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  1. Hello people of the Skyrim! I've seen a few modded Skyrim SE videos on youtube and some show fps dips into the 40's and 50's even though neither the CPUor GPU is at 100%, vram and ram not maxed ect... Where is the bottleneck? I'm just trying to understand.. why does this happen? could it be CPU frequency? Example video: https://youtu.be/ufFk6btohNM?t=405 Cheers!!
  2. The actual resolution will be 1920x1200. That PC on my sig is what I used to have, I sold it long ago now I'm building another. As for mods.. I'm the kind of person to spends hours fiddling with the game until it has hundreds of mods running stable. I'm talking highest resolution textures I can get for everything... npcs, armors, interiors, exteriors... even that cabbage or that jar, high density grass, high end ENB, more and bigger trees, flora, weather and lightning mods, high quality LODs, npc spawn mods etc... I'm talking pretty maxed out modded skyrim, that's what i'm looking for. I know for a fact that 4gb vram wont be enough because if it wasn't enough years ago... it wont be enough now, currently i'm thinking around 8GB vram?? . At that time i was running 660 ti sli and 3570k with 4.5 OC and I would get areas where cpu would bottleneck around 40fps and others where gpu would bottleneck... and I don't want that.. I want 60fps MINIMUM EVERYWHERE. As for the 9400f you would be amazed how little fps difference there is between this and the 9600k on current gen games, however, on skyrim I don't know as in the end it's a very cpu focused game. The only game I can compare it to is Ac as it's also a very cpu demanding game and there is an almost 10fps between both 60fps-70fps. As for other games.... meeeeh only 1 other another... It's skyrim that I play for hundreds of hours, so I would build a pc primarly for it. Edit: 1070/1080 seem to be out of stock everywhere in my country.. so I would have to get one used or instead 1660ti/rtx2060/rtx2070 ??
  3. I get what you guys are saying but I'm trying to spend just as much as I need for 60fps I don't really need anything over that.. So if a 1070 word be enough I would take it... Even 1060 if it gets the jobdone ð What about CPU??
  4. Hi all!! I'm someone who has modded skyrim a lot years ago and i'm currently wanting to build a new PC. I've been away for a while so I don't actually know what kind of PC it takes to currently run skyrim SE fully modded with enb and those lovely grass mods at 1080p60fps everywhere.. And yes I mean even around Riften and Falkreth. I was thinking of a 9400f/9600k with maybe gtx1070/1080???? Would this be to much or too little? I'm trying to save money where I can. If someone has a clue I would appreciate the help, thanks!! Edit: 1070/1080 seem to be out of stock everywhere in my country.. so i would have to get one used or instead 1660ti/rtx2060/rtx2070 ??
  5. It could be some usb device that you have plugged in. I remember when I first got the game I couldn't play because I had a gamepad and a G25 plugged in.
  6. You can use the steam overlay one. No external apps then.
  7. I am over 3gb (or should be) I need a new graphics card.
  8. LOL. There actually mods for this.. I had not seen them yet somehow.. Civil War Repair - It's for Original Skyrim though, not sure how it goes on SSE Immersive Civil War Cleanup - It's for Original Skyrim though, not sure how it goes on SSE. According to mod description seems to be the safer one? There appears to be some console commands too but they don't fix everything, apparently. Console Commands
  9. "Civil War Clean Up, mod" I think about this all the time!!
  10. Check if skyimse.exe is not running in task manager, some times it hides and that problem happens. If the above is not it. Disable the mods 1 by 1 and test to find the one causing it.
  11. this one removes the smoke in menu probably loadings too http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3223/?
  12. Be careful running the game over 60 fps, even though everything seems good, there's talk about the scripting system getting messed up as it works in 60 fps so you might run into problems down the road potentially bloating/corrupting your saves. Just saying.
  13. The blurriness is probably from the ingame anti-aliasing, both fxaa and taa make the game blurry, so try turning off the anti-aliasing and the reshade and test.
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