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About TaiGeXMark

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  1. Thank you very much, downloading now :D
  2. Hey guys, my name is Mark. I've always loved Skyrim from the day it came out. I bought it yesterday for the computer, and I still love it :D Hmm, a little about myself; I'm 17, soon to be 18 in June, enjoy playing a wide variety of games from Skyrim to DOTA 2, league of Legends to Minecraft of sorts. Gaming is such an amazing world :) Career wise, I'm a professional soldier in the British Army. Mainly how I make my money and stay on top of my fitness. Currently on leave until the 17th where I will go and do more training. Well, that's me in a nutshell :D
  3. Hey forum! I just created an account, and also bought Skyrim for the third time. Twice on the Xbox, but now I finally bought some new parts for my computer and can run Skyrim, so I bought it for the PC via Steam. I was looking around, and couldn't really find my way to a high texture mod for Skyrim. I remember seeing a few screenshots a couple months back of Skyrim with ultra high texture mods, and I was actually stunned at it. It said he was using quite a lot of mods, but I can't seem to find a place they are located. Any help please? Also, what mods would you recommend for me? Thanks!
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