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Posts posted by Lyia73

  1. Hello everyone,


    I've run into the purple texture glitch in my game, but it's only affecting horses and not all horses, just the ones that pull carriages/carts. The only mods I have installed that have to do with horses are Immersive Horses, Immersive Stables 2.0, and Skyrim Horses Renewal which is a texture replacer. The vast majority of the horses in my game look amazing and are clearly using the high quality textures from Skyrim Horses Renewal. It's only the horses that are pulling the carts/carriages that are experiencing the purple texture glitch. I have use Mod Organizer and that's telling me I don't have any conflicts. I've run LOOT and that tells me that I don't have errors. I have plenty of VRAM and RAM. I even ran Skyrim Performance Monitor to make sure that I wasn't hitting the limit to explain the purple texture problem, but I'm nowhere close to the limit. I've experimented with my load order, putting Skyrim Horses Renewal on the very bottom etc. and no matter what I try the horses pulling the carts are still purple. If anyone has any ideas on what the cause or conflict could be and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate your input and assistance. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post.


    Here is a link to a screenshot showing exactly what I'm talking about: two horses side by side one with normal high quality textures and one that's purple.




    Update: I have narrowed the cause of my purple horse texture to Skyrim Horses Renewal. It's a beautiful mod and I absolutely love the way that it makes the horses look. It's the best horse texture replacer I've used. Unfortunately, with it activated the horses pulling carts/carriages turn purple. Without this mod installed, all the horses are normal and the purple texture problem disappears. I look at the files inside the mod itself and was able to find textures for cart horses so I have no idea why having it installed gives me the purple texture glitch. At the moment, I barely have any mods installed. I'm started a new clean game and am slowly installing mods, 4 or 5 at a time, to make sure that I don't experience any problem with them. I don't have any other mod installed that has to do with horses, just Skyrim Horses Renewal. I don't even have Convenient Horses or Immersive Horses installed. If anyone can help me with this I'd greatly appreciate it.

  2. Hello everyone,


    I've posted this problem that I'm experiencing on the Merged Plugin Tool page, but I have yet to receive a reply and I really need help with this to get my game working properly. I have modded Skyrim in the past, spent quite a bit of time modding actually, but I took a break for a few years. I've just recently gotten back into Skyrim and modding with a new powerful rig that's allowing me to use mods and ENB's I never could before without lowering my FPS much at all. I'm very thankful for that, but since it has been a few years I've had a relearn a number of things again and I'm wondering if that's contributing to this particular issue.


    Anyway, onto my problem. My first time around modding Skyrim I used the Merged Plugin Script for TES5Edit and I was able to combine all the armors I used into a single esp and all the weapon mods into another esp. This time around, I've upgraded to the Merge Plugins tool by the same talented author. I was able to install the tool, set it up to work with Mod Organizer, and merge the armor mods I'm using into one single esp. I followed all the instructions to the letter and after the merge the armor mods using the tool the merged esp, the final product, showed up in my Mod Organizer. I ticked it to enable it in my game. So far so good. But when I launched my game and used the console command to make sure they were in my game, I couldn't find a single one of them. I went back through the instructions to make sure that I didn't miss anything or skip a step and, as far as I can tell, I didn't. I even tried to use my previous method, the Merged Plugin Script for TES5Edit, but I ran into a problem using that as well. I was able to merge the various armor mods and I saved the merged esp before exiting TES5Edit, but I couldn't get it to show up, at least properly, in Mod Organizer.


    At the moment, I'm completely at a loss here. Since I use a number of armor mods I really need a combined/merged esp to bring my total number of ESPs down. I was able to do it in the past without a problem, but I just can't seem to get it work now. If anyone has had a similar experience or any ideas on what I can try/do to fix this I'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post and for any suggestions you may offer.

  3. Hello everyone,

    So as I said in the topic title I'm having trouble getting a merged esp to work and with pixelated warpaints. I've modded Skyrim in the past, spent a plethora of hours on it, but I took a break for a couple years. I've just recently gotten back into Skyrim and modding so I'm having to relearn a lot of things which could be part of the problems I'm having.

    Anyway, here is the problem I'm experiencing with the merged esp: I use the wonderful Merged Plugins tool by matortheeternal. I was able to install the Merged Plugin tool, set it up to work with Mod Organizer following the modder's instructions, and merge the various armors I want to use into one esp with complete success. After I merged the various armor mods, the final product showed up in my Mod Organizer and I ticked it to activate it/enable it my game. Then I loaded up my game - a completely clean vanilla save that I'm using to test various mods before creating a character to really play with - and I used the console command to make sure that the armors were in my game, that everything was working, but not a single one of the armors I'd merged were in my game. Despite the merged esp being enabled in Mod Organizer and all the textures, meshes ect from the various armor mods being in the merged esp just like it should be none of the armors are in the game. So for some reason I'm able to merge the armors, successfully use the merge plugin tool, but I can't get them to actually show up in the game. I also posted this issue on the merged plugin tools comments, but I have yet to receive a response. If anyone could provide me with any help or suggestions in this matter I would greatly appreciate it.

    The other problem I'm experiencing is that the warpaints on my character are looking pixelated and some are not looking pixelated exactly, but as though they're only partially showing or faded. I have SKSE installed and I have iTintTextureResolution=2048 installed in my skse.ini. The skse,ini is located in the SKSE folder in Skyrim Data. I also have Diamonized UNP as a base installed along with Mature Skin and I have a couple warpaint mods installed such as Battle Hardened Warpaints. For some reason, some of the warpaints appear to look how they should, like the skse tweak is working, but the majority of them look horrible. It would make more sense to me if they all looked crappy, but when some look good I can't figure out what's going on. I'll upload a few links to screenshots I've taken to show you exactly what I'm talking about.





    Link to one of the images with pixelated/partially faded warpaint:




    Link to the 2nd photo with pixelated/partially faded warpaint:




    Link to a photo with warpaint that appears to be high quality and look good:





    I want to thank you all in advance for taking the time to read my post and for any help that you can provide with the issues I'm having. Of course if you need any additional information or data, please don't hesitate to ask me and I'll gladly provide you with whatever you require. Thank you again.


    EDIT/UPDATE: I was able to fix the problem I was having with the warpaints by installing a wonderful mod called Vanilla Warpaints Absolution. Either that mod took care of my problem or the warpaints just happened to get fixed after I installed it by sheer coincidence. Either way, that problem is taken care of. But I'm still at a complete loss as to how to fix the issue I'm having with the Merged Plugin Tool. I have posted a brand new/updated topic to ask for help solely with that problem.

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