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Posts posted by Instinction3

  1. Recently I've gotten into using GECK to mod weapons and have a semi-basic understanding of how it all work, but I am getting stuck on modifying ammo the way I want to. Basically, my idea is this: I want to make an ammo the has the animation of a Tesla Cannon projectile, shoots like one, has the speed of that projectile (instantaneous), BUT on impact I want the thing to explode like a Fatman mini-nuke would and do all the damage and have the radius and possibly, although not necessary, leave behind radiation just like a mini-nuke would. Now before you say simple stuff like, "just change the animation in the weapon mod area to tesla cannon projectile and have it shoot nukes." Well see I've done just that, and tried many other things. I've tried modding the ammo but find you have to have the projectile type on Fatman nukes to make it, well explode like a Fatman nuke. I've tried changing the impact script on the ammo, I've tried changing the animation on the weapon (which doesn't affect it at all when using the nukes). It still shoots nukes. You can see the nuke, it travels with an arc like a nuke and moves slowly like a nuke.... It is a nuke. Anyways point being what I want (to reiterate myself thoroughly) is an ammo, that shoots from a gun, it really shouldnt matter what type, that has the animation and instantaneous speed of a Tesla Cannon projectile, and on impact, explodes and wreaks havoc like a nuke. Thoughts?

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