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Everything posted by Zewp

  1. I just feel that this whole thing was unnecessary. Russian history is misrepresented in a videogame and suddenly thousands of russians are up in arms and having incredibly vocal protests about it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/russia-anti-gay-laws'>Russia passes anti-gay laws that actively trample all over human rights, but you barely hear a word out of the russian citizens about it. Is the second thing not a much better incident to be vocal about? It's an issue currently affecting your country and placing you in a bad light. I'd think that if I were to kick up a ruckus about something on the internet, I'd much rather kick up a fuss about the government trampling on homosexual rights than a videogame company misrepresenting historical facts. And down here in South Africa we are often portrayed as uncivilized barbarians. While I was in Europe I'd often get treated with suspicion and disdain when people found out I was South African. In the rest of the world americans are often portrayed as ignorant buffoons. Groups and nations are often portrayed in a bad light. We shouldn't necessarily accept this, but we shouldn't have giant hissy-fits about it either.
  2. One thing I'll grant FO3, it's DLC was a lot more interesting than that of NV. Most of the DLCs in NV were boring. Honest Hearts was a complete borefest from start to finish, Old World Blues was merely okay and Dead Money was pretty good, but not amazing. I didn't even bother with Lonesome Road because it simply looked boring. In FO3 both The Pitt and Point Lookout were two amazing pieces of DLC.
  3. I understand both sides of the argument and I even side slightly more with the russians here, but I'm not going to lie, they also overreacted. The way some of the russians carry on, you'd swear Relic actually murdered their family members, I don't get this. What relevance does this statement have here? None of us have an issue with non-western countries, so why make this an issue of 'russia vs the West?'
  4. Now, that is quite enough derailing for one thread. On to the actual topic. I hope the move to allow the player his own racial choice means that like in DA:O, the player is free to create his own character, unlike DA2 where the character and his story were predetermined.
  5. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're the one aggregating the news in a single thread, right? So why are you acting like we owe it to you to post in your thread? The onus for collecting and compiling all the info in a single thread lies on you, not on anybody else. If I find a new piece of news, I'll create a thread on it if I wish to discuss it and I deem it discussion-worthy. You are then more than welcome to lift that piece of info from my thread and add it to your aggregation thread. Please do not, however, give out commands on when, where and how we are allowed to post DA3 information. Your commands do not form part of the forum's ToS. My point stands; it is difficult and cumbersome to have discussions on specific pieces of information in an aggregation thread. If we want to discuss specific things, it is easier for us to create threads for those specific pieces of information we would like to discuss.
  6. I'd prefer people didn't. If there are separate threads for the various pieces of info, it makes discussion a lot easier. Discussion becomes nearly impossible in a single thread where people are all trying to discuss different pieces of information at the same time. You're more than welcome to have an information aggregation thread, but there's nothing wrong with having separate threads either.
  7. I'm going to have to call into question the legitimacy of that site. Why would Valve, a US-based company, register a Russian domain for their new game?
  8. I actually thought that NV had a lot more interesting things and places to find, but you ad to go looking for them and they were easy to miss. In FO3 everything was basically thrown at you so it was hard to miss much. That said, I enjoyed picking through the ruins of DC and the metro tunnels a lot in FO3.
  9. NV had a bit of a bland story, but it was an improvement over FO3 in every single way. By far the superior game as well as by far the superior RPG.
  10. I do get where he's coming from, though. As far as image verification goes, Captcha is one of the absolute worst. Sometimes you have to refresh their images multiple times in order to find something decipherable.
  11. I'm a homosexual man, but I'll probably still end up watching the movie. I find the things he says deplorable, but his works are pretty good. Sadly, his views are just a product of the times we live in. Out of curiosity, how many of you here enjoy Lovecraft's works? How many of you are also aware that he was disgustingly racist? I recently came across a poem of his in which he said god created man, and then satan tried to create a beast in man's image, which then turned out to be black people. He didn't say it in such kind language either. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it, but unfortunately those were the views people held at that time. Now we look back on people like Lovecraft and we shake our heads in disbelief that someone could think something like that, so I think in 50 or a hundred years' time I think people are going to look back and shake their heads in disbelief that people could be so homophobic.
  12. Are you really going to try and convince me a company which spent $700 million on marketing last year doesn't have the money to run a few servers? Pray tell, how old is DA and The Sims 3? DA is going on 4 years old and Sims 3 is more than 5, if I'm not mistaken? Now tell me, how many EA games released in the last 3 years have been moddable?
  13. So, back to the original thread topic, is there any hope on the horizon yet? Been trying since last week to get Skyrim Requiem downloaded, to no avail. Skyrim Nexus is basically less than useless in its current state.
  14. Hogwash. EA is a multi-billion dollar corporation. Do you really want to tell me they can't afford the measly few thousand dollar cost of running and maintaining legacy game servers? That's completely ludicrous. Regardless, we weren't talking about game servers. We were talking about being able to mod their games. If people aren't able to mod their MP games, then EA has full control over the lifespan of those games. Have fun trying to play BF3 once BF4 hits. If the whole thing really was just because they can't afford to run servers for the game, they would have at least included a LAN option so that BF3 MP doesn't effectively become useless to consumers once BF4 hits. EA wants you to buy their new game and they'll do anything in their power to do so. If that means essentially making your old game defunct, then so be it.
  15. It's not just limited to that, though. EA also dislikes modding because it takes control of a game's lifespan out of their hands. Look at BF2, it still has a pretty big community of players, because mods kept the game alive. Now take BF3, which doesn't allow modding at all. What's going to happen when BF4 releases? BF3 MP is simply going to die out. There's no reason to stick with BF3, so then everyone just moves over to BF4. It's an easy way for EA to ensure people buy the new game in the franchise. They simply reduce the incentive of sticking with the old game.
  16. Wow. It's horrendously slow again today. I'm trying to download Requiem, but it's an effort in futility. 15 minutes and still not even close to downloading it. Loading the mod page itself took me about 5 minutes alone, and I'm still waiting for the Files tab to open, which at this point seems like it's not going to happen. Skyrim Nexus has become completely unusable for me due to these issues lately. I would gladly get my Skyrim mods elsewhere, but it seems some mods are hosted exclusively on the Nexus. :(
  17. My expenditure is significantly lower this year than it was last year. So far I've only bought Expeditions Conquistador, the Tomb Raider Collection, some Magicka DLC and Castle Crashers. I set a rule for myself this time around. If I don't think I'm going to have time to play a game before the winter sale comes around, I'll hold off and buy it on the winter sale. It's no use buying games I'll only have time to play after they've gone on sale again.
  18. I agree. ARPGs like Borderlands which have such a strong focus on loot should really have personalised loot drops.
  19. I agree with pretty much everything you said. Especially on combat difficulty. Combat is way too easy, meaning combat encounters are often more tedious than they are engaging. The class differences are very good, though. In many other MMOs classes of a certain type (melee, ranged, magic) often play very similarly, whereas in Neverwinter each class is a very unique experience.
  20. I was very strongly considering the Season pass, but the problem is that in the 4 months I've had Borderlands 2, I haven't played past the first area. I find the game slightly boring, for some reason. There is, but it's something high so most of us shouldn't reach it. I'm not sure what exactly the base limit is, but for every level you gain in Steam your friends limit is increased by 5. The whole thing is a bit silly, if you ask me.
  21. Do you actually own it, or did Steam just randomly download it? You can verify ownership by just right-clicking on the game in your list and then choosing properties, then just open the DLC tab. Either way, they'll probably still get back to you. I think they're just absolutely swamped with support tickets during their sales. On another note, holy cow! The entire Tomb Raider series for $17? Yes please. That's one of the best deals in this sale, imo.
  22. Damn, still nothing I especially want. Only thing I've got my eye on is Expeditions Conquistador, but I'll hold off for later during the sale. Edit: To counter Vagrant0, I would highly recommend Rogue Legacy. I've sunk over 20 hours into it already. For a rogue-like, it's one of the best I've played in years. I'll also say that while the gameplay doesn't racidically change from one run to the next, there's enough variety to keep things fresh once you start unlocking new classes, new abilities, new runes, etc.
  23. Windows key + R > type 'msconfig' > go to the Startup tab > Uncheck Steam.exe > Win! Also, Valve seems to have fixed offline mode. For the last few months if my internet dies I can launch it in offline mode without any problems. I no longer have to be online to go into offline mode. uPlay, on the other hand, can go die in a fire. It somehow 'forgot' I own both Splinter Cell Conviction and Far Cry 3, meaning I can't play either. Same here. I go into msconfig about once a month to check for unnecessary programs during startup. I hate programs starting up when I boot my computer. I'll launch those programs when I need them. I don't need them slowing down my bootup.
  24. I didn't even know Dark Messiah had modding tools released at all. It was a pretty ace game so you'd expect people to mod it, even if the tools were late.
  25. I tried it. It looks like it has potential, but it is incredibly unpolished. I have to admit, though, the combat is probably the best part of the game. The quests are pretty generic 'kill x' 'fetch y' quests. The story itself is okay, but overall I'd say wait for it to exit beta before you try it or if you're still enjoying GW2, rather stick to playing that. I really haven't seen a beta this unpolished in a long time.
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