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About 63502

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    United States

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  1. I am trying to resolve the conflict between Sacrilege and Vampire Royal Armor v3 so I can have the royal crown in vampire lord form post Kindred Judgement. If I load Sacrilege first I get the crown, but all the vampire lord spells and powers other than bats and revert form disappear from the quick access menu. If I load Vampire Royal Armor v3 first, Sacrilege overwrites everything and no visible changes occur. I think the problem is that both mods edit DLC1PlayerVampireQuest and the dlc1playervampirechangescript script. Unfortunately, no amount of patching with sseedit has made a difference in the above behavior, and I have no experience in editing or patching scripts. I would be immensely appreciative of any assistance I can get in making these two mods play nice.
  2. I've been having some odd issues with adding items via console commands ever since I updated to 1170. Anything I add or placeatme will be invisible in my inventory. After testing for a while I am at a loss as to what the source could be. Everything I have found online suggests that this is an old bug from much earlier versions of the game, and I haven't found any solutions or other possible sources. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to diagnose/fix this?
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