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Yaaaay! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Since it's already morning in the RP, just assume that Nawen is already gone.
Nawen had separated herself from the rest of the group and spent some time walking around the inn aimlessly. When she returned to where her friends were she noticed that they've started retiring for the night. The drow decided to do the same, but before going and try to get some rest again, she went to check up on the horses. As she approached Kiira's stall she noticed a pouch of supplies. "That was fast." She thought as she picked up the pouch and examined its contents. After reading the note, Nawen smiled a little and went to attach the pouch to her horse's saddle. While walking around the inn, she considered whether to stay for a little longer to say goodbyes but decided against it. If she did she might not want to leave at all, and she had to. She wouldn't forgive herself if the danger turned out to be real and she did nothing instead of investigating. No. She had to leave while it wasn't too difficult.
After Rhaine left, Nawen stood by the road watching the horizon quietly before turning towards the inn. She noticed that her companions played a game of sorts and stopped nearby to see what they were playing exactly, her wolf companion, Rhegar joined her and watched the rest of the group curiously while sitting by Nawen's feet.
Nawen was relieved to hear that Rhaine agreed with her plan. It was much more difficult to leave the group than she imagined, the very idea was upsetting but it is something she had to do. For her friends' sake as well as her own. "Yes, I'm planning to leave early," she said. Then Rhaine told her about wanting to give her something she smiled a little. "Thank you, I hope I will not have to use any of the items, but it is better to be prepared," the drow said, "I also hope you'll have enough for yourselves left, because if not... I know how to get by."
Nawen listened to what Rhaine had to say. For a moment it seemed that the doomguide had nothing to ask, but then she did and it was not an easy question to answer. "For the moment, all I have is mere suspicions," she said but then paused. She did not want to pointlessly worry Rhaine, but sadly Nawen wasn't very good with words nor was she a good liar. "There is a small possibility that someone were following us before we came here," the drow said, "perhaps they followed Shalena and not anyone currently in the group, but I want to make sure just in case." "It is better if I did this by myself," she added, "whoever is or were following us were stealthy, but I don't think they know I noticed them following us, and I'd rather learn more about them than rush headlong into what could turn out to be an ambush. That's why I need to do this alone."
Nawen sighed, feeling unsure how to word it properly without worrying Rhaine. It wasn't a casual conversation they're about to have after all. "I promised to see this journey with you until the end," she finally said, "and I'm not taking my words back, but I fear I need to leave the group for a while." Nawen knew that she couldn't leave it like this, and that Rhaine might expect some answers and even if she didn't, the ranger felt that she owed one regardless. "It is nothing important, so there is no need to worry, but I can't leave it be either. I will join you again later, it shouldn't be difficult to track a group like ours."
Nawen, just like several of her companions did, chose the barn loft. Even if she did enjoy sleeping in beds, the drow was used to sleeping in various conditions. Some far worse than a pile of hay. She spent most of the evening by herself outside, wandering outside. When she finally retired for the night, Nawen found herself unable to sleep and thus spend most of the night staring at the ceiling and failing to get some rest. After what seemed like several hours, she was still awake and decided to ditch the efforts getting some rest and went outside instead. The night air felt so refreshing and at first she thought to take a walk but then noticed Rhaine standing by the road and walked up to her. "Rhaine?" She spoke as she approached the doomguide. "Can we talk?" She asked. "I need to talk to you about something and it's important."
Nawen was relieved once they've reached the inn. While her friends dismounted and went inside, the drow stayed behind and glanced at the direction from which they came from. She was not expecting to see Shalena, not after her outburst, no, she was searching the horizon for something else. For a couple of minutes she stared into the distance intently before dismounting Kiira and heading into the inn after her friends.
I've been thinking a lot about this, and I have decided that I'm going to take a temporary break from Tales of Faerun, due to the decreasing interest as well as the fact that I can't come up with anything to post. I don't want to keep you guys waiting on me when I simply don't know what to post, so a temporary break sounds like the best solution at the moment. Also, since there's no good reason for my characters to leave and go on their own adventures and whatnot (especially Nawen) just assume that my characters are still traveling with the group. I also give my permission to Auri to use Nawen and Shalena whenever she'd deem their involvement needed.
After hearing Rameses' inquiry, Shalena glanced at the genasi. "We keep the beasts in the cargo hold," the piratess said, "so... no. You won't have to leave your horse behind. It could also work as a good way to punish crew members if they disobey." She chuckled to herself and went to order some breakfast.
Shalena's face lit up at the mention of her ship. "Well it's about time," she said as she glanced at the map, "me and my crew missed traveling by the sea." The piratess listened to Rhaine describing the route and watched the said route on the map. However, as soon as their newest companion, Coldwell spoke up, she couldn't help but chuckle. "The only somewhat concerning trouble that awaits us in those waters are Thayvian ships, but I have confidence in my ship, and I doubt they'd pay much attention to yet another pirate ship, since pirates are far from uncommon in these parts." The piratess frowned visibly at the voiced complaints about sea travel. "Be thankful you don't have to row a boat across the sea," she said, "I've spent half of my life in the sea and I don't complain nearly as much about traveling by land." As surprising as it was, the piratess sounded genuinely offended. Nawen stared at the map and listened to the conversation, but didn't say anything. And then Amendale did something she never expected him to do. The drow watched with the raised eyebrow as Arland slumped to the floor before glancing at Amendale. "You could have just silenced him, you know." Shalena laughed when the unexpected scene took place and the sound Arland's head made when it hit the table made her laugh even more. She turned to Rhaine once she was able to control her laughter. "Bet you were tempted to do something like that too." She said.
Shalena laughed when a halfling named Codswell paid for another round of meals. "Listen to that!" She exclaimed. "Free food, twice this evening!" She said as she grabbed another plate. The sorcerer sitting beside her paid little attention to the meals being passed around as he watched everyone in the tavern, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Nawen politely declined the second meal and quietly left the tavern with her wolf, Rhegar. Sometime later, after finding nothing too interesting in the town, the drow came back and made her way to one of the rooms to rest.
"Ah, yes," Shalena said with a chuckle, "a fee sounds like an interesting idea. Good thing we're already members of the group." The piratess added. As they reached the nearest town, Shalena went straight to the nearest tavern. Once inside she ordered enough food and drinks for the whole group but leaving someone else to pay for it. Orion followed the piratess inside and joined her at the table. "Our group seems like a small army now." He said. "More like a traveling circus," the piratess replied, "I bet someone addressed us in such a fashion." Nawen lingered outside for a while, helping Argyros and Conall with the horses, as well as leaving them a few treats, before heading to the tavern. She wondered for a moment where Leif is going to keep his griffon only to see the creature flying off. Smiling to herself, she gestured for Rhegar to follow her and made her way inside. As soon as the drow entered, she noticed Shalena and Orion already at the table but there was also something else that caught her attention. A Mastiff sitting by what looked like a halfling. "It seems I'm not the only one who brought an animal friend here." She said to Rhegar and made her way towards on if the tables.
Shalena watched the two newcomers and their unusual mount with the slight smirk on her face. "Isn't it fascinating how we meet... interesting people in the middle of nowhere?" She asked. Nawen meanwhile paid little attention to the horned halfling and her companion. Her attention was focused on the griffon. She watched the magnificent creature with obvious amazement in her eyes but dared not to approach it. She had never seen one outside of drawings and knew next to nothing about them, thus it seemed wiser to keep her distance. "Fascinating creature, isn't it?" Orion asked as he approached the drow and shot a glance at the griffon. Animals didn't like him much anymore, nor was he too fond of them either but you don't get to see something like that any day. Nawen nodded without taking her eyes off the griffon. The sorcerer then turned his attention to Abby and Leif but said nothing.
Nawen stopped pacing around the camp once their captive, Elaril, began talking. She had to admit that she was surprised to hear her talking willingly. It seems she wasn't mind-controlled after all. Still, the drow was absolutely appalled hearing everything this man, this Silithus had done and what he forced their captive to do. Once Rhaine had dealt with the situation how she saw fit, Nawen continued watching their surroundings and later at night, she still kept watch even if Weyland had volunteered to watch the camp first. She felt far too uneasy to rest knowing someone so dangerous as Silithus was somewhere out there. The following morning when the group packed their things and continued their journey, Nawen found herself glancing at the sky occasionally. She was doing the same when Hazel rode up beside her. "He seems to be doing a little better," she said, "but as you said he's still upset." As the dryad complimented the pseudodragon on his bravery, Aodh poked his head out through Nawen's white hair and before she could say anything, Aodh flew over to Hazel and perched on her shoulder. Nawen smiled a little at the sight before briefly glancing at the road ahead and then back to Hazel. "And how are you doing?" She asked. "It was hard as it was, and then what Elaril told about your home..." Shalena watched the exchange between Rhaine and their captive, curious to see the outcome. What transpired wasn't what the imagined. After the spell was cast, the half-elf jumped from her seat. "What in the hells?! You should have killed her!" She shouted. She had a long tirade already planned out but she didn't say anything, much to her own surprise. Instead, she watched as the Doomguide left the camp. They've almost never seen eye to eye but this... this was different. Whatever her motivations were, what Rhaine did Shalena saw as wrong. She was a pirate after all, one who valued freedom over everything, even over people she believed she genuinely loved, and seeing something like that was frightening to say the least. The piratess spent the rest of an evening by the fire, before retiring to her tent. When they left the camp the following morning, Shalena rode behind Nawen occasionally glancing at Rhaine and wondering whether it was worth it to bring her thoughts over what happened last night or not.
Nawen too was relieved when Aodh was brought back to life. She felt very sorry for Heidi, wildlife that vile man killed as well as the lecherous merchant. She didn't like him but no one deserved the kind of death he met. As they left the wasteland behind them, the drow kept glancing up at the sky expecting someone to show up any time, she only hoped it would be Amendale and Argyros instead of the one who killed Heidi. When they've set up the camp by the river, Nawen paced around the camp with Aodh still hiding in her hair and Rhegar following her closely and keeping the close watch of their surroundings. For a brief moment she considered stopping but when Amendale and Argyros came back and told them that the man had escaped, the drow continued watching the area for anything unusual. Shalena was sitting by the campfire when their companions returned with the hostage. "I know no one's going to bother listening to me," she spoke, "but I'll go ahead and say it: if she's really being mind-controlled what makes you think she's going to say anything?" Orion, who remained mostly quiet after his short introduction, decided to speak. "There are ways to get someone to talk, even if they're mind-controlled." The sorcerer said as he pushed himself off the large boulder he was leaning against. Before Shalena could say anything else he added: "And no, I don't mean torture." He said to the piratess as if he already knew which method she would have mentioned. The half-elf frowned as the white robed man told what she had in mind before she could say it. "Watch out, we got a mind reader over here." "Not at all," the sorcerer smirked, "but it does seem preferable to find out what's wrong with her before getting your hands bloody."
Nawen was glad to be out of the tomb but what she saw outside made her stop in her track. The beautiful oasis they've left behind as they entered the tomb was completely destroyed. One glance at the wasteland was enough to tell that the destruction was caused by a person. She stood at the entrance of the tomb, staring at the land while others walked past her. Shalena sent the survivors of her crew to attend to the horses, while she followed the rest of the group to look for Hazel and Heidi. Orion followed them silently. It appears that whatever the winged half-elf wished to discuss will have to wait. Nawen joined others shortly after they've discovered Heidi's body. The fact that her body was mostly untouched by the flame was even a bigger proof that it wasn't a natural fire, but why would anyone do this? The drow shot a glance at Conall who was holding Aodh in his hands. It appears that the poor thing had perished as well. She was about to say something, when she heard Zorica talking. She quickly approached the half-drow and knelt beside the area she was pointing at. "You're right," she said, "someone was indeed fighting here." The drow then noticed charred remains of some sort of plant. She picked a small piece of it to take a closer look. It took her a while until she was able to recognize what it was. Roots. "It appears that Hazel fought someone here," she said, "whoever she was fighting must have destroyed everything else."
The fighting ended as quickly as it started now that the dead magic zone had been lifted. Both Nawen and Shalena received a few injuries but Rhaine's healing spell fixed the damage. Now that the battle was over, Nawen had more time to look around. That's when she noticed that there was someone else with them. "Another vampire?" She thought as she drew her own bow and aimed at the stranger, just like Marie did, but as the stranger stepped into the light she lowered her bow a bit. She had seen him before, during the festival at Menarses' estate. With the fight over, Orion noticed that one of the adventurers was aiming her bow at him. "Not unexpected." He said as he stepped forward, the blue orb on his staff radiating cold aura once again. "My name is Orion, and I've been following you for a while," he said calmly, "before you jump to any conclusions, I have seen your... interesting group back at Menarses' estate during the festival, and I wished to offer my aid, but you left before I could do so," he said as he shot a glance at Marie seeming not worried about an arrow aimed at him, "so... I followed you waiting for the right moment to introduce myself."
Hey, guys. Just wanted to say that I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I should have some more time on Friday, so I'll post then.
Shalena, feeling rather displeased that nobody paid any attention to what she said followed the others deeper into the tomb. Since it was pretty obvious that Argyros had no intention to even try to get the collapsed rubble from entrance out of the way, the piratess had no other choice but to tag along. Despite her wish to complain, she remained quiet, worried that her voice might attract more vampires. Only after they discovered that the phylactery was gone, and when they were attacked by the vampires again, she finally spoke again. "Not like anyone's going to pay attention to what I say," Shalena scoffed as she drew her weapon, "but what did I tell you?!" Nawen walked quietly, carefully watching their surroundings. When the vampires attacked them again she had her bow at the ready. When an undead monk attacked Imhiros, she shot an arrow, trying to get it off the Osirian but one arrow wasn't enough. Orion got inside the tomb just as vampires trapped the adventurers. He wasn't too late after all. Good. Not being able to join the group back at Menarses' estate, he had followed the group to the tomb but before he could follow them inside the entrance collapsed behind them. The sorcerer spent longer than he would have liked until he found another way inside. He paused for a moment as he felt something was wrong. It didn't take him long to realize what was wrong. "Wonderful," he thought as he tightened his grip on his staff, "hitting bloodsuckers with a stick," and started attacking the undead monks from whatever safe corners he could find. Introductions will have to wait.
"You didn't," Nawen said, "I was just worried. That's all." She shot him a light smile before standing up. "I'll go with Dri and Marie." She said. Shalena glanced at Llhunarra and chuckled. "Unless their treasures tend to crumble to dust like these bloodsuckers themselves do." As she heard the Doomguide speaking, she could not help but voice her own opinion. "You hit your head harder than I thought." The piratess said. "Look at some of your friends," she added as she gestured to Aera, Conall and then Zorica who seemed to have fared the worst during the fight, "it took six of those things to injure them like that, how long do you think we'll last down here without magic? We don't even know if the phylactery thing we're looking for is still here."
With the vampires defeated, Nawen climbed down the dragon and approached Conall. "How are you feeling?" She asked concerned as she crouched down beside him. "You had me worried for a moment there." Shalena looked around to see if there were any more undead around, but after seeing Amendale killing the last of the vampires she shot a glance at the others. "So... how large is this tomb anyway?" The piratess asked. "Cause if there's an army of vampires waiting ahead I suggest we get our dragon friend here to make us a new door. We barely defeated those six."
Shalena was grateful for Sybille's assistance and as the vampire focused his attention on the warrioress she could catch a breather. As she looked back at them however, she noticed how the vampire threw Sybille off and sending her across the floor. The piratess still had no clue how to kill these things but she intended to try nevertheless. Nawen heard Argyros' voice and glanced at the dragon as he shoved his foot for her to climb. "Thanks!" She exclaimed and was about to start climbing when she noticed as one of the vampires knocked Conall out. "Conall!" She shouted and dashed towards the paladin. Before she could reach him, the same vampire jumped to its feet and drew closer to the unconscious paladin. "Oh no." Nawen thought as she realized the vampire's intention. The undead monk stooped lower, baring his fangs and was about to bite into Conall's neck when Nawen grabbed the monk roughly by its robes, pulling him away. "Don't you dare!" She hissed and slashed at it with her blade. The creature swiftly avoided her blade and attempted to grab it out of her grasp but she backed away before he could grab it. The vampire didn't hesitate and charged at her with series of punches which Nawen was sure will leave many bruises and perhaps a few broken ribs. Shalena was focusing on the same vampire that tried to attack her when she noticed that Nawen was fighting one. And doing a rather poor job at that. So she went after it instead. "Hey, dusty! I'm over here!" The piratess exclaimed, drawing the monk's attention from the drow, which was exactly what the ranger needed. Without wasting any time, Nawen raised her blade and slashed at the vampire's neck. As sharp as her blade was, it was obvious that one slash won't be enough, so she attempted to slash it again but the monk caught her arm and grasped it tightly. "Down!" She heard the piratess shouting and ducked down as much as she could and then moments later felt something hitting her shoulder and falling on the ground. She caught the glimpse of the vampire's head before it dissolved into dust. "I can't believe it fell for that!" The piratess laughed. "Neither can I." Nawen replied as she hurried towards Conall. Thankfully he was only unconscious and she managed to pull the vampire away before it could bite the paladin. "Thank the Gods." She sighed in relief before glancing back at Shalena. "We need to get him away from the fight before other vampires noticed him." The piratess nodded and the two dragged him towards Argyros. Only then did Nawen climbed to the top, and while her arm hurt, she took out her bow and nocked an arrow, aiming it at another undead monk.
Shalena, who wasn't paying much attention to the surroundings, jumped when Rhaine was tackled by something. "What in the hells is going on?!" She exclaimed as she drew her cutlass. "Vampires." Nawen hissed as what attacked Rhaine became obvious, she shot an arrow into another one heading their way but it did not stop running, her arrow merely slowed it down. Before the piratess could say anything else she heard something behind her back. Swiftly she turned around, barely missing the monk swinging his fists at her. She jumped back and ducked slashing her blade across its stomach but her attack left only a cut in dusty robes, no damage at all. "How do we fight these things?!" Shalena exclaimed as she tried her best to avoid even being touched by the vampire. From whatever glimpses she managed to catch of the fight so far, their enemies seemed to have an advantage in all but numbers. So far. Nawen could not answer the piratess' question as she knew only what pretty much everyone who has never even seen one knew. The drow shot a quick glance at her surroundings. Best way for her to fight them was to keep them at a distance but for that she needed someplace higher.
Nawen turned back to look at her friends, more specifically at Imhiros "Are you familiar with the layout of this tomb? Perhaps other tombs are build like this one?" She asked. As odd as it sounded, in a way she agreed with Hexol. If the layout is unfamiliar to the companion who is familiar with these lands then someone should scout ahead, but she did not think that leaving everyone else behind was a good idea. "Why couldn't we discuss all of this while we were outside or could leave this place?" Shalena asked as she nodded to the closed door behind them.