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Everything posted by Yzangard

  1. The solution would be what Witcher 3 EE provides : no level anymore, just some stats that barely enhance your power but nothing crazy. A bullet in the head is still a bullet in the head, it should insta kill you or your target, or it is armored in some way and may require 2 or 3 bullets but not like it is right now, having to empty 3 full clips just to make 30% dmg...pointless and removes all fun.
  2. Exactly what I asked some time ago, or all those reshade presets, just spamming the mod category with something that is not a mod, just a preset.
  3. Yeah but I realise any filter solution will be based on author correct tagging, which is far from being perfect most of the time, so I just have to filter them by hand. Sad, cause those character preset or reshade stuff is plain useless for me, problem is those are 90% of "mods" that are listed...
  4. Hello all, Like many of us I am waiting for some kind of mods (for example a develling or much more realistic bullets) but all I can see are those useless reshade or character creation templates I really don't care about....is there a way to filter those ?
  5. imho hard mode should make enemies detect you faster and better aim or maybe more enemies for the same place but even in easy mode, a single bullet in the head should kill the player, plain and simple.
  6. you would be killed with a single bullet as well, or maybe 2 or 3, not much. Game would be MUCH harder actually. Playing harder would be to get more implants, more modifications so you could survive some places you couldn't without those mods. Did you try Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition ? WAY harder than vanilla and way more enjoyable actually, skills would be player's ones, not just based on stupid mechanics that prevents immersion.
  7. This is more or less what I request as develling, make every "human" the same level as the player and only allow some of them to resist a bit more due to their implants, not their level. Emptying a full clip just to make 25% damage is retarded to the last degree...
  8. Hello all, I don't know if it is possible in this game but I would something like Witcher 33 EE did, I mean remove all the levels in game. Regards
  9. Many ppl read this but nobody replied, so either nobody knows, either nobody cares...well, in fact I have a beginning of answer. My problem was those IDs out of nowhere, I searched every single file and found nothing...for a good reason : it is just "calculated" with the encoder, in fact the original csv file used to create the menu is in plain text BUT once you encode it, it uses those strange IDs... So now 2 questions : - Just why ? Why don't we use plain text and forget ? Is there any reason ? - How do you decode the file while keeping plain text in csv ? Is it even possible ?
  10. Hello all, This may have been asked several times already but couldn't find a reply (maybe I don't phrase the search request correctly, english is not my mother tongue, obviously) but can someone explain me how to create a mod menu ? I mean I know you have to create an XML file with sections related to your mod and stuff BUT where should I enter the full text strings I want my menu to show users ? I found w3string files that contains the required text but how do I link them to my XML file ? I've look into several other mods and still can't figure this out, maybe somebody could point the correct direction for this ? Regards
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