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About XXmetalrocksXX

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  1. http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/339/4/6/tatsumi_s_evolved_incursio__2_by_edosasori-d88raqo.pngAn Akame ga kill mod that adds the imperial arms to the game, one example of this.
  2. http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/339/4/6/tatsumi_s_evolved_incursio__2_by_edosasori-d88raqo.png
  3. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/255/a/9/akame_ga_kill_by_kjmarkely-d7co6vn.png
  4. Akame ga kill is one of my favorite manga/anime. When I first saw it it just screamed to me "dark brotherhood" I was hoping someone could make a mod that adds the imperial arms to Skyrim! and if they really are feeling it add a quest line similar to the dark brotherhood. I think an akame ga kill mod would have a lot of potential. Here's some examples of the main protagonists imperial arm, incursio, incursio's second form. And the sword used to activate the armor.
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