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Posts posted by humanbean234

  1. The basic problem is that most/all human/humanoid/monster corpses are a 'havok'd' item within their .nif (if they weren't, you wouldn't be able to 'grab/lift/drag' them), while a non-havok'd item is considered a 'Static' item in the game-engine (per its' item-characteristics in the .esm/.esp file that adds it into the game), similar to a piece of furniture.
    The Havok engine, itself, will automatically seek to move any 'havok'd' item to a position where its' bounding-box doesn't intersect with the non-havok'd "static" object.
    There's no easy solution to this problem; the only possible solution would involve creating a separate .esp/.esm which references separately-created .nif(s) of your hoped-for 'Fixed Position Arrows', with some added script that would allow those arrows to be 'take'-able items automatically-converted into 'Usable'/'Stackable' ammunition of whatever type you want them to match.
    That's some specialized coding which, for me, would seem to be a needless added burden on both basic load-order and the Papyrus-Engine (depending on how-often the script would be coded to 'fire'), for a very-few locations that your mod would add/adjust.
    My advice would be to adjust your hoped-for 'decor' in that cell to *not* include those arrow-perforated corpses.

  2. Sounds like you've got at-least one mod in your Load-Order, somewhere, that's reclassified Eldergleam Sanctuary as an "exterior" cell (probably a 'Lighting' or 'Weather' .esm/.esp)
    You can use TES5edit (or WryeSmash, etc, if you still use a 'Bashed Patch' for summary-changes) to examine that specific 'cell' with your full gameplay Load Order loaded-up [run through whatever mod-manager you use] to see if there's any mods giving that cell Weather Effects, and re-write/save changes to your installed-copy(ies) to adjust it.
    If that *isn't* the cause, then I can't advise you further.
    Hope that helps.

  3. Merging mods is... tricky. I've found the xEdit "Merge .esp" script does a decent job, but there's always a lot of cleanup that needs to be done manually after-the-fact, and the merged-mod itself is usually only useful when starting a completely new playthrough.
    Reason-for-that is that there's nearly-always some FormID records in every mod that are identical (xx0000whatever-whatever) and in merging 2+ mods together, the 2nd-and-subsequent mods being squashed into the merge get a lot of ther FormID numbers changed. Thus, if you try installing a merged-mod midway-thru a playthrough to replace previous mods, it borks-up your Save... items disappear, NPC's start behaving strangely (since their schedule-package FormID#'s have changed, but their previous records are 'baked' into the saved-game, etc.)

    What mods are you trying to merge together, and for what game?

    For-what-it's worth, I'm actually pretty good on this subject. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87871

  4. Most mod-managers perform archive-invalidation automatically via their own Virtual File System. 'Archive Invalidation Invalidated' is only needed if you are NOT using a mod-manager (i.e. installing .esp, .bsa, and loose-files directly into the game's Data directory, and maybe using just WryeBash to create a bashed patch).

    Me, I use Mod Organizer, and I expect FOMM performs similar. Try a simple test. Install a "mod" (make your own) that completely replaces a common clothing texture with a .dds of bright blue or yellow, packed into a .bsa, and load up your game WITHOUT 'Archive Invalidation Invalidated' involved in the process. If you see your "replacement" texture in-game, then all-is-good... the previous archive's texture is being Invalidated by the replacing texture in your throwaway-archive, and you can do-without 'Arch-Inval-Inval'.
    If your texture ISN'T appearing in-game... then I don't know what to tell you.
    Good luck.

  5. HUD positioning is "baked" into your Saved Game. If you were using Darnified UI with IHUD, you should be able to restore the positions of things by editing the 'default' positions in the menus\prefabs\DUIF3Settings.xml file (use Notepad++ or a similar editor) and then, from the game's Options, restoring the defaults. If you were using DarnUI and that was what you uninstalled, you'll need to reinstall it to fix the issue.

  6. The problem is in your .ini settings, related to view distance.
    Look in your fallout.ini within the [Display] section. Look for the variable fNearView=
    If you've got it set to fNearView=8 (or higher) it's clipping into your camera.
    Set it for 7 or lower (default for the game is 5) and that should correct the problem.

    (I, too, followed the GamerPoets tutorials, and don't-get-me-wrong, he gives some good advice, but not *everything* he offers is spot-on.)

  7. <snip> what mod changes male/female NPCs to a better looking and using modded outfits and stuff like the old NPC_New_Clothes_v2.6r from DreadNaught? like female NPCs using Apachii for example and males using whatever is updated by now. for males the New_Clothes used the slofs_goth_shop among other things, the point is that it will be unrealistic if i am the only one with a customized look and stuff in the game, it will be totally unrealistic.

    If you don't mind taking the time and spending your own character's money, Muffin Share http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7119 will let you access almost anyone's inventory (won't work on ghosts, or Haskill in SI) and change their equipment.

    Advice... don't use MuffinShare on anyone carrying a Bound Weapon (or anything that's been force-equipped, whether by script or by console-commands... your game will crash).

  8. I was running the Python-dependant WryeBash 241, and the 'Import Face' function worked. Upgraded to the Python-dependant unicode version 250.5, and it was broken. Retrograded to the 250 standalone version... still broken (the same way you describe). I've commented on the upload thread, and the authors are aware of the problem.

    In the meantimes, if it's critical for you to be able to import faces into .esp, ... version 241 worked. If you're just trying to put a new face onto your character, you can probably make-do with Oblivion Face Exchange Lite, or FGtoOblivion (if you're using a FaceGen file).

  9. Aren't there mods that allow you to, buy and place furniture without any kind of bloat?

    Not that I'm aware of. The way Oblivion stores information in its' savegame files, any time some item gets added that was not originally hard-coded in an .esp or .esm file (for example, when you create a potion, or open a chest whose contents are spawned from a levelled list) the game assigns it a reference ID that begins with "ff" and begins to track its' location in the savegame file by cell, and x/y/z coordinates within the cell. Mods like Imperial Furniture Store which can add an unlimited number of objects (every time the merchant's inventory respawns, and you buy more items) contribute to "bloat" in the same way, though it's usually at a negligable level.


    Savegame bloat really only begins to add up if you commit a lot of littering, dumping clutter on the ground (because those references tend to become durable until the cell resets). The only items that truly persist (and thus add to bloat) are...

    Inventory items: quest items, items stored in non-respawning containers, or dropped items in non-respawning cells, and...

    Static items: Furniture added, whether via a mod, or by use of the PlaceAtMe console command.


    My best recommendation for helping trim down savegame bloat?

    Don't be a hoarder. Sell everything you don't intend to use, and use a "trashcan" mod to remove unnecessary RefID and location data from your savegames (the trashcan included with Reznod's Mannequins is what I use).


    EDIT: @Striker879 -- Imperial Furniture Renovated adds to the size of savegame files in the same way. It's got a cleaner script, sure (so if you decide to pick up and move a piece of furniture, or sell it back, it retains the same RefID and doesn't create an unnecessary new one), but every piece it adds that you allow to remain in your saved game... adds an additional single reference and a single line of code to the saved game.

  10. From what I could see, "Mr. Mochi"... is actually a female character underneath all that garb. The coat & skirt items are from Apachii Goddess Store (or the individual mods that were bundled into that compilation). The hair looks to be something from the Japanese modding community (probably a beauty pack, you might be able to find it here on Nexus via a tag-based search). The face is a Burger King mask (I expect it's keyed as an Amulet). I don't know where the fish-sword mod comes from.

    The dance mod and the "swimming in the air" business are additional animations.

    The zebra is an alternate horse skin.

    Riding a horse in the Imperial City streets would require Open Cities.


    Use the tag-based search feature, and good luck.

    My guess... you're looking for about seven or more mods to achieve the same repertoire as the maker of that video.

  11. You want a HUGE home? Plenty of room for mannequins, etc? Requires some questing to gain, and/or a fair amount of money to purchase or furnish?


    DLC, my friend. Fighter's Stronghold (Battlehorn Castle) is freakin' huge, Frostcrag Spire has a ton of open space, the Thieves' Den and Vile Lair both have a lot of space... but for your best value, Battlehorn Castle is my recommendation. If you're good with Console Commands and don't mind inflicting a little bit of savegame bloat, you can modify it fairly easily using PlaceAtMe commands to spawn added furniture (say... a throne platform in the great hall) using SetPos and SetAngle commands to position things where you like. Also you can use MoveToPlayer commands to remove any static items you dislike (by shifting them into an unfavored cell... I dump a lot of unwanted furniture into Hawkhaven by teleporting there with COC commands and then using PRID to select the item I want to dispose of).


    Sure, DLC costs a small amount of money, but I've found the add-ons are worthwhile.

  12. It's perfectly fair to compare the Occupy movement to any previous protest movement. The civil rights protests, women's suffrage movements, labor & union movements, temperance movements, etc... none of these sprang into being full-grown. All began small, and all took time to accomplish their goals.


    I'd hope that what we're seeing isn't a "turning back" to some romanticized heyday, but a dedicated effort to forward progress based on solid ethical considerations and compassion that makes good use of the historical lessons of those past movements.


    "Slavery is a fabricated belief that a person may be considered owned property. Corporate Personhood is a fabricated belief that owned property may be considered a person."

  13. Granted!

    (A shame that you're only able to log onto a laggy PK server populated by obnoxious 13-year-olds from Uzbekistan, all of which play lvl80 Death Knights and use that stupid sparkle-pony as their mount...)


    I wish my friends would talk about something *other* than "Occupy Wall Street" for a while...

  14. Cut my teeth on Blue-Box D&D in 1979 (Monster Manual & Players' Handbook had just been published, Dungeon Master's Guide had yet to see press for 1st Ed.) Traveller was still being published in those 6"x8" small books, and we played a fair amount of it as well (everybody wanted an FGMP-15... gawd, we were such munchkins...)


    I remember Aftermath... we'd picked up a copy when it was still being published by Phoenix Games (before they sold to FGU). It wasn't the *worst* system I'd ever seen, but I recall it taking a super-long time to generate a character, and a super-short time to watch them die in their first combat. :( I remember, also, that the rulebooks for Aftermath were poorly organized, and suffered a lot of wear & tear.


    Richard Tucholka (one of the designers who worked on Morrow Project) went on to produce several more games, including Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic and Fringeworthy, and I continued to play & GM *those* for many years; the last campaign I participated in was in 2009.


    Nowadays, I haven't the time to participate in RPG's, nor do I keep much contact with my former gaming acquaintances, but there's a lot of fond memories, there... :)

  15. There's no such thing as a scary hollywood movie :teehee:

    I would disagree, but only to say that I haven't seen a good scary movie come from Hollywood in a long time.

    Some older films still hold up extremely well, though; have you ever watched Wait Until Dark (Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin, et al.)?

    Have you ever watched Marathon Man (Dustin Hoffmann, Sir Lawrence Olivier, et al.)?

    Both of those are incredible... scary, suspenseful, and without relying on gore-factor for their chills. ;)

  16. Quick, tasty, but plays hell with one's insulin levels...


    Black Forest Sandwich

    Wheat Bread


    Cherry Preserves (I recommend Smucker's, if you live in the U.S.)


    It's really just a sophisticated PB&J, but it works. :thumbsup:

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