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  1. I started to play some strange custom race in Skyrim, but I didn't, because I knew that everyone from Nazeem to Elisif would treat me like I was just an everyday person. Is there any mod out there that can make Skyrim NPCs treat me like my custom race is strange? I'm happy with just that, but ideally, I should be able to customize whether they believe that my race is either just odd or scary. For instance, if I am a faerie, I want them to notice that I'm not the same as everyone else in town. If I am a Dremora, I want them to be scared or hostile.
  2. I'd also like to add another related concept: raid attacks. For those who have converted Skyrim to a faction game, modding a location and faction so that for instance the player is a bandit. Occasionally the bandit lair could be attacked by guards or even another antagonist enemy faction.
  3. The player homes and other locations can become lonely if the player stays put for a while. I think this can be improved by causing visitors to show up occasionally. These npc's could be there just to say hi and eat their bread and mead, or they could come offering a random quest, a unique npc could show up with a marriage proposal, or bandits could be there to try and assassinate or rob you. All of this could make the home feel more like a living and immersive location rather than just storage. How the mechanics of the mod can work: Friendly npc's knock and spawn dialog at the door. If you answer favorably, the npc can spawn inside the door. Enemies either break the door and spawn in (you have to replace the door), or they pick the lock and spawn by surprise.
  4. Thanks for the help--I did a fresh install of everything, and the CK worked, right up until I added in my all my mods. Turns out I was wrong before: It seems that one of my larger merged addons is causing the crash! So, I know the problem and can address it now I believe, by removing the merged mod from the load order when I want to use CK.
  5. Having fixed the lines in my SkyrimEditor.ini file, and having tried everything else I can think of, I'm now wondering how to make Creation Kit work in a new installation on Windows 10? I also checked the plugin path and pointed it to the right location. The error is "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000001d)." Since the installation seems to be fatally broken, I thought I'd list what I tried: SkyrimEditor.ini: bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa I also tried it spelled Hearthfire.bsa but that also does not work I am using an external drive, so: sFile Path=G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\ Fixed: as far as I can tell, the problem was having a mod organizer file left over, but no mod organizer yet on the new install.
  6. My understanding of the Windhelm arena mods is that either there is no fighting, fighting is limited to one short story-line, is not 1v1, or is death-redo only. People seem to be very good at getting very close to what I wanted without actually arriving there.
  7. What are they going to do to me then...fight me? Yes! That's what I want!
  8. I keep wanting a Skyrim Fight Club, where people meet and must 1v1. What I would prefer: It must be 1v1. Maybe hook losses in with Death Alternative? I like the way it handles death options. If you lose, you go through DA. There are rankings. That would be my dream mod, but I figure it's tougher to do, making persistent npc's and storing dynamic arrays. Implied: The NPC doesn't have a final death either.
  9. Yep that's why I burned out on mmo's first off. *Edit: actually expanding on that--it would be great if the stories built by the player-characters in mmo's had lasting results. That would solve a lot! Instead, a character's relationship with the quest giver is determined by the game's story line and not by my own. In the RP servers, people had stories with each other, as long as they agree to remember them, but somehow that takes value away from NPC's. I do sort of like the idea of a Ralof Dragon Count variable--it adds story progression and establishes the role of his character in Skyrim. Once it gets over 7 or so, he could unlock different sandboxing stories to tell in camps and inns. Maybe for the Civil War he'd have to just teleport if the player fast-travels, though. I can also see why Bethesda doesn't do all this already: they'd probably still be writing all the dialogue for Skyrim!
  10. Yeah Bioware does circumvent all of that by being more of a storytelling company than a world-building company, for sure. I guess another option is to have a variable "Ralof_Dragon_Count" for instance, where once he's seen many of them, he just mutters about how the dragons are a menace, helps out with the wounded and dead, and then gets back to running sooner than after the first time.
  11. I guess the reason why Skyrim would need to be rebuilt is because all this would require changing the way things are normally done. To make sure that Ralof someday gets to that camp, we have to make sure that he doesn't encounter 20 dragons along the way, the way it might normally happen in Skyrim! After all, we're not supposed to run across dragons every two minutes on the road in a believable Skyrim. If that happened, it would stop being special anyways--it would become meme-like if Ralof is just as astounded by the 27th dragon as he is by the first. The whole game would have to be rebuilt from head to toe to purge out many of the unrealistic things that happen because "games are just like that." It would be a really ambitious project though, and I'd like to see it! I guess that's why I'm wondering if there is a game out there already sort of like that.
  12. I'm guessing a different game. Not sure how much more the already strained Skyrim engine can handle. Maybe a rebuilding based on matrices, instead of separate scripts, might make games like Skyrim run smoother and better. Each matrix cell might point towards a planned action (we humans call that a "fixed action pattern"), which could seem relatively natural. I don't know if there is less strain for the game to keep up with variables or to run a lot of scripts at once, but I'm guessing that variables are easier to store and retrieve when necessary. What we have already isn't much different though--but maybe the implementation of a recognized matrix would make the different fixed action patterns relate. When Ralof is thinking about the recent dragon attack, he wouldn't be still running his script that makes him run to a war camp. Instead, he'd shelve those data and unload that script until it is needed again. Once the terror of the dragon attack wears off, that matrix cell will lose its pull and Ralof will unload it. Ralof's personality matrix will then go back to his home *personality matrix cell and he will be caused to remember that he's supposed to be headed somewhere. Seems like it would be much more natural than what we usually see in games.
  13. I appreciate the response though! There are a couple of mods that improve the Skyrim ai a bit, but I know what you mean. I keep thinking that ai would be a wonderful thing for indy programmers to tackle. Something using a matrix ought to work. For instance: "attacked by dragon," in the past day, ought to push Ralof into a corner of the matrix where he mainly is thinking about the dragon attack, as you say. "Being in the battleground" would push him into a different corner of his personality matrix, where he is thinking about Imperials. Sure, it isn't super-easy to program in sets of arrays like that, but it also puzzles me why this isn't already commonly present in more than one big game. edit: This also makes me want to comment some more on it. Part of a character's personality also includes the personality matrix cell where they mostly reside when not pushed towards one edge or corner. Sims 4 does this with moodlets, but it can be done fairly easily just with a constant. For instance, If Ralof has 4 main personality dimensions (the 4 corners of the matrix), let's day that one is the War, two is probably love of Skyrim in general, three is a reaction to whatever is present (dragon, vampire, thief, Dragonborn), four is maybe whatever he happens to be doing at the moment. His general personality will put his responses between the corners where War and Skyrim intersect. Therefore, his personality at rest is not at the center, but slightly distant from it--therefore not appearing random. When he's doing something or responding to something, it pulls him temporarily to another corner. User responses or actions could pull him to a desired corner such that quests could be done, if necessary.
  14. I'm currently bored with all the games that I know, and looking for something new. I want something like this: 1. The NPC's have social ai, each different, so that interactions feel fresh and it all has replay value. 2. Not mmo. That includes IRL, which is the worst of all mmo's. I'm bored with scripted interactions, and bored with mmo's. Had fun with Sims for a while, but recently bored with it because it is auto-win. In Sims, you could make the most incompatible sim on the planet, and be the lover and/or best friend of all the hottest sims at once, no penalty, outcome always the same. Thanks in advance for any suggestions that get me past this! The game can have action or not, doesn't matter as long as I feel like I'm making a unique story with my character.
  15. This is my first playthrough. Everything has been going on smoothly, then suddenly in Ruined Temple I am attacked by more than 15 enemies at once, when normally I see at most 4 or 5. Needless to say, even on Easy the party cannot handle that. Is a mod causing all of these enemies to be linked, or is the game supposed to be like this? Did a little experimentation and realized that 5 or so of the enemies should not have been linked with the others, but I could just run past enemies and therefore force the fights to be manageable. Seems odd for the number of enemies per fight to go suddenly from 4 to 18 or so, but not unprecedented I guess.
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