So it appears I got the infamous Fellow Keep Dungeon CTD. After about 5 seconds of load-screen after entering it, I CTD. First I thought it was something with Fellglow Keep itself, cheating my way through the front door proved me wrong, the Keep itself is fine, but as soon as I enter the dungeon, I crash. The thing that's bugging me though, this was fixed by the Unofficial Patches, and I do have the Unofficial Legendary Edition Patch installed, so I have no idea what's going on here. My Specs: CPU: AMD A10-7850k 3.7Ghz Quad-Core ProcessorGPU: PowerColor Radeon HD 6970 2GB Video CardRAM: G.Skill Area Series (4x4) DDR3-2133 MemorySSD: Crucial MX100 256GB (Skyrim is installed on this drive)HDD: Hitachi Ultrastar 1TBOS: Windows 8.1 (64bit)I use Mod Organizer as my mod manager, I sort my mods using LOOT, all my mods have been cleaned, and I am running both a TESV Merged Patch and a Bashed Patch. I am also running HiAlgo Boost, but I set it to 50% power saver mode when I'm near busy areas as to have a playable FPS. Here is my mod list: The .esp load order: And finally the papayrus log from the latest crash: