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About coopper2072

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  1. I'm talking something like one of those massive DLC sized mod projects that Skyrim and Fallout have going. Story-related, new quests/NPCs, maybe something to give an option to save Jackie/add a new ending(s) to the game? Is it still too early to start something like this? Or do you think people weould be interested? Not starting anything myself as I'm not familliar enough with the tools yet. Just asking out of curiosity, see what people think or are looking forward to for the future.
  2. Dunno if anyone's actively modding this still or maybe getting back into it thanks to the remaster announcment, but I was wondering if Anyone could make a mod that makes class powers or all the base game powers into bonus powers? I remember I managed to do it a few years ago and effectively make my own custom classes but it was a bit of a process and I can't seem to find the programs I used anymore. If someone could handle this I'd really appreciate it. I miss slow-mo Dash and infinite grenade builds. If you're able to throw in some of the more unique Multiplayer powers too that'd be awesome! Collector bubble and Volus orbs and such would be fun in SP. Thanks for reading.
  3. Ok so i LOVE the vampire lord spells. It is freaking awesome being able to use the vampiric grip and bat teleport. But as badass as the vampire lord is there's times I don't want to be a creepy critter of the dark JUST to cast a couple of cool spells. I've tried to make the spellbook versions for non vampires before but they just don't want to work for me so i figured i'd go to the experts. If someone would like to take up this project and upload it to the Nexus that'd be awesome! While I'm thinking about it if you could get a few of the werewolf powers too that'd be cool.
  4. Kinda new to forums so if this is in the wrong place pls feel free to say so (in truth i suspect this topic won't ever be read but figured i'd try). Topic says it all. I'm wondering if someone can change a vampire clan's powers to include Dominate, Obfuscate, and something fun like Thaumaturgy or Demention. Animalism and Protean are cool too. Dominate and Obfuscate are my big ones. I was hoping to be a Brujah, Toreador, or Ventrue so if someone could just switch the powers around if they've got the time that'd be cool. Just upload it to the nexus if you do make it. Thanks.
  5. @drakynval- yea the few i've looked at have all been youtube vids but most the on'e i've seen have all been very basic quest stuff. thx tthough. @Xander9009- i've been looking into trying that but i'm afraid that if i spawn say 20 projectiles then they'll all just spawn in the same spot. need to go back and actually try it though. thx for the replies.
  6. Ok i'm also new to forums so if this isn't in the right place please tell me so i can move it or whatever. So I'm currently in the process of making some new spells for a mod I made. I'm new to papyrus and have been watching a few tutorials but i can't figure out exactly what i need so here's what i'm currently trying to make: Snap Freeze- supposed to basically be an AoE wall of frost with multiple of the little ice clusters appearing throughout the area. if i can figure this out i should be able to get my other stuff made pretty easilly. i use the creation kit and like i said i've only seen a few tutorials. figured i'd go straight to the people who knew what they're doing. thanks for helping and any other tips for general modding are always welcome.
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