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About CleaveOfFaith

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  1. Would be killer if somebody could somehow make that particular suit from DSR. It would look right at home in a game like Starfield!
  2. Any chance of tweaking in-game meshes in order to make the Raimi Suit slightly beefier? Characteristic of that Peter Parker is that he was quite chunkier than your usual live-action Spidey, so at least even a slight "buff" on his body across the board would make the suit even more true to the original imo. Specifically a bit wider/broader shoulders, touched-up butt and thighs. Another idea that I had is for the Cyborg Spider Suit to be the Advanced or the Webbed Suit (Raimi) instead of the Classic one that we have right at the start of the game. In other words to have all the accessories from Cyborg Spider (belt, bandana, cybernetic arm etc.) on top of those suits. Would make for quite a dope model replacer to be honest.
  3. So I found out that the Ranger Outfit's textures (the atomic shop item from Fallout 1st membership) are pretty low resolution when compared to some other ingame outfit textures. Nevertheless I would love it if anyone can start working on improving the texture quality of the armor if possible. Also I recently just got into using a digitizer so I could theoretically pump out some higher res or sharper looking textures if somebody can point me in the right way on how to do so. I love this iconic armor set so I want it looking the best it can asap now that i'm back in the game again. Any help/ guidance towards how to rework fallout 76's textures is appreciated, pm me if anyone's interested. If someone is already working on it I would also appreciate a heads up!
  4. Word should be spread throughout the nexus about this terrible problem of fallout 3. I don't know in which other way i can publisize this fix more but i am glad to have helped so far. Please try and do anything for this fix to reach as many Fallout 3 and New Vegas players as possible, as i think it is also present in new vegas. If anyone is reading this, either point them out to this page in order to solve this problem or explain it yourselves, this fix rly makes the game gorier and it shouldn't be something that Ultra setting players should miss. Ok, i created a thread for this problem on the Fallout New Vegas Forums as well, it will hopefully help people playing that game as well :)
  5. [This was directly copied and pasted from the same thread that i had created for Fallout 3 because they use the same engine, so keep in note that whatever is written here is true AND applies for New Vegas as well, as i have witnessed the same problem described below in NV too, thanks for taking the time to read, it will surely be worth it for all you gory-blood fans :smile: ] As you may know, there is a big difference in the blood limb explosion textures between the PC and Xbox 360 versions of Fallout NV. Having Fallout NV on Ultra Settings is awesome, but if you have noticed detailed combat in the xbox 360 version of the game, you can tell that the blood particles in the pc version of the game look like dispersed bubbles/dots flying out of an exploding limb, where in the Xbox 360 version it is replaced by a Gory Splashy and Satisfying Blood explosion, as well as having the dots replaced by very good looking twisted spurting blood. Now, as you may have guessed this is NOT related to your machine, NOR are there mods to replace the ugly dots BUT, there is a way to fix this, and it is the most easy to do and easy to miss one. You may have the settings on Ultra but there is an actual problem between some alterations made there. So, i know many people have found the problem, and now i present it here so that many of you fallout NV players solve this disturbing pc version issue. The real culprit in your settings is having BOTH Antialiasing and Transparency Multisampling ( a checkbox located in the advanced tab of the settings window) turned ON TOGETHER. Now, transparency multisampling is an effect which antialiases textures which have transparency in them, an effect which IS BROKEN in the game engine and CANNOT work well for your blood textures when associated with Antialiasing turned on. So, i believe you have already found the solution and that is..... TURN TRANSPARENCY MULTISAMPLING OFF, IF and WHEN you have Antialiasing enabled too. Pay attention, you CAN have transparency mutlisampling turned on BUT never with antialiasing turned on too, as it bugs the blood explosion textures. So that is it people, it is time for you to witness Fallout NV on Ultra Settings in it's actual Gory and Brutal nature, i hope i have helped ( I DIDN'T FIND THE ISSUE, I TOO HAVE TAKEN THIS OFF OF A THREAD ON GOOGLE) many people solve this disturbance as much as it has helped me . Have Fun Playing Guys :smile:
  6. Word should be spread throughout the nexus about this terrible problem of fallout 3. I don't know in which other way i can publisize this fix more but i am glad to have helped so far. Please try and do anything for this fix to reach as many Fallout 3 and New Vegas players as possible, as i think it is also present in new vegas. If anyone is reading this, either point them out to this page in order to solve this problem or explain it yourselves, this fix rly makes the game gorier and it shouldn't be something that Ultra setting players should miss.
  7. I know that there are mods that can be run by either NMM or FOMM, fomm has helped me with everything i wanted done so far, so in your case NMM may be the actual remedy. I did more research on your mod ( the nmc's texture pack ) and it seems that it can be installed with NMM and not with FOMM, so you have better luck with that than me. Anyways, you have got the problem done, so good luck with anything you need done in the future, i will be happy to help if i can. Also read the tread i did about blood texture problems from limb explosions on the forums. It is some information that took me at least one day to find. It can prove really helpfull if you haven't solved the problem yourself already :)
  8. Your case for the textures may mostly be because you don't have ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated! installed. It is one of the MUST-HAVE things for your fallout 3 to have most mods working well, and in your case which actually has to do with faces, i don't doubt that you must use it. Simply type archive in the search tab of fallout 3 nexus and the most endorsed mod will be ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated in your search results. You just have to download the file, which is an .exe file and BEFORE you run it, place it in your fallout installlation folder ( The one in which the fallout.exe and fallout launcher.exe are located) and THEN you run it and simply choose activate. Done. Now test your mods again and tell me your results. Rmember to ALWAYS check the mod's esp boxes before you play the game, i have forgotten to do so many times so keep your eyes peeled. Did not fix the texture issue, nor the animation issue. The .esp's and loose files were all assigned to load. Hmmm, that is tricky, well it certaintly is because you didn't follow the mods' steps correctly. Always keep in mind that many mods require other mods to work with. Now i see that nmc's texture pack can actually be installed with FOMM, just click on which texture package you want to install, BUT not by the default link, click the download with manager button and you will download the mod's files all merged into an executable which can be run with FOMM. Simply run it and double click the mod's name when it appears on the FOMM window, and then follow the quick installation instructions and you are done. For the other mods do exactly what their installation instructions on their page say to do. Follow each step closely, and make sure you have ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated installed, when you activate ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated from your fallout 3 installation direcory, LEAVE it there, DO NOT remove it as it has caused problems in my experience. Now, as the animation mod says, extract everything in your data folder. Remember to overwrite when you are asked to merge textures with textures etc. Do not try and create other folders in meshes or textures manually and then putting the mod's files manually in them, just copy and paste the whole mesh or texture folder of a mod into your data folder, when asked to merge, press yes to all, and about overwrite, press yes again. Try everything about these things i have said in detail and reply when you have made progress :)
  9. Your case for the textures may mostly be because you don't have ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated! installed. It is one of the MUST-HAVE things for your fallout 3 to have most mods working well, and in your case which actually has to do with faces, i don't doubt that you must use it. Simply type archive in the search tab of fallout 3 nexus and the most endorsed mod will be ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated in your search results. You just have to download the file, which is an .exe file and BEFORE you run it, place it in your fallout installlation folder ( The one in which the fallout.exe and fallout launcher.exe are located) and THEN you run it and simply choose activate. Done. Now test your mods again and tell me your results. Rmember to ALWAYS check the mod's esp boxes before you play the game, i have forgotten to do so many times so keep your eyes peeled.
  10. I guess that might help, but then I don't really understand the whole debate about mod managers, that people even use them, since you can't really screw up your game in the first place, since you're adding files, not replacing them. Anyways, back to topic, I'll try that, thanks. Because -I believe- it used to look like this: --/Fallout 3 goty/Data/data/meshes/ <files> Anyways, I'll try what you said now, will update. Even if it looks like it, mod managers ARE needed for certain mods that are made exclusively for mod manager installation. The thing is, that if you have like 100 files from mods in a folder (texture files from different mods placed in the landscape folder which is in turn located in the textures folder), and say, that you have to remove like 15 out of these files, then there is where the mod manager installed mods come in. When you do a setup of a mod from a mod manager ( NOT all mods have a custom mod manager setup made for them ), it extracts your needed files like the texture , mesh and esp ones accordingly and accurately so in turn IF the mod is buggy or you are not satisfied with it, you can go back to the mod manager and select to deactivate the certain mod. Upon selecting the option, ALL files associated with the mod are safely deleted from their appropriate places WITHOUT risking deleting other importand files by accident if you try to do so manually. Believe me i was just like you about mod managers, but they do help alot and in the case of Fallout 3's buggy launcher ( all esps DEACTIVATE if you try and go to data files - you must check every box in again, which can be disturbing for users who have over 20 mods installed). I highly recommend that you install and learn how to use FOMM ( Fallout Mod Manager - which is compatible with both Fallout 3 and New Vegas ). The only game in which i didn't need to use a Mod Manager for my mods so far is Skyrim, in whicha game's case things are just simpler to do right in a manner of speaking. So, go for the mod manager it will help you when you plan to extensively modify Fallout 3, That is guaranteed my friend :)
  11. i believe that you can also create these folders on your own, after all, the needed files are the bsa which are locked files containing meshes textures sound etc. If you want to add mods that have their meshes and textures associated, you can create new folders naming them meshes, textures etc, so that you can put mods' files there. If that is the case, i hope i have helped you :). If you still have problems, then post in detail what is exactly missing that you actually require to do what you want to do, i have had modding experience since oblivion, so i hope i can help you with that.
  12. As you may know, there is a big difference in the blood limb explosion textures between the PC and Xbox 360 versions of Fallout 3. Having Fallout 3 on Ultra Settings is awesome, but if you have noticed detailed combat in the xbox 360 version of the game, you can tell that the blood particles in the pc version of the game look like dispersed bubbles/dots flying out of an exploding limb, where in the Xbox 360 version it is replaced by a Gory Splashy and Satisfying Blood explosion, as well as having the dots replaced by very good looking twisted spurting blood. Now, as you may have guessed this is NOT related to your machine, NOR are there mods to replace the ugly dots BUT, there is a way to fix this, and it is the most easy to do and easy to miss one. You may have the settings on Ultra but there is an actual problem between some alterations made there. So, i know many people have found the problem, and now i present it here so that many of you fallout 3 players solve this disturbing pc version issue. The real culprit in your settings is having BOTH Antialiasing and Transparency Multisampling ( a checkbox located in the advanced tab of the settings window) turned ON TOGETHER. Now, transparency multisampling is an effect which antialiases textures which have transparency in them, an effect which IS BROKEN in the game engine and CANNOT work well for your blood textures when associated with Antialiasing turned on. So, i believe you have already found the solution and that is..... TURN TRANSPARENCY MULTISAMPLING OFF, IF and WHEN you have Antialiasing enabled too. Pay attention, you CAN have transparency mutlisampling turned on BUT never with antialiasing turned on too, as it bugs the blood explosion textures. So that is it people, it is time for you to witness Fallout 3 on Ultra Settings in it's actual Gory and Brutal nature, i hope i have helped ( I DIDN'T FIND THE ISSUE, I TOO HAVE TAKEN THIS OFF OF A THREAD ON GOOGLE) many people solve this disturbance as much as it has helped me . Have Fun Playing Guys :smile:
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