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About skullsridge

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  1. Hello everyone. I have a rather strange issue that requires some explanation. I ran into a bug that causes my powers to be immediately used from the magic menu, without activating them with my spell/shout key in-game. The result of this in-menu activation causes the power used to become greyed out, deselected, and unusable for some time. This sounds like how Major Powers work, but here's the problem: this affects every power even Lesser Powers meant to be used multiple times, and even Lesser Powers tied to mods. This is especially concerning for mods like Undeath, wherein this bug, deselecting Assume Lich Form power, prevents me from changing back. After some digging, I discovered the culprit was not, in fact, a result of mods, but Dragon Aspect. See, I had activated it in a recent fight, and since then this bug has persisted across all saves; no matter how far back I load, all powers are treated as Major Powers, by activating Dragon Aspect once. Dragon Aspect unblockers rescind the major power status on the shout itself, but not modded powers, and thus, the bug persists. While yes, I am very much aware Dragon Aspect shouldn't cause this issue, in theory, this is supposedly a semi-documented bug, and I can trace the bug's presence only after using the shout, not before. Archive Invalidation has proven unsuccessful, and SSE Engine Fixes is updated to the current version. At this point, I'm running low on options to resolve this problem. Any and all advice given would be greatly appreciated. If you require my mods list, I'm willing to provide it, but this appears to be an issue endemic to the game itself. All the same, I will provide a list, if necessary. Thank you all for your assistance and time. Edit: It is possible that, given the nature of automatically using powers from the menu, and nothing else, this may be an issue with Grimy utilities, except I have not touched or tampered with it; I've had this mod installed for years, and this bug has never happened before. I'm certain that the dragon aspect shout is behind this, but I am open to alternative possibilities. No other spell mods have been recently installed. EDIT 2: Disregard the topic header, I found my culprit: Goddang Spellsiphon decided to sporadically start messing with my powers. I think one of its obscure functions is to automatically use powers from the menu, then "re-equip" itself. The end result ends up breaking certain mod spells. Disabling fixed it, so I know that was it. My apologies for wasting your valuable time. I'd delete the thread, if I could, but alas. For anyone stumbling in with similar problems: try disabling Spellsiphon if you are experiencing any bugs related to powers. Its options menu is archaic, and has functions that are finnicky, and easy to forget about.
  2. So, yeah, this one is a toughie, y'all. I can enter/load Windhelm just fine from any entrance, but the moment my game saves in or near Windhelm, my game crashes to the desktop. I'm utterly confounded by this new development, as this is something entirely new, with no mods (outside of 3DNPCs and mesh enhancer) directly touching Windhelm. All other cities and locations are totally safe to save in, and Windhelm loads in just fine, it's just saving inside or near the city is the issue. Before I post my mod order, I want to stress I am using SKSE and engine fixes, which would be the most obvious solutions to this problem, but clearly, they aren't enough. Le mod order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm 6 6 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 8 8 OSA.esm 9 9 ApachiiHair.esm 10 a ApachiiHairFemales.esm 11 b ApachiiHairMales.esm 12 c FISS.esp 13 d Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 14 e Campfire.esm 15 f EnhancedAIFramework.esm 16 10 OrganicFactions.esm 17 11 FlowerGirls SE.esm 18 12 SkyUI_SE.esp 19 13 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 20 14 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 21 15 Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp 22 16 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 23 17 3DNPC.esp 24 18 Cutting Room Floor.esp 25 19 CinematicFireFX.esp 26 1a Undeath.esp 27 1b Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp254 FE 0 AnimatedEatingReduxTableBenchPatch.esp 28 1c VanillaOptimized.esp 29 1d iHUD.esp 30 1e FNIS.esp 31 1f Dark Face Bug Fix.esp 32 20 HumanEnemyDrops.esp 33 21 Diversity - An NPC Overhaul.esp 34 22 LeatherBackpackStraps-None.esp 35 23 Skysan_Stalhrim.esp 36 24 MannequinStayPut.esp 37 25 Footprints.esp 38 26 loadscreensarcasmDLC.esp 39 27 loadscreentextsextrasass.esp 40 28 Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 41 29 Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.esp 42 2a Improved Eyes Skyrim - Serana.esp 43 2b Vampire Royal Armor v3.esp 44 2c Better Miraak's Sword.esp 45 2d ApocryphaSpellTomes.esp 46 2e Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Reduced Reverb.esp 47 2f hmkLockOn.esp 48 30 iNeed.esp 49 31 iNeed - Extended.esp 50 32 Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp 51 33 OrganicFactionsExtension.esp 52 34 skyBirds_SSE.esp 53 35 OMEGA Populated.esp 54 36 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp 55 37 Potion of Ultimate Leveling.esp 56 38 Insignificant Object Remover.esp 57 39 Spells Emit Light - Dim.esp 58 3a TKDodge.esp 59 3b 20 More Perk Points.esp 60 3c AMatterOfTime.esp 61 3d SkyHUD.esp 62 3e Point The Way.esp 63 3f Aurlyn.esp 64 40 TheScarlett.esp 65 41 Inigo.esp 66 42 konahrik_accoutrements.esp254 FE 1 Qw_3DNPC_USSEP Patch.esp 67 43 JaxonzBlinkTeleport2.esp 68 44 AurlynSerenityOverhaul.esp 69 45 NoMoreBloom.esp 70 46 NoMoreHDR.esp 71 47 CBBE.esp 72 48 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 73 49 AIMFIX.esp 74 4a Aequinoctium.esp 75 4b TrueStormsSE.esp Aequinoctium - BSBruma PATCH.esp Aequinoctium - Falskaar PATCH.esp Aequinoctium - SOSComplete PATCH.esp Aequinoctium - SOSWilds PATCH.esp 76 4c Aequinoctium - TrueStorms PATCH.esp 77 4d RaceMenu.esp 78 4e RaceMenuPlugin.esp 79 4f SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 80 50 Volkihar Knight.esp 81 51 UndeadFX.esp 82 52 SpellChargingFramework.esp 83 53 Immersive Weapons.esp 84 54 Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul.esp 85 55 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 86 56 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 87 57 ScopedBows.esp 88 58 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 89 59 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 90 5a XPMSE.esp 91 5b SOSRaceMenu.esp 92 5c UIExtensions.esp 93 5d Grimy Utilities Interface.esp 94 5e Hunterborn.esp 95 5f Frostfall.esp 96 60 SofiaFollower.esp 97 61 notice board.esp254 FE 2 Qw_SofiaFollower_USSEP Patch.esp 98 62 Mysticism.esp 99 63 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp100 64 Yashira.esp101 65 shadowscaleset.esp102 66 WetandCold.esp103 67 Hunterborn - iNeed Patch.esp104 68 Hunterborn - Campfire Patch.esp105 69 AnimatedEatingRedux.esp254 FE 3 AnimatedEating_Coffee Patch.esp106 6a TakeNotes.esp107 6b Undeath Ascension.esp Undeath Immersive Lichdom.esp108 6c Dr_Bandolier.esp109 6d NetherMage.esp110 6e Walklikeanormalperson.esp111 6f Armour_of_Yngol.esp112 70 MLU.esp113 71 Rebalanced Encounter Zones.esp114 72 ScopedBows_MLU Patch.esp115 73 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp254 FE 4 Qw_Ordinator_AOS Patch.esp116 74 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp117 75 Apocalypse - Cheat Chests.esp118 76 Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp119 77 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp120 78 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp121 79 Wildcat - Realistic Damage Plugin.esp122 7a UltimateCombat.esp123 7b ELFXEnhancer.esp124 7c elfx enhancer tweaks brighter.esp - So yeah, I'm at a loss. Knowing that I can just simply not save in Windhelm is a decent fix, for now, but I may need to save at some point in the area, and I'd rather not risk getting stuck inside an area that crashes. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thank you very much.
  3. Hello, everyone. I'm having an issue involving the game freeze after the loading screen following Anderson's briefing and delivering a speech to the Normandy squad. I have tried reloading the save adjacent to the briefing (the one in the Earth hubspace, where you can say "goodbye" to your squad, individually), I have restarted the entire mission, but the freeze persists. Here is a list of the mods I am running: Mass Effect 3 FoV ModIntuitive Controls ModCitadel Epilogue ModTali Romance ModTali RemasteredEGM - Expanded Galaxy ModME3RecalibratedIndividual Cooldowns Mod (ME1 Style)MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending ModBonus Power PacksProject VarietyPriority Earth Overhaul ModArk ModSpectre Expansion ModRespawn - Mission Overhaul I am also running ALOT, but it was installed after all previous mods were successfully installed, and all instructions followed to the letter for each one. My game freezes after the PEOM cutscene showing off all the soldiers fighting on Earth, which includes shots from the multiplayer trailer. After this cutscene, the game shows a black screen, and freezes. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thank you. Edit: I have run an ALOT game diagnostic. It says PEOM is of an unknown SFAR size, but that's the only error I get from that mod in particular. Here is the diagnostic: https://me3tweaks.com/alot/logviewer?logid=641385e2d6bbd367c786c6fd9a57d48b&type=diag Edit 2: Replaying the introductory part with protecting Hammer while destroying the Reaper AA turret has some occasional crashes as well, usually when something loads. The problem is that this particular crashing is random. Sometimes, this part goes without a hitch, sometimes it crashes after Cortez is shot down, sometimes it's after I destroy the Reaper AA, sometimes it's on the way to the roof. In addition, sometimes I'm allowed to manually save in the Earth hubspace, most times "save" is greyed out. Something about POEM is unstable on my installation, but removing it means removing triggers for MEHEM and Citadel Epilogue, which will require reinstallation, which means overwriting ALOT, which means more problems. I'd really appreciate some advice and wisdom right about now. Thank you.
  4. So, this is the second time I've made a fool of myself on the forums. I've misread a few other posts that confirm when USSEP is working. It turns out the problems I was having were because I hadn't updated another mod, SE Engine Fixes. So, I updated it, and everything works like a charm now. My sincerest apologies once more, updating SSE is far more trouble than it's worth. Thank you for your time.
  5. Greetings. I'm running into an issue where USSEP is no longer working, despite being updated to the correct version. I had to add it directly to NMM, because it's API is permanently outdated. Now, it no longer registers in game at all, despite the .esp being active and in the correct load order. I also want to emphasize that the game does read the .esp, and the files are in the data folder thanks to the "add mod" function in NMM. However, even with a fresh save on a new character, USSEP still doesn't work. I believe the greater issue is that, while the .esp is active, the game either isn't reading the attached files, or if there's some other error with the update. I'd like some help please, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Greetings everyone. I'm here to get to the bottom of a very strange issue that I'm encountering with my game, which is that the color is significantly more gray-scale than vanilla. Naturally, I assume that one of my mods is responsible for this, but I can't seem to figure out which one. I personally suspect that Obsidian Weathers is responsible for this, as it changes the lighting depending on the season, but the problem persists after its uninstallation. In that case, either some "features" of OW remained, or perhaps more likely, it is some other mod or setting entirely. I'd appreciate some help in this manner, as I'd like to use something other than Reshade to make my game look nice. Edit: so after comparing screenshots of where I am now, and my own game, I'm beginning to realize that the game just looks so naturally unsaturated in certain spaces. My apologies for wasting everyone's time. Thank you.
  7. Glad I could help, friend. A word, though: not all the textures and weapon mods work on a rare few guns, particularly those with wood grips. Those weapons being: .44 revolver, grenade launcher/rifle, and varmint rifle. Thump-Thump works, oddly enough. Also, WMX is a fickle ass, and needs to be as low as you can manage on the load order, otherwise, it just doesn't work with anything. If you have all the mods installed, I recommend manually sorting your load order from then on, as LOOT is likely to "break" WMX in a heartbeat. I just reinstalled FNV after a PC reset, plus all my mods, so everything is a little fresher in memory as to how I solved it, so message me if you have any questions, and I'll get back to you.
  8. I'm also encountering this issue. Glad to see I'm not the only one. Hopefully we'll get more info soon.
  9. I can safely say that I'm feeling a PITA already after just reading the wiki page you linked. Damn, that is frustrating, and annoying that I have to create an entirely new folder from Steam itself, then move everything there manually, and reinstall mod tools while I'm at it. I'll look into it, but I can't promise that I'll actually do it at this juncture. I'm not installing any more mods for FNV, since I got everything that I wanted to change in the game, and the only reason I would have to go through so much trouble would be so I can swap out a texture. That would be the beginning and end of it, and that is simply not a sufficient enough reason to justify that. I will remember this suggestion if there's ever another older game that I want to mod (like Fallout 3, for example, or I guess Fallout 4, if that game also has the same issue), but right now, the bug I'm running in to right now is too insignificant for such a grand task. Thank you Dubious for your continued support, I do appreciate your efforts and wisdom.
  10. Okay, so I decided that I'm not going to bother with the defaced armor crash. Since it's only one armor, and after looking at its stats and textures on GECK, I decided that it wasn't worth equipping anyway. Having said that, that brings me to another issue that I'm having with this mod: I still haven't been able to fix the outcast ranger armor texture bug, and what's going on with it is very bizarre. I've been trying to sort out the bug through GECK, and what I've found is that the upperbody alternate texture hasn't been placed in its slot. I tired placing the correct texture manually, and it does apply, until I save and close GECK. After I launch the game, the outcast texture isn't applied, and when I reopen GECK, the outcast armor shows that it hasn't been applied, instead a duplicate of the regular ranger armor is made without alternate textures and with zero users. I'm setting the correct file to active (that being ADAM Merge, which contains the custom armor), and I turned off read-only on both the regular combatranger folder, and the ADAM-outcast folder, yet still I encounter this issue. Is there some hidden step to saving texture changes in GECK that I'm unfamiliar with? Edit: Yup, it got set back to read-only. I know that moving the files out of Program Files (x86) prevents this from occurring, but I don't know how to go about doing that without messing up mod pathing to the steam version of FNV.
  11. Alright, I'll attempt your proposed solution sometime tomorrow or later, and then let you know how it goes. It's too minor of an issue to attempt file surgery on, at least for right now, when it's only one armor causing the crash thus far.
  12. I think I found the problem: the texture pathing for the defaced armor was done incorrectly. Instead of setting the textures normally, all BSSTexturePaths are set to the gore textures. I have no idea how this happened, and I'm a little inexperienced to handle this. Some advice on how to restore the proper textures would be greatly appreciated.
  13. The fix says it's for the elite riot gear, while my problem is with the defaced armor. I'll still probably download it if I encounter this bug with the elite armor once I find it, but that's not the current issue I'm having. Also, I just picked up the outcast ranger gear (which, like defaced, is also custom to the mod). That armor doesn't crash, thankfully, but the armor isn't using the right textures. Archive invalidation, once again, does nothing. It would seem something went wrong with the installation. Would it be worth just reinstalling ADAM Reborn from NMM?
  14. Greetings all, I'm encountering an issue in which the Defaced NCR armor, located in the Lucky 38, crashes upon equipping. I can wear the helmet just fine, and I can pick up and carry the armor in my inventory, but upon equipping, the game hard crashes before it is displayed on my character. I'm fully convinced this has something to do with the ADAM Reborn mod, but toggling archive invalidation did nothing to resolve the issue, and FNVEdit shows no conflicts with the defaced armor textures, so I'm at a loss as to how to resolve the issue, other than reinstall the mod, which I hesitate to do, but am not opposed to trying. The reason this concerns me is because this could indicate that other NCR armors affected by the mod may also be bugged in the same manner, but I'm unsure of that, as I haven't encountered other said armor, aside from the standard NCR ranger armor. Any advice as to how I can resolve this bug would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to see my load order, let me know, and I'll post it here. Thanks all.
  15. Okay, finally got it to work, just had to reinstall WRP and WMX plus patches in a very specific order. A tad bit frustrating but at least now I know what to do. I believe that brings my modding to a close, for now. I don't think I'll be adding anything else, aside from some minor texture updates later in the future (like Willow's Cazy hair, because I guess I'm that kind of person). Dubious, once more, with feeling, thank you very much for your time and patience in helping me through my modding escapades. I appreciate it whole heartedly, and wish you the best of luck in helping others like myself. You do great work here, and I hope you know that this forum is far better with your support than without it. Take care, Dubious, and farewell. Kindest regards, Skull
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