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About mcgirkke

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  1. Obviously I still have a ways to go on the cuirass, as you can see from the pics there are no textures in place besides a grey placeholder.... but here is how the curiass looks right now from a modeling perspective... still need to clean up a few clipping issues but all in all not too bad The texture work on the cuirass will not be as difficult as the helm I think, so it should be done within a week or two, real life permitting....
  2. The mod is up on Steam under The Helm of Ysgramor http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=132982838 Will get it on Nexus as soon as I can, but it will not be tonight unfortunately. Tomorrow night at the earliest.
  3. It will be in a chest in Ysgramor's tomb right next to the chest where his shield is located. So to get it 'naturally' you will need to have done the companions quest line. Otherwise as you said they can always just add it via console.
  4. textures tweaked. base helm texture was pulled directly from nordic carved helm. been messing with the normal map to reduce shininess. tentative plan is to upload it tomorrow night after finalizing the enchants and making sure the location in ysgramor's tomb where the helm will be is working. At the end of the day, I am not a texture artist and don't really plan on turning into one in the next few days so I am going to put it out there, and if someone is able to skin it or model it better then more power to them. As far as enchants go, I plan on going with ~20% magic resist (was thinking about going higher but don't want it too crazy), ~30 stam, and probably ~30 health and a base armor one or two pts higher than daedric. Pretty much want to give it some enchants on par with final tier enchants (within reason without going too far down the alchemy stacking rabbit hole), but making sure the enchants contribute to a melee warrior type. Outdoors in shadows: direct indoor light:
  5. Yeah at this point the helm will be the first thing put out as a mod. The armor is going to be a separate mod because it will require dragonborn due to using a dragonborn mesh as a starting point. My gameplan is to either repurpose the vertices in the bear head in the vanilla mesh or just make an entirely new object and just overlay the existing carved armor mesh for the shoulders.... Essentially make shoulder pads I guess. I can lift the mesh for the proper shoulders off of the statue easily enough... The trick is always in the texturing... But between than and enlarging the shin guards on the boots and putting the face from the belt on the statue onto the cuirass it might look pretty good in the end without too much fuss. As far as the texturing goes for the helm I will try to pull some more from the carved armor and its normal map, and I also think I can make some moves in the bslightingshader properties. Overall the helm is pretty close I think. Will put out another screenshot with more texture tweaks, but I will be looking to wrap the helm up in the next couple days either way. Thanks for all the feedback so far.
  6. ok starting to go a little insane... so looking for a final vote between 3 diff options.... 1 - kinda wide 2 - medium 3 - narrower
  7. narrowed it up a bit and altered the proportions of the accent pieces to reduce how prominent the background textures are Still tweaking some of the textures, but I do think the proportions of the helm are appropriate at this point
  8. more direct helm shot in better light just to show it more in close... back - i might still tweak the bottom of the back to clean it up a little more
  9. overhead showing the cloak as well - the cloak texture i repainted isn't fantastic... was pretty much a 5 minute hack job to get something in game that I could get a pic of. The flowing cape mod is awesome, though - highly recommend it.
  10. Ok helm is done and I think it looks pretty good. I have also taken the DB nordic carved armor and retextured it to look more distressed. I am going to have the helm as one file and the armor as another since the non-helm pieces will require Dragonborn DLC. Ideally at some point I will actually edit the cuirass and boot meshes to add some of the key features of the armor seen on the statue, the shoulder blade pieces and oversized shin guards.... but realistically figuring out how to unwrap that complicated cuirass mesh and re-use the existing textures and add on the handmade textures for the new parts of the armor is just going to be a pain and I don't know when that will happen, if ever. As far as stats/enchants go for the armor - I am going with mixtures of magic resist and fortify health, fortify stam, fortify health rate, fortify stam rate. Idea being that this armor is meant to create a legendary warrior that can resist Mer trickery (magic resist) and is possessed with avenging fallen kinsman. I also was aiming for a couple base points above daedric (~2 or 3) per piece. The pieces will be temperable (really hard to not have that in there regardless of canon) but not enchantable. The cloak shown in the pics is from the flowing cape add-on... just repainted the texture to throw some links on there. Getting effed by the upload limit so i will post subsequent pics in new replies.... edited to fix spelling error
  11. Yeah I agree that the dark area needs texture and the lighter design pattern up there needs to be roughed up a bit as well to match the overall old look of the helm
  12. one final pic in more direct light that shows some of the texturing contrasts of the polished and distressed areas more...
  13. Pretty much done at this point, just going to clean up a few final texture issues.... I think I like the dark look overall since the helm should be quite old and I like the contrast between the polished areas and the darker ones. I do wonder about the top of the helm detailing I put in, not sure if it makes the helm a little too busy, so I am going to marinate on it a bit...
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