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About xxblazingdrumsxx

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  1. What I am proposing is a mod that allows bandanas to be worn under your character's hair instead of over it where the hair gets tied up and looks awful
  2. You have to make sure that none of the enemies see the body. Like if you kill them with a suppressed weapon and they die in front of everyone, they're gonna get alerted regardless
  3. Well that is technically exactly what the Overwatch sniper does
  4. Not sure the simplicity of achieving something like this, whether it's a matter of allowing a suppressor slot on tech weapons or editing the weapon's data to consider it silenced without any user attachment (Like the overwatch sniper)
  5. For one, it is extremely easy to create a character in the game that looks relatively how you want it to, there's really no need. Also, a character preset is hardly classified as a "mod". These presets bloating the website are drowning out all of the actual mods that *modify* the game. Please stop.
  6. So basically, you're probably aware of the Vlandian sigil that's present on those 2 armors. What sucks even more is that those are basically the best looking armors in the game IMO. But it just doesn't make sense to me that the sigil on them doesn't change to your kingdom's. I know you can kind of remove it with the enhanced banner colors by making both the background and sigil color the same but unfortunately it's still visible when you try to make it black. I'm not sure if this is something that's integrated into the textures or something that can be changed with an xml edit. If not then that really sucks because we're gonna have to wait till mod tools are released to have something as simple as proper personalized armor heraldry.
  7. So it is quite apparent that certain pieces of MOST armors don't get changed from the banner color. This includes many of the leather armors and even the "Red Tabard Over Mail". I know that this may not be possible to do at this time because there's a good chance these are in the textures and we don't have access to the modding tools yet. But I'm hoping someone has any ideas of what we can do now
  8. I'm not sure if something like this is a simple as an XML edit but I couldn't find anything in the ModuleData. Would be appreciated
  9. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but when you're in-game and geralt is just standing, his posture is a lot different from the dialogue menus. In the dialogues, his shoulders aren't back as much, giving his overall shape a much more aesthetic look. Whereas ingame, his shoulders are back and his chest is puffed up making his stomach look big and making the whole "fat armor" ordeal much worse. I would assume this mod shouldn't be too difficult to create since the dialogue idle stance is already in the game. Not sure why they didn't go with the dialogue idle stance for the ingame idle stance as well. Anyway, I lack the modding knowledge to make this happen. If you don't want to make it, a point in the right direction to make it on my own would be greatly appreciated. I'd assume it falls under the category of animation modding.
  10. I know this is an old thread but I was just looking this up. His idle stance and posture looks a lot better in the cutscenes than in-game. Makes his stomach look less big.
  11. This is the one thing that is completely ruining the game for me. There is literally nothing to do after liberating the zones. No cultists left. It becomes extremely boring. I will personally pay someone to make this mod that is how desperately this game needs it. A resistance level slider has been mentioned before by some people on this topic. Something, anything. Just a way to get the world populated with enemies again after the game forces you to liberate the zones and rid the world of all the fun. I didn't pay 60 dollars for a hunting/fishing simulator.
  12. So I was playing Skyrim and went to Whiterun and randomly found that the columns on the Warmaiden's are completely gone and parts to the roof are gone (it's basically just see through) and this happens to several other houses and some parts of the ground too where you can see right through it. Any ideas?
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