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About Guardianl

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  1. Lol interesting read. I assume your female of your post...? Of all what you mention it is a common bug... no worries just restart the game :tongue: Hope you'll keep enjoying the game :thumbsup:
  2. you can upload nudity with the following conditions: - At a mod that is adult tagged. - Be a Premium/supporter member which they have their own Imageshare where you can upload ANY picture!
  3. solved it myself please lock thread
  4. So what is you goal & point with this topic? (hopefully not sounding harsh) Seeking information? Or want to start a project? Or wish to contribute to a project? As the others mention: I too am busy with a project and tasted things similear as mention above. Sadly working alone seems to work best... Which is a shame... but sometimes, sometimes you can get more people op board. Hopefully new and old modders can work togethor as a team... Advice: Be serious and don't let it just become a pipe dream. And realize whatever project you do and create it takes a lot of time & patience...
  5. @Chezza28 have a look here: Acdale EyeCandy Body ADEC http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5390
  6. valid idea. would like to see that as well. As they did with "the sims"
  7. What is the cost of casting the spell? It should be high I think... Just a suggestion: the name is alright if you wish to change how about perhaps: soul contract or gate to underworld, Soul Eater, Soul Devourer. As it seems the shade takes everything after it's summoned as it's a dark spell and is powerful it shouldn't give you souls as demons are not benevolent. Or you get a soul at cost of some of your health as well. Or it will be overpowered... As the spell is demonic (necromancy) a true demon summon will never give you something for free. Risk you dyeing while summon exist or when you summon and the shade dies not able to do what it's summon for demons are vengefull and it will seek revenge namely you so a heavy HP hit occurs or death. The spell should be very powerful but yet risky to cast. You can also limit per shade per enemy and give it a custom model to make it look more badass and scary... Other then that I like it well done.
  8. it could have been intended... or wanted something else... the image was too dark to see what was needed or it wasn't highlighted. if you can't fix it I may have a look at it if I got the time drop a line
  9. your request and problem is?
  10. Is been/being made just not released yet for skyrim. But soon by either me or somebody else!
  11. Awsome can't wait! can you PM how to make form high poly to low? Got it somewhat figured out but not entirely sure...
  12. @worldofscotty Excuse me? Is your aim just to troll around? This is not the first time I have seen your post in this thread & other threads as if you (you're) looking for a fight... Have you actually read the beginning of my post? Anyway this is the last time I reply to your comments unless it's relevant. And to the rest as somebody mention that they wish there was a filter tools. They exist it's called tagging please use it ty!
  13. And the "anime" hate trolls, bandwagon rolls in full force. It was so relaxing for days no hate towards anime on the forums... Maybe they got the message or *gasp* they grew up and acting mature! Guess I expected too much... Way too many people generalize "anime" as if it's all about P0rn. It's like saying all Hollywood movies are p0rn and all comics book are sexist & p0rn with no content! Now if they said the p0rn industry is all about P0rn I would totally agree! Their are also mods I don't like... But you won't see me act as an immature child on every mod I don't like. I just move along its very easy... For example the amount of "Star wars" content on Skyrim & oblivion. You're not going to sell it to me its lore friendly & offer other stuff... But surprising no moaning no groaning what so ever hmmm I wonder why. As other none Lore content like "halo", "300 like theme & variations" and the list goes on and on. I guess there should be a place where one can voice their opinion. But not when it becomes an rant with no added value & beating a death horse. Be warned from several developments and future projects on the nexus. On any mod post or let's say Anime or any other content. Keep your hate to yourself & move along TY! Skyrim is a game where you can mod to your heart content. Each has their own tastes. No one has the right to bad mouth anyone play style or mod period! Disclaimer: I don't hate Star Wars, Halo nor 300 content!
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