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Nexus Mods Profile

About Teken023

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    United States
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  1. Hey guys, not the best at scripting for there is still room for improvement but I need some help equipping an item when a Magic Effect is Active. Here's how it was set up; Scriptname "MyScript" extends ActiveMagicEffect Armor Property "MyItem" Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)player.equipitem(0600795C) ENDEVENT Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)player.removeitem(0600795C) ENDEVENT (RESULTS) MyScript.psc(11,26)- extraneous input 'C' expecting RPARENMyScript.psc(11,26)- extraneous input 'C' expecting RPAREN No output generated for SixPaths, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed- Can anyone explain; What am I doing wrong?
  2. Updating Six Paths Mode today, and tweaking other mods before I start on "another one". lol
  3. so what happens if you have multiple mods in creation kit at the file menu Plugin 1 Plugin 2 Plugin 3 Plugin 4 and decide not to tick as active do what you need to do then create archive> Newmod.esp technically it has all the mods in that archive but when i load in game it doesnt appear. It doesnt make sense, i must be doing something wrong here Plugin
  4. So I've been developing mods for some time now and never uploaded them because i didn't consider it until now. So this is what happeded: 1. I used creation kit to create a mod, once i was satisfied; a. File > Save> ex. NewMod.esp I go to play Skyrim.exe...the mod isnt there. ...OK 2. I download someone elses mod (with permission) a. edit some files, and incorporate my own mod with it FIle> Save> b. Skyrim.exe= it works.... ....I dont get it... The problem i'm having is I want to create my own mod and upload it to nexus but apparently after using creation kit; it doesn't show up in game regardless if its textures, clothing, spells...it doesnt exist. and if i try to archive and import my file as Newmod.esp (which doesnt work) it reads 0kb, 1kb or 4kb while other mods are over 5,000KB or more, which tells me that nothing is in it, and the only way to see my own mod is if i edit someone elses files. Whats the deal guys, any ideas?
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