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  1. Okay, used TESVEdit to delete the armor pieces I didn't want and I deleted the corresponding meshes and texture. Loading up my game, it seems I was successful in removing those armors from the mod. Thanks for the help.
  2. The mod does not contain a BSA, it's just loose files. What I'm asking is: Would I need to do anything with the main plugin file with the Creation Kit?
  3. Okay, so I'm trying to save space on my SSD by trimming down on some of my mods, and I have this big armor pack (TERA Armors for UNP), but I only use about a 4th of the 70 or so armor sets it adds, the rest I really don't care about. The mod doesn't have stand alone versions of the individual armors nor can you chose which armors to install. I'm wondering if there's any way to trim down the armor pack to only the armors to only the ones I want. I know it's not just a matter of deleting the textures and meshes since the mod comes with an esm and a level list plugin esp, so what else would I need to do? I am willing to remove the level list plugin if it makes things easier. I use Mod Organizer and I have used the Creation Kit before for some really basic stuff before (IE: editing a couple sets of heavy armor into light).
  4. I'm having this weird glitch with a modded armor that happens at random. The texture of the armor seemingly pulls away to a far off location causing my follower to fade to invisibility. She's still be there, just invisible. Un-equipping the re-equipping her armor solves the problem temporarily. Example: But how would I solve the problem? What's causing this?
  5. Okay, all of a sudden, my camera glitched out. I cannot look up or down in first person and if I zoom out to third-person, the camera zooms VERY far away and I cannot re-enter first person. I have no idea what cause be causing it. Tried nuking the ini files, that didn't work, nor did reloading a earlier save. Toggling tfc off allowed me to look up and down, but once I toggled it back on, it went back to being bugged. This is scaring me cause I'm in a late-game play-through and I don't want to mess up that save. EDIT: Fixed it. Apparently Amorous Adventures (the sfw nexus version) was bugging up my camera for some reason... weird. I removed the mod and the problem went away. EDIT 2: The problem has returned! I just loaded up the save this time and it bugged out! What is going on?! Mod list:
  6. So, my Skyrim is taking an excessively long time to save, upwards of it minute; but just to save, NOT to load. I'm not suffering from save bloat as my save file is only 14 MB. I was suffering from long load times earlier, but that was because I had too many saves. Which I fixed by moving all but the latest elsewhere to a 7z file to serve as backup and by disabling autosaves. I think it started sometime after I removed Skyrim Radioactive from my mod list after to proved to be the cause of many CTDs... but I don't think that's the problem... So does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? EDIT: I have narrowed down the issue! When I create a new save, save time is normal. It is only when I overwrite an existing save I get an excessively long, minute-plus save time. So the problem has to do with overwriting saves, which leads me no closer to the solution. :/ My Specs: CPU: AMD A10-7850k 3.7Ghz Quad-Core ProcessorGPU: PowerColor Radeon HD 6970 2GB Video CardRAM: G.Skill Area Series (4x4) DDR3-2133 MemorySSD: Crucial MX100 256GB (Skyrim is installed on this drive)HDD: Hitachi Ultrastar 1TB (saves are on this drive... do not know how to move them to the SSD)OS: Windows 8.1 (64bit)I use Mod Organizer as my mod manager, I sort my mods using LOOT, all my mods have been cleaned, and I am running both a TESV Merged Patch and a Bashed Patch. I am also running HiAlgo Boost, but I set it to 50% power saver mode when I'm near busy areas as to have a playable FPS. My Mod List: My Load Order: Should I try moving the save file location to the SSD?
  7. Okay, so I am persistently crashing whenever I approach the area Eldergleam Sanctuary is in. I don't enter the Sanctuary, I just approach it and boom I crash. Said area seems to extend in a thin oval mostly to the west of the place, from just east of Fort Amol to just west of the Sanctuary. This CTD leaves me unable to complete the "Blessings of Nature" quest. My Specs: CPU: AMD A10-7850k 3.7Ghz Quad-Core ProcessorGPU: PowerColor Radeon HD 6970 2GB Video CardRAM: G.Skill Area Series (4x4) DDR3-2133 MemorySSD: Crucial MX100 256GB (Skyrim is installed on this drive)HDD: Hitachi Ultrastar 1TBOS: Windows 8.1 (64bit)I use Mod Organizer as my mod manager, I sort my mods using LOOT, all my mods have been cleaned, and I am running both a TESV Merged Patch and a Bashed Patch. I am also running HiAlgo Boost, but I set it to 50% power saver mode when I'm near busy areas as to have a playable FPS. My mod list from highest priotity to lowest: My esp load order: The latest papyrus log:
  8. So it appears I got the infamous Fellow Keep Dungeon CTD. After about 5 seconds of load-screen after entering it, I CTD. First I thought it was something with Fellglow Keep itself, cheating my way through the front door proved me wrong, the Keep itself is fine, but as soon as I enter the dungeon, I crash. The thing that's bugging me though, this was fixed by the Unofficial Patches, and I do have the Unofficial Legendary Edition Patch installed, so I have no idea what's going on here. My Specs: CPU: AMD A10-7850k 3.7Ghz Quad-Core ProcessorGPU: PowerColor Radeon HD 6970 2GB Video CardRAM: G.Skill Area Series (4x4) DDR3-2133 MemorySSD: Crucial MX100 256GB (Skyrim is installed on this drive)HDD: Hitachi Ultrastar 1TBOS: Windows 8.1 (64bit)I use Mod Organizer as my mod manager, I sort my mods using LOOT, all my mods have been cleaned, and I am running both a TESV Merged Patch and a Bashed Patch. I am also running HiAlgo Boost, but I set it to 50% power saver mode when I'm near busy areas as to have a playable FPS. Here is my mod list: The .esp load order: And finally the papayrus log from the latest crash:
  9. Recently, I have not been able to run any of my patchers, such as Wintermyst Enchantments and Patchus Maximus, through Mod Organizer. I run the executable, and the patcher error log throws out an "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" fatal java error. How do I fix this? Note: Neither my java or Mod Organizer is installed in program files. I have both 32 and 64 bit java, but the patcher executables are directed to use the javaw.exe of the 32 bit version. Full crash log:
  10. I have fixed the issue, was it turns out the error was with CCOR not being able to link with Bandoliers: Bags & Pouches, which is odd since I had not installed BB&P this playthough so there should not have been any leftover scripts. So I installed BB&P and the CTDs stopped.
  11. I do not have the ACE mods. Okay, so how do I fix it? I find it puzzling that Complete Crafting Overhaul is causing the CTD when PerMa specifically has a patch for it along with Weapon and Armor Fixes Remade and actually highly recommends Complete Crafting Overhaul..
  12. The first two digits of that ref id are the Load Order number for the mod. So, whatever mod is in slot "35" in your load order is likely the culprit. In the Load Order... priority 35 is the dungeon lighting .esp for Climates of Tamriel, while the mod index 35 is Complete Crafting Overhaul remade.
  13. For several days, I have been trying and failing to get my Skyrim to work. I run Mod Organizer, I have used LOOT, and Wyrebash to help stabilize my load order. I'm pretty sure my mods are in an acceptable priority as well, but nothing seems to work and I'm at my wit's end. Every time I finish building my character and select her major/minor perks through Character Creation Overhaul, I CTD two to seven seconds later. I think this is the error that might be causing the crash: But I don't know what it is or how to fix it. I assume I am using the latest Skyrim. I am using SKSE 1.07.01 I have all the DLC. I have cleaned all of my mods and master files using TES5edit that require cleaning, except the dialog mods that need the dirty edits. My computer specs are: *** Skyrim is installed on this drive and the drive is about half full. Papyrus log from latest crash: Load Order: Mod Listing with top of list being highest priority:
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