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Nexus Mods Profile

About KelGreen

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  1. hi there, the default game path is: C:/ WindowsApps/ Microsoft.Dayton_1.3368.2.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe/ StateOfDecay2/ but you will need to unlock permission before entering the folder. (you can use an automatic tool like TakeOwnership, to gain access.) And the directory for saves and ini/config files: C:/ Users/ USERNAME / AppData / Local / Packages / Microsoft.Dayton_8wekyb3d8bbwe / LocalState / StateOfDecay2 / Saved / Config / UWP /
  2. hey guys and gals! look at that, this is the guy who used a reshade/sweetFX in his State of Decay2 short gameplay... the coloration and sharpness makes it look freaking nice and realistic, this is how state of decay 2 should look! Check it out! ​
  3. +1 for that idea! seriously, having a larger survivor limit would be awesomely game-changing.. State of Decay is the kinda game made to grow communities. Hopefully, when modding gets a 'boost', we will be able to edit the script to achieve this goal, but theres possibilities that the limit was set in the engine..
  4. hi! not sure if you are still seeking help, but you may wanna try the Community Editing Tool by Kai Heilos. Maybe you can tweak or find a way, to edit this specific NPC, or if she is recruitable, you can probably edit it in this tool. Have fun!
  5. Undead labs said they dont want to actively support modding, but they dont intend to prevent it either and that it will up to the community..so lets make it happen, right here. I am testing lots of tweaks lately and for now i got 2 goals: - Mods folder: Allowing a custom folder to be read by the game when the exe is launched, allowing custom archives/files to be read as if it where the original ones. - SweetFX: Fixing the crashes that occurs when using reshade or sweetfx (with a custom folder and fake shortcut to the exe of the game, and placing sweetfx AND directx10 files into the same custom folder..) -i need help!- i need help, i am looking for people with good knowledge in modding or/and in uwp's permission tweaks etc.. Contact me if you think you can bring some good help and want to be in the team. Post here EVERY ideas you guys have to make modding work! Every ideas counts! lets take multiple roads until we find the one that will bring me to our destination.
  6. well, they dont want to prevent modding, but they also dont want to actively support it, so, no official tools, AND, the real reason why its slow: UWP.. Microsoft locked it tight.. its soon about to change. dont get your hopes to high since it may still take time, but, if everything works good, it should be soon. but i need help, wich i am seeking around the web lately. Heres the 'mods' i want to put priority: - sweetFX (almost working after redirecting a fake shortcut of the exe in a custom folder with sweetfx files and directx10 files etc.. , and someone on youtube was able to use reshade but crashed after a while..) - removing the survivors picture appearing each time the survivors speak or interact with someone. - stop showing the icons above lootables. As of now i am looking for testers and for help in general because as of now, i feel like i am testing tons of mixed stuff and it ends up being a tornado of ideas to the point that i feel lost and close all windows for the day withtou being sure what i tried and what i didnt.
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