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About Asjure

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Thank you so much! I still really really want to work some more on this stinking thing, but life likes having other ideas. With any luck, maybe I'll find time to work on it again soon.
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Aw, thank you! Life's been good but constantly finds new ways to keep me overly busy. If it would ever knock it off, I would really love picking the mod back up. But for what it's worth, I'm not willing to give up on it just yet!
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Started working on smoothing out some of the fur and fixing those bald patches. (: The texture seams and normals are still really wonky though. I'll be messing with them more. http://i.imgur.com/UMRcff1.png http://i.imgur.com/YXxm2Tf.png http://i.imgur.com/HVZucut.png http://i.imgur.com/RZjXPBb.png
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Thank you very much. You're very welcome! Here it is: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56730/?
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Hey guys, thanks for continuing to show interest in my mod. I do still hope to finish this someday, but at this point I have no idea when that will be. However, since the adjustments to the mesh seem to work completely fine, I can go ahead and make that available for download for you all. (: I will also throw the eye and teeth textures in as well. I'm working on getting everything together and submitted right now, and will link back whenever it goes up.
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Thank you! I'm really glad you think so. (: I ended up getting fairly busy and put the mod on hold for a while, but I definitely still plan to finish it. I've been thinking that I might release the base model sometime soon, since that's more or less finished. That way people can at least start playing with the new face in the meantime, haha. I'll probably try to come out with either a texture pack or maybe some new animations after that. New body types would probably be the last feature to be added, since those would also probably take me the longest. x:
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Very belated reply, but thanks for the suggestions guys! Haven't had much of any time to mess with more mesh tweaking, but I'll experiment with both of those things when I have more time. (:
Oh, I haven't seen that one before. It's kind of similar, but the screenshots kind of make me feel like I'm looking at a strangely bloated bear. xD I think because the model was scaled up but not around the joints, so the limbs end up looking kind of weirdly puffy with sharp edges around places like the shoulders/elbows/etc. At least IMO. Thanks for pointing it out though, it's good to see the original mesh can be edited that much and still seem to work just fine in-game.
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Thanks guys! :biggrin: @Shadowjin - Oh yeah, I came across the werepanther from that mod. Didn't realize it had werewolves too, lol. Seems like it adds all kinds of crazy things actually. And yeah, definitely. The recolors I've seen either keep the half-skin half-fur thing going or else make the entire texture one solid color of fur. I'm thinking however many textures I end up doing will be based off of real wolf colors, so they would have the kind of variation you'd expect to see on their coats IRL. (: And will hopefully look less wonky than what I've currently slopped together, haha. Glad you like it so far!
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Updated with some new screenshots. More mesh tweaks, a quick and dirty temporary head texture replacer, as well as a quick normal map test. Also started redoing the eyes (with glow maps added) and played around with the teeth texture. Gums and tongue are currently maybe a bit too pink in game, so I'll probably tone that down at some point. I'm considering taking this thing into ZBrush to have a proper go at redoing the normal maps. I'm currently using a normal map plugin for Photoshop, but it's just not going to produce nearly the same result. I'm also thinking I my end up redoing the alphas on the fur planes considerably. Here's an old screenshot for progress following purposes. This is before any texture tweaking, just mesh moving. Click to see the full size! http://i.imgur.com/9G2eza1l.jpg See the rest of the screenshots here!
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I've tried Googling and searching the forums, but I haven't found a solution that works. I'm trying to rework Skyrim's werewolf model and I really don't feel like manually mirroring vertices on one side to another. I can't use the symmetry modifier because Max screws up the vertex IDs and when importing it into the game, the vertices freak out and turns the werewolf into Two-Face. I suspected it might be due to the skin modifier mirroring incorrectly, but I also tried using mirror mode to paste green bones/verts to blue bones/verts and so on, tried collapsing the symmetry stack into the editable mesh, etc. I tried a combination of the mirror modifier and instancing like the one relevant post I could find suggested, but mirroring an instanced side causes the faces to flip and become invisible. The same post also said something about skin wrapping, so I even did that after applying and collapsing a symmetry modifier and still no go. So, at this point I'm out of ideas and was wondering if anyone knew of a solution. I also heard that Max is notorious about this and that Blender apparently works fine, so I guess if all else fails I can try downloading that and working with it there.
Download Link! Far from finished, but I went ahead and made what I've done so far available for everyone who's been waiting to download it. Sorry for the wait guys! ): >> Here you go! << Intro. From the moment I first heard Skyrim was bringing back werewolves, I was thrilled. I always thought they were one of the greatest things about Morrowind and couldn't wait for their return. But when Skyrim released and my character eventually became one, I could not help but deflate and feel letdown and disappointed. I remembered how feral and wolf-like the Morrowind lycanthropes of old were, and looking at what happened to them in Skyrim, well... IMO, they just don't look very much like the way a werewolf should. I'm sure Beth meant for them to be more like a balanced human-canine cross. But their approach, again IMO, made the overall result look like a more feral 1940s Wolfman suffering from a bad case of mange. And while there are already some very nice werewolf mods out there, none of them change enough to my liking. That includes the ones that add female werewolves to the game - they still use the same head and body, just with boobs and hips added in. It's just not the same. What with getting back into Skyrim recently, I finally decided to do something about it. Features. Go big or go home, I guess. Ideally, my ultimate goal will be to redo the following: Rework the overall form into something unmistakably wolflike and feral, rather similar to this or this. (Images from here.)Create new textures, probably in a variety of fur and eye colors.Overhaul the animations. I feel that there is a lot of room for it to move more bestially, and some animations, such as the jump, look kind of silly to me.Include a female version as well.Screens. View all the images I've uploaded so far: >> Archive << Click to see the full size! (I'm in the process of redoing all my Skyrim mods, so what you see below is without any kind of ENB, lighting enhancement, etc.) http://i.imgur.com/5syucvVl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OI3GyFYl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UaOuf1Xl.jpg And here's a comparison screenshot I found off of Flickr. http://i.imgur.com/6gHxWc1l.jpg Changelog. [5.31.2013] v0.2 - More or less have the mesh in the shape that I want. Total changes so far include face, leg, and tail alterations. Started playing with eye, mouth, and face textures.[5.27.2013] v0.1 - Began working on making a better werewolf head and feet. Figured out how to get the dang thing into Skyrim correctly without random bits floating around. Misc. So anywho, this will be the thread that I will update my progress in. Any and all comments, suggestions, critiques, and whatever other feedback are welcomed and encouraged!
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I see. That stinks. Thanks though!
Tried searching for another topic like it but didn't see anything, so sorry if i missed it. Are display name changes no longer allowed? In the help topic ( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=core&module=help&do=01&HID=18 ) it says that changing your username is available, but when I go to user prefs it isn't there at all. Was the option moved someplace else that I've managed to miss, is it a premium feature, or was it just removed entirely?