textures tweaked. base helm texture was pulled directly from nordic carved helm. been messing with the normal map to reduce shininess. tentative plan is to upload it tomorrow night after finalizing the enchants and making sure the location in ysgramor's tomb where the helm will be is working. At the end of the day, I am not a texture artist and don't really plan on turning into one in the next few days so I am going to put it out there, and if someone is able to skin it or model it better then more power to them. As far as enchants go, I plan on going with ~20% magic resist (was thinking about going higher but don't want it too crazy), ~30 stam, and probably ~30 health and a base armor one or two pts higher than daedric. Pretty much want to give it some enchants on par with final tier enchants (within reason without going too far down the alchemy stacking rabbit hole), but making sure the enchants contribute to a melee warrior type. Outdoors in shadows: direct indoor light: