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Everything posted by mostafa_187

  1. D@N, how can you place Halo2 before Halo??? Thats like sacrelige. Without Halo there wouldnt have been a Halo2, besides, Halo kicks Halo2's butt anyday of the week. I actually bought an Xbox just for Halo, and I sold my Xbox cause of Halo2. Alright, I have to agree with Stanhead about MGS. But my runners-up are few and far between. Fav FPS(console): Perfect Dark for N64 Fav FPS(Comp): AvP2 Fav TPS: MGS for PS1(dont know if this counts as a TPS) Fav RPG: Dont remember the name, but this game basically sucked, I hated it, but somehow grew somewhat fond of it over the 5 Days I had rented it. Some game where you control Mech's, like a turn based crap type've thing Fav Classic: This is a toughy, I would have to say... Drum roll please... Kid Chameleon for Sega Genesis(not exactly a classic, but as classic as I get)
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