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About TheAstronomicon

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    United States
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    Baldur's Gate
  1. Of late, I'm not sure as to the cause of it, I've been getting random quests as I clear dungeons that I never accepted or signed up for. When I kill a bandit lair boss I get a quest prompt to tell a random NPC, usually a merchant, that it's been done. I'm not sure what could cause this, if anyone has any ideas I'd love to know! I apologize if this is the wrong subforum to put this.
  2. I consider bug fixes essential so obviously I'll be getting the Morrowind code fixes etc. What I mean by enhance though, I am very fond of the TES 'verse, I'm not partial to anything outlandish or outright out of 'verse content, I'm incredibly fond of what I would call Vanilla+1; content based on the lore of the game and setting (as of the time of the game) things that feel like they could've been there all along, basically? I will certainly check the hottest files, and I'll give those links a look too. Thanks y'all.
  3. I only got Morrowind two years ago on a Steam sale, I admit this. I missed it for Xbox, I've never played it seriously until literally last night and only then to the end of the tutorial; I would like some serious, non-trolling advice to enhance my Morrowind experience. I'd like the opinions of a few old guardians of the glories of Resdayn to point the way. So... help?
  4. What I took away from this half hour long rant is that like myself your first TES was Oblivion rather than Morrowind or Skyrim and as such your nostalgia filter is Oblivion-based instead of Morrowind or Skyrim based.
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