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Everything posted by Gwidz

  1. Thank you both a ton for your replies! @Zeten: the vampire lord overhaul works awesomely, and I'm really liking calling card. Your advice on roleplaying also rocks, I've actually changed my start from choose another life fledgeling to doing the main story again because of that suggestion. @Hashar: that mod is off the chain, it adds a ton of realism to being a vampire. I wouldn't have tried it without your input, so thank you a ton.
  2. Hey all, I've probably put a good two hundred hours into Skyrim, just casually wandering around doing quests and killing people. Now, I'm looking to do a new playthrough where I roleplay a vampire fledgeling, who's forced to steal and kill in order to survive. I'm brand new to roleplaying and immersion, and I was wondering if anyone had any pointers as far as progression and gameplay go? I'd like for my character to start as chaotic neutral, and progress towards becoming evil. I don't really have any ideas for tying in dungeon crawling, the main questline, starting the dawnguard DLC, or doing dragonborn. In fact I'm not even sure how to go about normal interactions. Derp. Some things that I have figured out, however, is that breaking into homes to feed will be staple for my character, and that as his humanity fades he won't be phased by killing to pursue his own ends. In the beginning he'll flee, and later he'll fight. In terms of mods (which I'm new to), I've added SKSE, SkyUI, Stealth Skills Rebalanced, and Better Vampires to my game to make it feel fresh. I've also followed Gopher's tutorial on adding an ENB to my game, and it feels completely new -- I'm actually stoked. In addition to RPing advice, if anyone knows any nice vampire/stealth mods that would add immersion or cool mechanics, let fly! Any and all replies are greatly appreciated.
  3. Hey Forum, I'm Gwidz, and I'm a huge fan of playing Argonians in Skyrim. I've been digging around for Argonian retextures, but haven't found any that give light whites, dark blacks and deep crimson. I've attached some pictures of what Argonians can look like with more skin colour options, done up in Photoshop. http://i40.tinypic.com/2m3ocyb.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2mm8wvt.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/2z4er76.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/2u9sabm.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/25u66fd.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/10efok3.jpg Argonians are a unique race in Skyrim, in that their skin colour can be practically anything and it's still easy to fit into the Lore. It feels like wasted potential without a wider range of colours --I'd love to see more in Skyrim!
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