days of hacking games for my Apple ][ and //e. Yes, you caught me, I'm OLD.
  6. Would someone please create a mod that allows us to edit the name of our power armor in our inventory/stash to something other than the vanilla "Power Armor". I have five armor sets and it's a pain in the butt to have to pull them all out every time I want to swap suits. Thank you in advance. SpectrumLord No I don't work for Spectrum Cable, it's a throwback to my old days of hacking games for my Apple ][ and //e. Yes, you caught me, I'm OLD.
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