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  1. Homemaker has bunkers, diners, and Institute stuff. You may be able to work with that.
  2. On PC I'd have plenty of ways to fix it, including sending you the copy of the mod that I have. On Xbox however... The most I could offer is uploading it on beth.net, but the author pulled it for a reason (or so I hope), and I'd rather not do it without permission.
  3. Well, there's hope for an explanation at least.
  4. I mean, I couldn;t get it to work either. So many trials and errors, and I still don't have the S'n'B menu anywhere. Hopefully the author will reupload a new, fixed version. Although a simple "Hey, guys, this version is hella bugged so I'm gonna remove it, and upload again when it's fixed" would be common courtesy.
  5. Too bad there's no word on why exactly would the author remove it.
  6. I haven't touched anything, however the names of the language files are different, than the names of ESPs. I'll change them and see if it's going to work. Edit: Nope, still doesn't seem to work... I'm officially out of ideas.
  7. Well, the mod name in MCM is displayed as $AT, so I presume that it is the label used in the script. In Skyrim/Data/Interface/Translations/achievethat_english.txt there's a string: $AT Achieve That! So I believe it should be displayed as "Achieve That!" in the MCM. And it's in UCS-2 Little Endian. Same goes for High Heels. In theory everything should be just fine and dandy. But somehow it's broken.
  8. I verified Skyrim files via Steam, I reinstalled thise mods, but the problem is still there. In MCM, instead of Achieve That position, I got just $AT. Everything in the menu of this mod (and High Heel System) is also in the form of variable, just like the language files went missing. If that was the case - however - reinstalling the mod should've help. Any ideas, solutions?
  9. I ust say, that I' kind of dissappointed... NO HARKONNEN GUN ON NEXUS! (add soe blinking and flashing to this line) Yeah, strange, isn't it? So, the wild thought came to my mind - "make a request" - so I did. Here are some reference pics, but for best understanding of this gun I suggest watching Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate anime: 1. Action figure. Because of the size difference. The girl (Victoria Seras) is rather tiny, but, well... Neverthless, harkonnen is FRICKIN' HUGE! http://www.animeshinobi.com/anime_pvc/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/hellsing_seras_cannon.jpg 2. Some picture. To know what it's looks like from the side. http://hellsing.wdfiles.com/local--files/harkonnen/serpic.gif 3. Some guy holding something, that looks like Harkonnen replica. It's pretty good size for this gun in game. http://images.theage.com.au/2008/11/19/294107/wr_sl_weaponsamnesty-420x0.jpg Aaaaaand the vid showing the destructive force of original Harkonnen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzhSAx6MUno Edit: Hell yeah! I even found 3D mesh! http://www.the3dstudio.com/product_details.aspx?id_product=678162 For $15 "only" -.-
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